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Judge blasts acquitted reservists

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Bzzliteyr said:
What frustrates me the most is that they were just newly graduated and in my eyes aren't even "soldiers" yet though they managed to tarnish the reputation of the whole CF.

I would think a non-renewal of contract would be a great idea for these young gentleman.

Nor will they be soldiers, not that the public will seperate Naval Reservists from Reg Force soldiers.  Regardless, members of the CF just the same.

The three naval reservists had just completed basic military training at CFB Borden, north of Toronto, the day before they took in a Blue Jays game and headed to the Entertainment District.

They were from NRTD.
George Wallace said:
Not everyone has an Outlook account.

It's increasingly uncommon, especially in NAVRES, for people not to have them. I reckon guys who have been in for a couple of years would have an account. But you could be right.

Eye In The Sky said:
Nor will they be soldiers, not that the public will separate Naval Reservists from Reg Force soldiers.  Regardless, members of the CF just the same.

I sure hope no one rises to that bait. It smells rancid.
We as members of the CF are held to a higher standard and so we should be. We are the defenders of rights and liberties for all Canadians. These men were accorded due process and a jury acquitted them. They were presented with all the evidence and facts and decided the 3 members be free to leave. That should be the end of it, let them soldier on.
If you read the article(s), you'd know they aren't part of the army.  I am not sure what sailors say in place of "soldier on", one of our Naval folks can tell us the Navy equivalent I am sure.
PMedMoe said:
I'm sure the judge makes them, they just aren't as "newsworthy".

Thats what I meant, these lectures aren't reported as much. I just worded it poorly.

Nor will they be soldiers, not that the public will seperate Naval Reservists from Reg Force soldiers.  Regardless, members of the CF just the same.

You don't need to be a trained infantryman to know how to hurt someone. The media uses the term 'soldier' for anyone wearing a CF uniform, hence why these three naval reservists were referred to as such. I don't see what their status or what environment they are in has to do with what happened.

I apologize.. I posted half asleep and forgot to take into account that they were found "not guilty".  I had read about this article prior to today and my statements should have actually been made before the verdict was rendered, as I truly felt that if they were guilty they should not have been retained in the CF.

My comments are in err, I apologize again.
Piper said:
You don't need to be a trained infantryman to know how to hurt someone. The media uses the term 'soldier' for anyone wearing a CF uniform, hence why these three naval reservists were referred to as such. I don't see what their status or what environment they are in has to do with what happened.

They also call a M113 a tank, but thats not right either.

The media is calling them soldiers.  They are not.  Simple. 
Since we've reached the inevitable hair-splitting stage of discussion....

The article uses both terms, "acquitted" and "found not guilty." Now, I'm not a lawyer (real, barrack-room, or TV) but I was under the impression that there were three basic decisions:
- guilty,
- not guilty, and
- acquitted.

I'd always assumed that acquitted meant 'not proven guilty,' for any number of reasons, but mostly pertaining to insufficient evidence, or doubt regarding the truth of witnesses/evidence.
I believe its 'guilty' or 'not guilty'..thats all.

...of course, in the real world, "not guilty" does not mean innocent.

Scottish Law has three possible outcomes:

Not Guilty; and
Not Proven.

(as an ex-girlfriend who was a lawyer explained when she declined to discuss the time I thought I'd seen her out with another guy)

In Canadian law, we have only Guilty or Not Guilty, though there can be shadings to both.
Eye In The Sky said:
If you read the article(s), you'd know they aren't part of the army.  I am not sure what sailors say in place of "soldier on", one of our Naval folks can tell us the Navy equivalent I am sure.

I would assume "sail on!"  ;D
Journeyman said:
I'm not sure that three naval reservists, having "just completed basic military training at CFB Borden" should be considered "trained in the disciplined application of force."

Maybe not but at 3:1 they knew enough to have the right force ratios! :)
Snakedoc said:
I would assume "sail on!"  ;D

I started saying sailor on.  Whenever I said soldier on my collegues gave me dirty looks, now they just give me weird looks, a marked improvement  ;D
Cleared Hot said:
Maybe not but at 3:1 they knew enough to have the right force ratios! :)
Based on some of the testimony, it was never 3 on 1.
Once the rumble was on, two were trying to fight while the other two were trying to break it up.
geo said:
Maybe not but at 3:1 they knew enough to have the right force ratios!  :)
Based on some of the testimony, it was never 3 on 1.
Once the rumble was on, two were trying to fight while the other two were trying to break it up.

"Humour is the tendency of particular cognitive experiences to provoke laughter and provide amusement....The majority of people are able to be amused, to laugh or smile at something funny, and thus they are considered to have a 'sense of humour'."
Funny.... people say I don't have much of a sense of humour.... which in a sense IS humorous
geo, they let you talk to "people" at work??  I thought they had you tucked away in a deep, dark corner?
ltmaverick25 said:
While I agree that is a terrible double standard to see judges speak harshly to CF members and not to other criminals.....

I don't reckon the CF are being singled out here. We don't have to cry fowl, the judge is doing his/her job. I've seen trash from all sides of life cop a verbal hiding from a decent judge.

Its the media who give the unnecessary attention to things like this IMHO.

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