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Joint Task Force 2 (JTF 2) - Canadian Special Forces

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If you really want to check my Grammar/Spelling great. I do have my Spell check on Canadian English. As for FLC. Take it as it comes! Before DND took it over in 92. The RCMP were the dudes that did the business. Most were not the JTF type. Now the standard is higher than ever. Even some of us from before would have a hard time. I inputted FLC, for one reason. I get on these forums and have civies, as said. Get some imfo and head down to Don Cherry‘s and beek off. I was in Ottawa, bad place for someone to be a POSER! I was out one night saw this dude at a bar. He had longish hair, Blk T shirt with a lil JTF2 on the chest. Khakis, a cell, pager with JTF2 in marker.
He was sitting there beeking off looking cool, to all the lil girlies. I was with my wife and friends, so a full shot would have been bad. But I walked up to him and talked a lil. He said he just got back from Bosnia. I asked him where he was. He told me he could not tell me. To make a long story short. I corner him, he said he got some imfo from Commando net, Socnet, etc. He went from I‘m cool and don‘t F$%^ with me. To OK I PEEd myself. I‘ll leave.
As for equipment, the kit used is the Iltis, Civie vehs, Airbus, Hercs, Griffon, 3 Ton trucks, etc, They do have those GMC E3500s that you see driving around and a lil James Bond stuff. Even the SAS does not drive around in look at me vehs, just old Land Rovers and Bedfords. Only fools would make a show.
:evil: :tank:
You probley have a JTF Tshirt, black cell and a pager with big JTF letters? Wear Ebay Cadpat, a maroon beret with a CAR cap badge, with garrison boots. I seen your type in Ottawa, TO, etc.

****, I gotta start selling those JTF pagers on ebay. I hear they got lots of money in Toronto!
I‘m not a big guy by any stretch of the word (theres my pun for the day). Most of the jtf guys i‘ve chatted with were actually smaller than me. It‘s almost creepy how different from the stereo-typical army look they can be. I never get to meet any army posers (just rmc cadet geeks). The only people i meet in ottawa are weirdo‘s in the washrooms at bars who tell me "Hi im your guardian angel".

Michael need a buisness partner for those pagers? We can sell genuine jtf apparel. I mean, how the heck will someone be able to check if it‘s genuine or not? Thats genius my friend.
I‘ll start off with this- I have never been there, and I was never a member (no posing).
But, I do know some guys that are there, and I have seen some outstanding soldiers not able to make "the cut".
Rian-"...Obvisouly the Canadian Govnt. knows this,as stupid as it seems to be,but they insist on funding this unit,although it is clearly half *** ."
You do not know their capabilities, you do not know what they have done, or what they can do. Why beak on about something there is no way you can know anything about?

Because they haven‘t been mentioned in a major motion picture.

nULL is right; Ghost forget the pagers, we‘ll make a JTF movie. To make sure we hit the right target audiences, half the JTF will be skateboard-riding Ninjas who flip out and kill people before wailing on their guitars. The other half will be scantily clad Chippendale dancers who hate guns and like to play with baby bunny rabbits.

We‘ll be millionaires!
**Call sign Mike Delta. A history professor by day, by night his historical texts become weapons as he uses them to close with and destroy the enemies of canada albeit in a politically correct and presentable fashion. Sadly his face needs to be blocked out during the entire movie for security reasons.**

If we made that movie we would have people around here swearing to god it‘s how the JTF really operate and experts on how deadly skateboards can be. There would be about a million web sites pop up over night. Then comes the the computer game naturally. IF theres any market to corner it‘s that one. "The JTF secretly observe kids playing their video games to see if they have the skills to pay the bills. this is the actual first step in the jtfselection process."

No more summer class B contracts for me!
Posers always come out when a big story is in the news. As some of you said, most fellas the are JTF, SEALs,etc. Are not the movie types. There are some real LOOSER also. Who are there to show off. The guy who struts around like Charlie Sheen from Navy Seals, is not the type.
Those are the ones that show up at selection and end up on the bus that night.
RJ, you maybe one of the few here, that know what I talking about. There has been Rangers, SF fellas that have failed.
I‘ve seen skateboards hurt people. Maybe I could teach the JTF2 a class on skatepark warfare.
Then comes the the computer game naturally. IF theres any market to corner it‘s that one. "The JTF secretly observe kids playing their video games to see if they have the skills to pay the bills. this is the actual first step in the jtfselection process."
We could do it as an Operation Flashpoint mod; in fact, I‘ll start writing the script for the skateboards right now. We just need to get permission from BIS to charge for the downloads - but since they are Czech Republic, there‘s really nothing they can do about it if we just sold it on CD-ROM by ebay bwa-ha-ha!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
Reminds me of a guy I knew here in the Militia. He was in the States for a few months and dropped in to the local shooting range. He let slip that he was a Calgary city policeman (when in fact, he wasn‘t). Naturally an off duty cop was quite interested to talk to a fellow cop, but was suspicious. After asking to see buddy‘s badge, buddy made up some dumbass story about how the Calgary Police weren‘t issued badges and finally had to walk out, tail between his legs, after admitting that no, he wasn‘t a policeman after all.
I agree,it‘s pretty easy to spot the posers.
I think most would agree that if you pass Ranger and pathfinder and then go JTF, you would not be leaning up against a bar with a slouch and a gut.
For those interested it is not just the craft or ability but personality. Many are fit enough and able but they out think themselves and they are gone. Not everyone has the mindset for it even if they want to do a tour. Yet, in Battalion they might excel and be G.I Joe.
Some trained overseas and did the SAS selection.

My money is on the boys any day of the week and don‘t believe the lack of equipment B.S. either.
Why don‘t you skeptics jack a plane somewhere remote and then let me know how it went?
Old School
You hit it right on the head. Some fellas did go over for SAS, Delta. Personality is the big thing. I‘m not a big fella, and had the big "I go to the Gym everyday" types laugh. But I made it through. Some of them could not pull 5 good pull ups, run the 1.5.
Any of you are thinking of trying. Be a all round
soldier. Fit, as well as a thinker.
Howdy, how y‘all doing? This is my first post so I‘m a little carefull to put down the right words to make a good first impression even though I got a feeling this is going to be a long one. Anyhow enough with the formalities, now that we‘ve been aqcuainted, onto business. I‘ve read a lotta posts and they‘ve been all pretty interesting, entertaining, funny, and educating even. Some I agree with and others no. This topic about JTF2 pops up at every bloody Canadian Army forum I swing by. Firstly I‘m just a young pup in the reserves. I recently got promoted to Cpl. and I‘ve never been overseas or done anything really exciting, outstanding, or special. I‘m not even in the combat arms for frig‘s sake even though I‘m planning on transferring to an infantry regiment sometime in the near future. Alls I‘m gonna say is that arguing over the ever enticing JTF2 is something that‘s cool and all to talk about ‘cause everyone wants to know about them; no one knows much about ‘em so we just talk and talk and talk, but so far most of what I‘ve heard online and elsewhere are rumours, assumptions, BS yadeyada...I don‘t have much advice to give as I‘m still wet behind the ears being so new into the service that all I can suggest is for those who are truly interested in JTF2, quit making up rumours or listening to them for that matter, join up, and attend a JTF2 information session. It happens every year around February when the JTF2 do their annual recruiting drive. Pick up a "Dare to be Challenged" recruiting brochure and pay close diligent attention to what the recruiting NCO and the "special operations assaulter" that he brings along with him says. Follow the power point presentation closely to the T and watch the 10 minute video. Then ask as many friggin questions as you want during the question & answer period at the end. Just go nuts! Now I‘m not saying that they will answer every one of your questions but hey at least you tried and now you‘ve at least got some answers. So instead of asking questions online from people you have no clue about just do it. Simple as that (well not that simple since recruiting takes such a bloody long time :mad: ). It‘s actually very very enticing and interesting. I‘ve already attended two. The second one I went to, which was this year, showcased a lot more. For example the video has a quick scene from selection which oddly enough was also seen on the Global National with Kevin Newman, it shows them doing parachuting (free-fall and static line), and it shows them patrolling. I liked this one a lot because it displayed a lot more about green ops than the usual black ops which was what they only seemed to show before. The Dare to be Challenged brochure also explains and shows a lot more than before as well as info about the new trade "special operations boatswain" for you Navy fellas or any one else interested. Before the brochures and video seemed to have more of a counterterrorist black ops emphasis. I liked this one more as it showed more of what they did all together especially green ops. The reason for this being that they changed COs and that the new one said that if you want more people, you‘re going to have to showcase and advertise more. At least that‘s what the recruiting NCO said. Just to give any wannabes out there an idea of just exactly how hard it is to do this type of business and what type of people they look for let‘s just say that the recruiting NCO wanted to give us more of an insight and so he mentioned the most recent selection course at that time where 30 hopefuls tried out, 6 completed the course, and 3 were selected for further training in Phase 4. He said there are just some qualities that they look for in applicants that not everyone has. It‘s not their fault it‘s just like how snipers for example are naturally more observant than others. This type of **** requires more than just braun and muscle. It‘s deeper than that. So for those wannabes that lounge around Ottawa bars that think they can impress pretty ladies with fake war stories etc., think again because a legitimate guy who just may be in the military or coming to the bar after a regular reserve parade night and knows the facts will pick you out by just observing your personality and pick you apart. Sorry about the long winded soliloquy folks. I‘ve noticed a few and I hate to suddenly barge in my first time like this and add to the number of long winded speeches but I wanted to get a message across and hopefully it made it. I‘m not going to offer anymore advice other than that. If you have been reading this far you‘ve already read too much. For all you know I could be another bull****ter spilling false information just for my own amusement. So get off your hind and take action. If you are really interested and really want answers (I‘m actually gonna borrow from the JTF2 here) remember the JTF2 motto: "Facta Non Verba" which translates into "Deeds Not Words." Thus the self explanatory message I‘m trying to relay here (this time I‘ll borrow from Nike) is: JUST FRIGGIN DO IT! ;)
Big Fella,
This has been said here many times and you are correct.
Not everyone here is just starting out on their QL3 though. For those of us who are experienced in the ways of ditch digging and pointy end down range, I think we can remember youthfull enthusiasim and the wanting to know.
There is youth here but also a few experienced souls who can help get some of them into the recruiting office.
When I was cherry, a Pathfinder badge held all sorts of wonder and **** if you just about have to die to get one. Ranger, Marine Sniper (U.S),etc... are all courses that seemed pretty far off for me in basic. All I am saying is understand the youthfull enthusiasim and direct it. Yes most of these questions have no answers or are even silly but I remember being young and full of P&V.
I too have said just go do it and you will know but sometimes the JTF is a great recruiter for other trades. Yeah! Black Gucci kit but they end up in a very different but needed trade.
If it wasn‘t for Logwogs we would shoot blanks at the sharp end etc...
There will always be questions and posers alike. I find the questions easier to handle even if they go unanswered.
Old School,

You pretty much nailed that one, Warrant. I‘ll have to agree with you. When I joined at the wee age of 16 I too heard all sorts of things and I just wanted to know know more. After basic yeah I was still like that. I was and am young dumb and full of you know what. Like I said I‘m just a young pup - a whole 2 decades old and I‘m still full of enthusiasm for the JTF2, the Patrol Pathfinder Course, Basic Parachute Course, Basic Mountain Ops Course, even a basic recce course seems a far ways away for me. I‘m not even in the infantry yet! Heck, even infantry QL3 seems far right now! In fact I would say it is these very challenges that have inspired me to decide to transfer to the reg force. It was looking forward to that type of challenge and action offered by those courses that drove me to sign the dotted line 31/2 years ago. As for wanting to know about the unknown it is only human nature to question. In fact after attending the JTF2 info session in 2002 I still wasn‘t totally informed about what I wanted to know. I felt the JTF2 was ridiculously secret even to members of the military! It was the info session of 2003 that did it for me. After that pretty much most of what I really wanted to know about the JTF2 was answered there. There are still things I had forgotten to ask at the end and I am still wondering about them but that‘ll have to wait till next year. But I definitely know a lot more now so I don‘t question as much. However I understand how many others will ask questions because they don‘t know. The JTF2 is definitely an attraction to joining the Canadian Army as is I guess the Blue Angels is an attraction to become a US Naval Aviator, or the SEALs to join the US Navy, etc. I‘m definitely on side with you for this one. Thanks for clearing things up Warrant.
Good luck to you and I hope you had as much fun as I did. You will find yourself in many situations where you are at your limit and that is the thrill. Going past it and making new limits.
Yeah that was a good book, but a week after i read it i was shopping in Maine and saw another book about delta force where the author was also claiming to be the commanding officer of delta force. Either they commanded at different times or there is a big load of BS going on :p

But yeah i thought it was funny that the one guy jumped out of the plane or whatever in a free fall stance, because he thought they were airborne, and then later they asked him what he was doing with out a parachute *laugh*.

im really into these non-fiction war books my collection is as follows:

Black Hawk Down
Enemy At the Gates
Delta Force
Band Of Brothers
In Harms Way

(i need more!!!)
I read a book between 10-15 years ago about a grunts experience in Vietnam. The main character was the M-60 gunner in his squad. I belive it was simply called "Soldier". It was an awesome book, very descriptive, even my friends who weren‘t big into war stories thought it was cool. I‘d like to read it again, but I haven‘t seen it anywhere since I read it the first time.