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Best of luck :) From what I've read this has been a long process. I bet you let a huge sigh of relief out then started a huge "cloud-nine" like high. I can't wait do get the whole process done  :camo: Again good luck  :salute:
Kmess said:
Best of luck :) From what I've read this has been a long process. I bet you let a huge sigh of relief out then started a huge "cloud-nine" like high. I can't wait do get the whole process done  :camo: Again good luck  :salute:

Oh, very much.  Thank you...  heh, now I'm reeling from the fact that after waiting like half my life, this is finally happening.  Also, that I'm really going to be doing this.  It's very surreal and time is just flying by.  Good luck in your process too!  :D
Lil_T said:
Oh, very much.  Thank you...  heh, now I'm reeling from the fact that after waiting like half my life, this is finally happening.  Also, that I'm really going to be doing this.  It's very surreal and time is just flying by.  Good luck in your process too!  :D

Thank you very much
Just got back from my swearing in ceremony.  There was one other woman there.. and I am confident in saying I was definitely NOT the oldest person there.  :D  12 more days!! 

R0270E - here I come
Congratulations, Lil T.  :yellow:
thanks Moe & Mike..  it's going to be an interesting experience for sure.

Best of luck and keep your powder dry!! Keep in touch as we would like to hear how things are going for you.


Congrats...you are never too old to join, providing you meet all the requirements. I was 35 when I joined, but have a body of a 20yr old.

The oldest guy on our platoon was 42 and was going armour.
thanks - now it's just a matter of kicking back and waiting, working out and paperwork.  Oh and celebrating with my friends.  I'm just kicking myself now because I definitely should have done this AGES ago.
I believe in destiny personally, and everything happens for a reason at the right time. Just make sure going in there and give it that never die attitude. Half our platoon was gone by the end of it all, and 95% of those were young ones in their 20s
yeah - it seems like it was always the wrong time, or I lacked the infrastructure to help me pursue my goals.  Now, everything has fallen into place and the only thing that can stop me now is me.  I hope I can cope well with being away from the kids and husband.
Congrats, and dont worry about the complaining part.  In case you havent noticed, everyone around here complains, and so does everyone else in the military.  I wouldnt recognize this place if we all stopped complaining :D
ltmaverick25 said:
Congrats, and dont worry about the complaining part.  In case you havent noticed, everyone around here complains, and so does everyone else in the military.  I wouldnt recognize this place if we all stopped complaining :D

bahahahaha!!!! 'tis true my friend, tis true.
Congrats, Lil_T!!

You are a good inspiration for us, older candidates in the process of joining the CF.

I wish you the best in your new career!
well thank you Antoine ;D

good luck to you as well in your process.
so um yeah... nerves have set in.  Leaving in 4 days.  Went through a couple of interesting phases, complete fear of failure last week, separation anxiety which has been coming and going this week. I'm feeling pretty positive right now. I will admit, though, that I was stressing hardcore earlier in the week - to the point where my stomach hurt.

Looking back on the last 9 months - I've come a long way.  I'm stronger and faster than I was and my endurance has increased a lot.  I actually did a 13K ruckmarch last week, with 45 pounds on my back in 2:20:00.  I know it's not as heavy as I will do later but I felt really good when I finished.  Would have attempted the full BFT but I don't think I could convince any of my girlfriends to join me, and I sure as hell can't lift the husband.  Physically I am as ready as I'm going to be.  Mentally, well, I'm just going to have to get there and I'll be fine.
Home on leave for the long weekend... which means back to the Mega tomorrow.... ahh well.

Just thought I'd pop on real quick to say hey.  Things are "going well", I guess you could say.  No real complaints here.  Staff is great - PSP folk are amazing.  Loving my job so far - despite the set back. I washed out on my Expres test first time around - totally choked.  Did all the physical prepwork... just had a bit of a mental block which I totally felt ridiculous for.  Go figure.  So I've been on WFT for a few weeks.  No big, going back to platoon as soon as a spot opens up.

Met quite a few army.ca folk.
fuzzy, mack333, the mighty W, lucasbutts, tulach ard (awesome chick by the way - love her to death), reaper, pollock, gary d in SK, and monicasmall to name a few.  some people I was surprised by and others not so much.

lots of great people, I'm just happy to be where I am.  Now that I've got my head right - let the games begin...
Thanks for the SITREP, Lil T! Good for you and the others.