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Joining the Navy - Merged

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Some people might no like this post too much especially on an army site! I was in the artillery for 4 years so I experience the ground forces and the navy (as a Naval weapons tech for 11 years). So I think I can say that I experience 2 side of the national defense. And the 3 one should also be mention... the air force. All of them have their advantages and disavantages.
Army; bad back, knee, anckle, away from familly, DISCIPLINE
Navy: same as above but with less discipline
Air force: what to say about them..........

What I am trying to say is when you go at the recruit center, the choice is yours. You can pick the element that you want (if it‘s open) and the trade (also if it‘s open) But think on a long terms. You might still be young and all primed on running in the woods and training all days but in 20 or more years when you will retire what do you have????

After working as a Weapons tech, I realize that this is the way to go! TECH TRADE, you learn something and you can use it when you retire...I am not telling you to go to the recruit center in the morning and join the Navy, but to pick a trade that you like and that you want to do for a long time. So that‘s all for now.
Good luck and I hope this help
I joined the army as a SigOp
I love is already...and I haven‘t even really begun the training yet...I think it‘ll be useful for my hopefully future career...
Originally posted by lsnavy:
[qb] What does an airborne do when he retire??
Jungle?????? [/qb]
I‘m not retired yet... :D ... still kicking !!!
There are plenty of things a former Rifleman can do after retiring. The key is in planning. Towards the end of your career, the CF provides resources (time, money, contacts etc...) for those who wish to take courses, training etc...
Don‘t worry, I don‘t know anyone who got out after 20+ years in the Infantry who became homeless. The majority of the guys are doing very well...
I agree with you on the retirement advantages that we have in the National Defense. But as a tech trade that are offered in all the elements, I think it is way better to take one if the chance is there. When I was in the artillery, most people that were there told me to get out and take a tech trade and so far, I have no regrets. Better pay, better education and less to do when I retire... I don‘t think I will want to go back to school at 45 years old...
it depends... some army trades dont work out as well in the civie world as others..

ie- MSE Op

do you really want to do long haul when youve got a wife and two or three kids.. especially after 20 years being away from home so often?

but the choice is always up to you, and as long as you are intelligent and reasourcefull you will probabbly do fine.
Tell us what did you get to do as a navy weapons tech. Where did you travel to and how fun was it. What bases did you serve on?
As a weapons tech I ensure that all weapons systems are functional, torpedo, missile, gun, anti-missile system, sonar detection.....i do preventive and corrective maintenance on all system. I work on electric system, electronic, pneumatic, hydraulic, mechanical...I find my trade really intersesting as I rarelly do the samething. I went to losts of different country, continent... Bresil, Italie, Spain, France, Uruguay, Boston, Porto-Rico, Sweden, Danmark... etc...And it‘s really, really fun! You get pay to visit. i am based in Halifax and I went to British Columbia for 2 six months period for training. The Navy is nicer than what some people may think or imagine.!!


Nice to meet a fellow tech! even if from the navy
  Hello there guys..........can anyone tell me which Naval trades are open right now? (NCM trades actually)
Cheers all
Steve :cdn:
065, 276, 284, 285, 286, 278 are currently at real time selection which means that if you apply and are merit listed you don't wait for the next selection board to be selected.
I need some advice onthe Canadian navy, I am thinking of joining the navy, but i was told by a few former army reservists

that the canadian navy is a joke and not worth as a life long career.

That all of our ships are not sea worthy much less worth in a battle

Is this true?, please someone tel lme this isnt true and that the ships are good and navy isnt a joke

koss78a, I've read your posts and you seem to be asking a lot of questions all over the place.

You say you are 27 years old, a security guard and that you " have law and security diploma and business."

What is a law and security diploma and business?

I'm not trying to flame here, but for someone who is 27 yrs old you don't seem to be very mature. Is english your first language? Because if it is, you may have to drastically improve on it if you want a career in the military.

From reading your posts I find it hard to believe that you would qualify as a naval communicator, but then I've been surprised before.

As far as your question whether or not the navy is a joke, I'm not even going to dignify that with an answer.
Not trying to disrespect you or the military. As I am considering getting into the military.
As for my qualifications to become a naval communicator. The education is grade 10 and its on the job training.

I was asking an intelligent question about the forces as i have gotten negative feedback from other people i know who were in the reserves.

I would like you to tell me if the navy is a good place to be and why?
Are the ships good to work on and no problems


WHy do you try to be so sarcastic in your answers, as im trying to get positive feedback and in need of information.

I hope there's something that i can do to make you folks more understanding.
thank you

koss78a said:
I was asking an intelligent question about the forces as i have gotten negative feedback from other people i know who were in the reserves.

I would like you to tell me if the navy is a good place to be and why?
Are the ships good to work on and no problems

I'm not sure which part of "is the navy a joke?" you think is intelligent, but I'll try to answer your other two questions to the best of my ability. I don't have any experience yet onboard ship so perhaps a more experienced person can give you a more indepth answer in that regard.

As far as I'm concerned the navy is a great place to be. It's interesting work, you get to travel and you meet and work alongside people from all over the country who want to do something with their lives that reflects their love of this country and their sense of adventure.

If you want to know what naval communicators do, you could have just visited the online recruiting website and found out, but to make it easy for you here is the link


If you go to this link http://www.navy.forces.gc.ca/mspa_fleet/fleet_home_e.asp you can see what ships Canada has and where they are in the world.  You might also be interested to know that this is what the navy has to say about the fleet:

"The fleet is, ton for ton, as modern and capable as any fleet in the world. Our destroyers, frigates, coastal patrol vessels, submarines and supply ships are divided more or less evenly between the Atlantic and the Pacific coasts. Individual ships serve all over the world with US Battle Groups or Multinational Interdiction Forces."

koss78a said:
I hope there's something that i can do to make you folks more understanding.
thank you

You could start by doing some research.
koss78a said:
I need some advice onthe Canadian navy, I am thinking of joining the navy, but i was told by a few former army reservists

that the canadian navy is a joke and not worth as a life long career.

That all of our ships are not sea worthy much less worth in a battle

Is this true?, please someone tel lme this isnt true and that the ships are good and navy isnt a joke

Have you even gone to the official navy website or have done any of your own research? Think about it, ask your friends what actual naval experience do they have and then make the decision if their opinion is based on experience or interservice rivalry. There is so much information here Koss that will answer your questions on pay and working hours, you just have to start to look on your own.
Hi im already in the canadian army reserves. I'm still pretty young and enjoy the military life so i've decided on joining the navy. the reason i prefer joining the navy is travelling, being on the ocean and i prefer a non combat role  since my parents would have a heart attack if i ever went to afghanistan. anyways since im looking at this from a career point of view i was wondering if any of u could give me some information. im going to apply as an ncm. what types of trades would i be doing at the most basic level. what kind of job would i be doing( where would i be travelling to, what would i be doing, where is the canadian navy involved in currently) and how much money would i have made after finishing a 3-year contract, or 4-year contract. is their any enlistment bonuses, how often would i get leave. can i still be involved in  any UN missions? thanks in advance
All questions for your local CFRC.

As for what kind of trades ... well that depends on which trade you enrol under.

Your questions are all over the place and would suggest you speak to your CFRC to get most of those answered. Thiswould enable you to better specify what your questions are, enabling for them to be answered. It wouldn't hurt to Google a bit or even research these forums.
Jobs in the Navy:  http://www.recruiting.forces.gc.ca/v3/engraph/jobs/elements_en.aspx?element=1&bhcp=1

Pay Levels:

All this information was extremely simple to find, so close it might as well pop up and bite you.  Take your time, read...and read some more.
As well, seeing as you're already a member of the CF, it should be incumbent upon you to take some initiative.
After all, it's your future.


non-combat role ?

They arent called "warships" for nothin' !!!!!

While you wont be inside Afghanistan, the reality of being on a warship will look alot like combat when the "bong bongs" start to go off in the middle of the night and missiles start flying , guns start firing and then your ship gets hit .......

and once thats done...the exercise starts all over again.

One day it will be for real too
keyvan25 said:
Hi im already in the canadian army reserves. I'm still pretty young and enjoy the military life so i've decided on joining the navy. the reason i prefer joining the navy is travelling, being on the ocean and i prefer a non combat role  since my parents would have a heart attack if i ever went to afghanistan.

I am in the navy and there are NAVAL personnel deploying to Afghanistan so joining the Canadian Forces  and stating that you do not want to have a combat role is well kind of weird. There are not just infantry in Afghanistan there is almost every trade from all elements of the Canadian forces in or near Afghanistan.
When you go to your recruiting interview you will probably be asked some very pointed questions and all I can say is I hope you answer them honestly  :cdn: