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Joining The Infantry

Is our infantry a bunch of “grunts”

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • No, we have an intelligent infantry

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Some are intelligent, most are not

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • Most are intelligent, some are not

    Votes: 7 43.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
What are the most common reasons people quit the DP1 infantry course? , everything I read it seems half the class usually quits .. is it just allot more physical ? i.e. more running / longer distance ect? just curious as I am joining as infantry and just want to learn more about DP1 infantry course and why it seems so hard because all the videos I see it looks awesome and fun.

Thank you  [:)

Sorry if this is in the wrong category
coolstorybro said:
What are the most common reasons people quit the DP1 infantry course?

See also,

Infantry DP1
thanks Mike , I read that thread but not much info in it , just looking to hear peoples experiences during DP1 infantry course , so far to prepare for BMQ I have hit level 10 on beep test , run 2.4KM in 10 min - 10.20 min , 70 push up consecutively , 12-15 pull up , my weak point is sit ups because I hate them ( I think its a horrible exercise)  but can do a fair amount and will learn to like them .. I know I havent even finished BMQ yet up I am confident I will do well and want to start getting my body ready for DP1 so I can excel.

thank you :salute:
What pathway has a better chance of getting into CSOR/JTF2? Infantry Officer or Infantryman?

I know its a ways down the road for myself, but I just want to have all the information before I make my final decision. And also, I am not joining on the soul purpose of being in SF because obviously I know its a slim chance to actually get in.

Thanks for any of the information you can provide me.
Neither - or both, depending on how you look at it.  Depends on what you want to do in CANSOFCOM.

More importantly, all trades are welcome to apply for selection - and there are many trades /occupations which are part of both organizations doing a variety of roles which have little to do with the Infantry skillset, etc.

Pick the job you (believe) you will enjoy doing, as you've already noted only a few will make it to CSOR or JTF2.  Become very good at being a member of the CAF in whatever capacity you join in - then look at CANSOFCOM if everything lines up a number of years down the road.
Thanks for the details Humphrey Bogart et al.

For other prospective infantry folks:

I found the most recently published regimental journals of the PPCLI and RCR pretty good resources for a look at life in battalions.

They are also useful at seeing what a career as an officer may entail outside of battalion (from page 119 in The Patrician). Also in The Patrician from page 216 are details of where everyone is posted to. I had some acronym searching to do but it is useful to see the wide range of postings available.


I found the most recently published regimental journals of the PPCLI and RCR pretty good resources for a look at life in battalions.

See also,

Comparing the Regiments (PPCLI, RCR, and R22eR) and their bases
18 pages.
HI everyone,

I was just wondering once I get posted to a base where will I live? I am not sure how soon after DP1 I will be posted but I will still have to find a place to live and it doesn't seem like allot of time to find a place since after reading other posts you don't find out what Regiment or base you are posted to until the very end of DP1.  Do you they provide you with a shack on base until you find your own place?

Thank you!
If this is your actual posting, then no.  That's what the House Hunting Trip is for.

Welcome to the military, where houses are looked at, decided upon, and offers made within days (sometimes hours).
Dimsum said:
If this is your actual posting, then no.  That's what the House Hunting Trip is for.

Welcome to the military, where houses are looked at, decided upon, and offers made within days (sometimes hours).

Ok thank you, I was just wondering how it worked, I was just picturing getting done DP1 and then getting sent to which ever base I get posted to a few days later with no where to stay , I guess I would just have to stay at a hotel for a while until I found a place.
LND Infantry said:
Ok thank you, I was just wondering how it worked, I was just picturing getting done DP1 and then getting sent to which ever base I get posted to a few days later with no where to stay , I guess I would just have to stay at a hotel for a while until I found a place.

So you're saying after DP1 we're responsible for our own living arrangements? Perhaps I'm making assumptions from army movies but I was under the impression that they would transport all of the new Privates to their new base immediately after DP1 and you would be staying in the barracks while there.
Infant_Tree said:
So you're saying after DP1 we're responsible for our own living arrangements? Perhaps I'm making assumptions from army movies (most of which portray the US Army), but I was under the impression that they would transport all of the new Privates to their new base immediately after DP1 and you would be staying in the barracks while there.

I think you are responsible to find you're own place right after DP1, depending how soon after DP1 you may just have to spend some time in a hotel until you find a place if say you go to your base a few days after DP1 is finished as you obviously wouldn't have enough time to find a place - it looks like you start BMQ about a month before me so you should be done DP1 a month before me so you can let me know ok?  ;D

After DP1 you can move into the barracks on the base you are posted to.  It's a simple process; don't worry about it. You won't be homeless after completing your training.

If you do not have your own car, the military will provide transportation to get you from battle school your new base.
LightFighter said:
After DP1 you can move into the barracks on the base you are posted to.  It's a simple process; don't worry about it. You won't be homeless after completing your training.

Ok great thanks for the response , what I have read so far in the forum is they will let us know what base we go to at some point during DP1? do you find out which Regiment you are joining in DP1 as well or is that during BMQ?

Thank you
LND Infantry said:
Ok great thanks for the response , what I have read so far in the forum is they will let us know what base we go to at some point during DP1? do you find out which Regiment you are joining in DP1 as well or is that during BMQ?

Thank you

You will find out what battalion and regiment you are going to during DP1. You will be able to say your regimental preference during DP1 as well, but that doesn't guarantee you will get it.
LightFighter said:
You will find out what battalion and regiment you are going to during DP1. You will be able to say your regimental preference(doesn't guarantee anything).

Ok, I figured which ever battle school you got sent to would give an indication which Regiment you were going to join .. Meaford RCR or Wainwright PPCLI , guess not though.

Thanks again for the answers
LND Infantry said:
do you find out which Regiment you are joining in DP1 as well or is that during BMQ?

LND Infantry said:
Ok, I figured which ever battle school you got sent to would give an indication which Regiment you were going to join ..


Regiment choice?
OP: LND Infantry
"Anyways, what I would like to know is when do you find out which Regiment you will be joining?"
If this is in the wrong section, feel free to move it.
I've read a little about the standards expected for BMQ but could someone tell me more about the timed runs, etc that are required for being an infantry soldier?
I heard somewhere that the battle readiness test happens every other month and that it is pretty much 10 consecutive 10 minute miles with a 75lb ruck (15km).  Is this correct?  Sounds pretty intense.
What are the daily runs like in terms of distances and times expected?
Are there any other timed runs?  This is the only part that worries me haha.
Is qualification (1,2,3) with the carbine challenging?