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Johnson beheading pics are already out! Disgusting, and on a porn site yet!

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Aint nothing gonna change em, except two sunrises in one day!
OK, i think people missed my point completely, since there is another topic about this event i posted there how i felt, i am totally pissed off at these people and this event, i just wanted to know why he was looking for the pics on a porn site? it was a legitimate question i think, and i don't appreciate the abuse from Mr. Wes here on the pm forums, he is trying to act like he knows what i have and haven't been through in my life, so, i just want to say I'm sorry to those i offended by asking this lad why he was looking for a propaganda, sick, disgusting, porno linked picture, again, i had no authority or right to ask such a stupid question. I'm so sorry to every one, including those who look at porn every day,

best regard

I can't speak for this incident, but I can tell you that regarding the Berg video, I was given a link that took me to a site that, in addition to having the video, peddled porn. That was not apparent by the URL that I was given. Unless it is child porn, porn is legal (generally speaking) and  its connection to this thread is irrelevant.

McKibbon - check Mr. Allen's profile - I wouldn't classify him as a "lad". That sounds silly, coming from you.

I'm so sorry to every one, including those who look at porn every day,
  Boy, that sounds mature. Like it or not, some people choose to look at it. They are not necessarily lowlifes.

Wes already answered your question 
Thats where the link sent me
  Which is exactly what happened to me, as stated in the first paragraph.

No more sulky statements, no more mention of porn in this thread. That's my only warning. Get back on topic, everyone, please.

McKibbon - If you want to crusade against dirty pictures, open up a new thread in the "off-Topic" forum.

Thanks.  The Staff
how did i become a bad guy from, a simple question, every one entirely mis understood my..point, but anyway, i want to start from scratch OK guys, I'm not here to argue or fight, so, on topic, do you think people should get out of Saudi Arabia over the johnson event? because i think it is a horrific event of propaganda. and i seen the pics to there is however mention of porn, is this the link you were directed to Wesley?

Moderator edit: Link removed to comply with conduct guidelines
Joe you came across like you were criticizing him for being on a porn site. You didn't say "What were these pictures doing on that kind of site"   You just said, what were you doing on a porn site.

You just didn't make the point/question clear.
I've already had to step in twice on the forum and the content has already denigrated to below useless, so closed it is.
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