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John Green


Full Member
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Hey All!!
I was just wondering if anyone knows Mcpl(forgive me if he's been promoted) John Green, I believe he's a Dragoon. I think he's overseas but I haven't heard from him in ages!
Please let me know if you have any idea how he is..

25 views, no replies...come on people, please help me!!

His name is John W. Green, he's a Dragoon...and last I heard he was stationed overseas. Haven't talked to him in a long itme and I was jsut trying to get in touch...
I can show you a picture of him if it will help, just PM me!

Yes he is currently overseas, due to come home...towards Christmas.  Look him up via the DIN.
Who doesn't know Johnny Green!?!?!  PM me slim and and I'll hook you up with his details...
Bzzliteyr said:
Who doesn't know Johnny Green!?!?!   PM me slim and and I'll hook you up with his details...
That would be wrong....You contact John and give him her request.   Let him know that a teenage girl is looking for him.
NP, I was thinking this was Slim the mod under a different username.  I couldn't have helped out with any more information anyhow. I only have the pictures of him and Franko stuck in the mud.. that's about all I can give to help out!!  And that was a few years back!!
Message passed. He has your pers email address. It's up to him now....

He's pretty busy these days.    ;)

Franko, you da man.. I didn't want to have to repost the picture to hear from you.. How are things?  Did you hear the crazy news? Promotion!! I teach Leopard now!
Bzzliteyr said:
Who doesn't know Johnny Green!?!?!  PM me slim and and I'll hook you up with his details...
That's too funny! :) I even know who Johnny Green is. My Hubby is ex RCD