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job offer question


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Hello everyone,

Hopefully someone can answer my question.  I applied to the army in June 06 for 291 comm. research.  I went through the process and was granted a recruit school by-pass because of prior service.  I was at the recruiting office last week and I was told that my file is done processing, and that I have been selected for enrollment, but I have not been offered a job.  As I understand it,  in order to be selected, there has to be a job opening for you to fill.  So I was wondering what exactly is happening from the time I have been 'selected' to when I am offered a job, and what factors could delay this process.


note:  I was 'selected' in early December, and have been waiting for the offer since then.
nate said:
Hello everyone,

Hopefully someone can answer my question.  I applied to the army in June 06 for 291 comm. research.  I went through the process and was granted a recruit school by-pass because of prior service.  I was at the recruiting office last week and I was told that my file is done processing, and that I have been selected for enrollment, but I have not been offered a job.  As I understand it,  in order to be selected, there has to be a job opening for you to fill.  So I was wondering what exactly is happening from the time I have been 'selected' to when I am offered a job, and what factors could delay this process.


note:  I was 'selected' in early December, and have been waiting for the offer since then.

An offer is being prepared and when it is ready it will be presented to you.  One factor that could delay an offer is the start date of the QL3 course as if it later than there will be a later offer.
Yeah like stated the CF is backed up so possibly they accepted your file and the board that sits every 6 weeks has accepted you and is waiting to put you on a QL3. Or doing a prior learning/prior service assesment.

Good luck man im going threw the exact same thing it sucks. I wish they would throw us on OJT.

I am not sure how your CFRC works, but...mine was able to tell me the date of my file was updated by CFRG in Borden, where my file was selected for CT.  From Selections, it goes to the Offers cell.  My former MCpl CT'd into a trade that he only got a BMQ bypass for, like yourself, and it was almost a month and a half from the date he was selected, until the day the NCM Cell at the CFRC called him with the offer.  Once the Offer's cell comes up with the "offer" msg, it goes to your CFRC NCM Cell, who then call you with the "good news".  I can't comment on the timeline for my MCpl being slow/average/fast, but it does have to go thru certain channels in the system.

Factor into that equation that most of the Forces is just coming back off Christmas Block Leave and shaking the cobwebs out.  Factor into that there is "X" amount of offers for 1 cell to put out to all the CFRCs from each selection board...and so on, and so on...

For myself, I know my file was selected for CT on 08 Novemeber 06.  From there, it went to the Offers cell, who sent it to the Career Manager for posting (I am MOC qualified for my CT MOC, so go right to a posting vice courses).  Nothing has come back to my CFRC yet...

So..my advice is...you could contact CFRC to find out what date your file was selected.  It would be one more small piece of info, that won't take them much time to give you (took me 'bout 15 seconds on the phone). 

Lastly, hey, they told you your file was selected.  That, in itself is good news.  Now, don't get into any credit/legal troubles (you WILL require a higher Security Clearance level for 291 than other trades at the entry level), spent some time enjoying what you enjoy in your hometown/family/friends, etc and wait for the "good call" from your CFRC.
Thanks for all that info, but I just received the "good news" yesterday and i'm off to Kingston on 04 Feb.  The recruiting centre wasn't able to tell me a lot about the course ie; Pat, the first unclassified portion of the course, etc.  But it doesn't really matter to me, now that I have received the offer.  From what I can gather, the timeframe from when my file was selected to the offer was about 5 weeks, and that is including the Christmas block leave.  I couldn't sleep last night, too excited.

thanks for everyones information and help,

Congrats!  I have a buddy off to CFCSE 02 Feb for his POET.  He is looking forward to it, 'cause he is in PRETC in Borden right now...