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Jetstream - The Series

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dwalter said:
Discovery channel is technically an American channel isn't it? So I guess it would make sense for them to use imperial measurements.

We use mostly imperial measurments here in Canada as well......


when you get instructions in reference to DME, its never meant in Kms is it ?
dwalter said:
Discovery channel is technically an American channel isn't it? So I guess it would make sense for them to use imperial measurements.

The only things in an hourly weather report that are metric are the temperature, dew point and sea level pressure. Everything else is Imperial, wind speed in knots, visibility in statute miles, altimeter setting in inches of mercury.

In the Sea King, the only things that are metric are the temperatures as well, come to think of it, the only thing in all my previous types flown has been the temp in metric. Pressures are in psi, altimeters are in feet, speed is in knots, distance is nautical miles, etc.
Inch said:
The only things in an hourly weather report that are metric are the temperature, dew point and sea level pressure. Everything else is Imperial, wind speed in knots, visibility in statute miles, altimeter setting in inches of mercury.

In the Sea King, the only things that are metric are the temperatures as well, come to think of it, the only thing in all my previous types flown has been the temp in metric. Pressures are in psi, altimeters are in feet, speed is in knots, distance is nautical miles, etc.

I'm sorry I should have specified that's what I meant by a hybrid standard used by ICAO. They use mainly imperial measurements except temperature, but then for weather reports (As Inch said) they list visibility in statute miles where the rest of the distances are done in nautical (Curse you METARS!). When I was in Germany however all the gauges were in metric, and it confused the hell out of me. 1000 never seemed so high before hahaha.

Just so I clear things up, I'm no military pilot, but I'm sure you figured that out if you looked at my profile. I have however been flying recreationally for a few years, so I know a little bit of what I'm talking about :D
Just came upon this program on OLN, Jet Set. Looks like a RAF equivalent to Jet Stream.


Interesting similarity.  ???
Wow that does look kind of similar doesn't it? However they only get half hour episodes. Then again it is narrated by Ewen McGregor who is a cool guy. Jetstream is narrated by... The guy who narrates things on Discovery Channel! (Narrators so often sound the same).
dwalter said:
Wow that does look kind of similar doesn't it? However they only get half hour episodes. Then again it is narrated by Ewen McGregor who is a cool guy. Jetstream is narrated by... The guy who narrates things on Discovery Channel! (Narrators so often sound the same).

Would you rather have William Shatner narrate it?  ;D   ::)  Reminds me of the time he narrated some old 80s or 70s TV series that focused on first responders- I think it was called "Rescue 911".
But then again, he's narrated/provided the voiceover for a lot of films/documentaries.

Also watched the first episode of "Jet Set" on OLN last night. I'm just curious, since they didn't show any centrifuge test- would these RAF pilots  have gone through the test when they were training with Hawk trainers before? I don't remember the Thales contractor/instructor mentioning it either at the lecture at the beginning of ground school in that episode.

Ewan's brother (Ian?) is a fighter pilot, so it would seem fitting that if you're going to have a famous actor narrate might as well get someone who has some familiarity with the life.
CougarDaddy said:
Would you rather have William Shatner narrate it?  ;D 

Now there is an idea! Actually Leonard Nemoy does a lot of narration, and does it well. I'm sure Shatner would take any excuse to get out of All Bran and World of Warcraft ads :D
dwalter said:
Now there is an idea! Actually Leonard Nemoy does a lot of narration, and does it well. I'm sure Shatner would take any excuse to get out of All Bran and World of Warcraft ads :D

Not to mention priceline.com ads.  ::)
Alright folks, this is your five minute warning. It's coming on. Tear yourselves away from army.ca for an hour, and sit down in front of the T.V.

Poor Coffin, he's going to end up with the callsign "nail" if he doesn't step his game up.
airman87 said:
Poor Coffin, he's going to end up with the callsign "nail" if he doesn't step his game up.
... Pretty sure his callsign is already "Nail'n", as in Nail (in the) coffin.  ;)

After watching the show for a second time today I realized that I'm a complete idiot and I know nothing about this show! I will try committing to becoming an avid watcher of the show so I won't embarrass myself anymore.
I personally feel more sorry for "Blow" Haha, his last name was the bane of his existence, and there wasn't anything he could do about it. :P
Great episode! Those Alphajets were awesome and it was nice to see the Remembrance Day Parade too. Too bad about Capt. Coffin, where is he now?

Also, full service numbers on TV? :o  That ain't right is it?:rules:
benny88 said:
Too bad about Capt. Coffin, where is he now?

Looks like he's heading back to Moose Jaw to instruct with Capt Mike Dunning....
Looks like he's heading back to Moose Jaw to instruct with Capt Mike Dunning....

I believe Tim is in Portage on the multi course (old syllabus).
acheo said:
I believe Tim is in Portage on the multi course (old syllabus).

He WAS on the old syllabus but now he's been voluntold to instruct in Moose Jaw.
23007 said:
He WAS on the old syllabus but now he's been voluntold to instruct in Moose Jaw.

It was either that or he was going to pipe to instructor at 3 CFFTS (which was not going to happen).