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January 21st BMQ

Thanks and congrats to you as well my first choice was infantry so conratulations to the guy above me as well ...
Hello all,

I'm starting basic on the 21st of Jan as well. Vehicle Tech.

Nice to see there are a few AVS's going...that was my first choice. Only barely though, so I'm not disappointed or anything like that. Congrats to you guys for getting in, and to everyone else for that matter.

I'm coming from Guelph and I'm dying to get going!!!! I quit work way too early, figuring getting in better shape would take up more of my days....but theres really only so much PT you can do in a day without hurting yourself.

How do you know which group you'll be in? I was only given the date I'll be sworn in and the start date for basic as well as the explanation that I have to arrive on the 19th of Jan for my 21st start date.

Well if you look at the St Jean BMQ website you can sift through all the pages.  It will tell you that there are 2 platoons starting on that date as to which one your on, either they will tell you when you get there or you already know.  That is my understanding anyways.
Anyone link to the site ? .... Congratulations again everyone ... 4 weeks !!!!!!!! :salute: :salute: :salute:
Rotarygreg said:
Hello all,

I'm starting basic on the 21st of Jan as well. Vehicle Tech.

Nice to see there are a few AVS's going...that was my first choice. Only barely though, so I'm not disappointed or anything like that. Congrats to you guys for getting in, and to everyone else for that matter.

I'm coming from Guelph and I'm dying to get going!!!! I quit work way too early, figuring getting in better shape would take up more of my days....but theres really only so much PT you can do in a day without hurting yourself.

How do you know which group you'll be in? I was only given the date I'll be sworn in and the start date for basic as well as the explanation that I have to arrive on the 19th of Jan for my 21st start date.


Congrats on the selection Greg!
Look forward to meeting you on course.


Ra3 said:
I'm starting on the 21st, AVS.  I think there are two platoons set up for the 21st.  R15 and R16.

Just realized I didn't congratulate you on your offer. Sorry man.
Congrats. Good to see another AVS going!
Thank you.  Good luck to everyone, hope we all come out on top.
My welcome package gave me my platoon number (0479) which is R35, so if you've received your package sift through it and you should find it!
Looking forward to meeting you all!
thats interesting. I have not received any welcoming package. Just a few phone conversations with the CFRC. I guess I should give them a ring and make sure it hasn't been lost in the shuffle.
Hey I am already at CFLRS and I am going back on course for the 21st. Post your course code should be a R0 number and ill let you know if im with you. I have been at CFLRS for 3 months already so myself and a few others are already to help out our new platoon!
cnobbs84 said:
Hey I am already at CFLRS and I am going back on course for the 21st. Post your course code should be a R0 number and ill let you know if im with you. I have been at CFLRS for 3 months already so myself and a few others are already to help out our new platoon!

From what I have been told by the RC, I will be with R0480E (R36) platoon.
you will be on my sister platoon. I will be on R35. You got some good guys joining you.
Ra3 said:
26 more days almost there, ladies and gentlemen.
24 until we're actually there, I've been waiting since the 3rd grade for this. Dare I say it's about time?
Jebus said:
I going for infantry. Coming from Ottawa. Anyone else coming from my area??

I am also in Infantry, as well as live in Ottawa!!! I think I may be the only girl, but that's cool! I'm so excited! :salute:
I am so excited to start the BMQ! I was offered the trade of Infantry! Coming from Ottawa. I'll be pretty easy to spot I'm probably only girl in Infantry!  :salute: