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Warren12 said:
Does this apply if we've already passed the PT as a part of the application process?  I'm not sure how you could pass that during application and not make the minimum threshold test.  Obviously I plan to be in good enough shape to hit the express test on day 1 anyway.

Is there a higher PT standard you need to meet by the end?

Are you going reserve? Because reg force applicants are not fitness tested until they get to BMOQ or BMQ. The better shape you can get yourself in the better you will do on the course. Best of luck to you.
4Feathers said:
Are you going reserve? Because reg force applicants are not fitness tested until they get to BMOQ or BMQ. The better shape you can get yourself in the better you will do on the course. Best of luck to you.

Reserve, that explains the up front PT I guess.  Thanks for all replies.
4Feathers said:
Are you going reserve? Because reg force applicants are not fitness tested until they get to BMOQ or BMQ. The better shape you can get yourself in the better you will do on the course. Best of luck to you.

Very true. Also, just passing the minimum requirements on the Express test will not guarantee that you can keep up with the physical demands of the course. It is extremely rigorous, so aim for getting into the best shape you can be in, not just enough to pass the fitness test to stay in the platoon.
Be prepared to run until you vomit, then continue running until you go light headed and almost pass out.  Thats when you know you've put in enough effort.
Stirling Dyer said:
Be prepared to run until you vomit, then continue running until you go light headed and almost pass out.  Thats when you know you've put in enough effort.

Yep. It's not what you see on Basic Up, that is for sure!  On our first 5 a.m. run, 8 people out of 65 vomited. (I was not one of them, but still thought I was going to pass out and I got exempt on the Expres.)

How's your course going, Stirling? :)
At least we've only had one person puke on our stairwell landing... right before inspection. Frigging puke mop  >:(
Its 15 weeks....grad date is May 1.  I think in March or something the 'new' requirements and shorter basic comes into effect.  Someone else may have positive info though.

I've been told by my ULO that all three basic sessions starting in May are 15 weeks, and will run till August. I also heard of the new 10 week rumor from our SEM...  ???
Celticgirl said:
On our first 5 a.m. run...

I dont know if its the city-slicker yuppie in me but that sounds like fun. Yes? Could be that -30 weather you guys are getting there. May BMOQ should be warmer ;D
Hope you guys on the officer course are enjoying it so far, swinging your arms around, carrying the cc-bag and canteen, looking dapper in those grey PT outfits, hanging around the blue break area for classes.

It really is easy as long as everyone works together, failure to do that leads to disaster in your section or platoon. share the section duties amongst ya except laundry. You will find that most people would lose stuff from the mix up

When made CPC or 2IC, just do the best you can. You only have 2 written exams to do, the rest of the POs are multiple choice.
How else does BMOQ differ from Basic Up (BMQ)? Getting my official word at the end of the month, just awaiting my official date from CDA BTL. So likely I'll be doing BMOQ sometime in May from what I've been hearing around here.

PS. I'm doing a CT. Did QL2/3 Infantry WAYYYY back in '98. So I know what BMQ is. My question relates more to the portrayal of BMQ in St-Jean, Reg Force, etc.

Celticgirl said:
Yep. It's not what you see on Basic Up, that is for sure!  On our first 5 a.m. run, 8 people out of 65 vomited. (I was not one of them, but still thought I was going to pass out and I got exempt on the Expres.)

How's your course going, Stirling? :)
biosci said:
How else does BMOQ differ from Basic Up (BMQ)? Get my official word at the end of the month, just awaiting my official date from CDA BTL so likely May from what I've been hearing around here.

Well BMOQ is 15 wks and BMQ is only 13 wks. OCDTs get  more crap during training because they are expected to lead. OCDTs do get to have a room to themselves though, as suppose to the sharing in BMQ
ruckmarch said:
OCDTs get  more crap during training because they are expected to lead.

Yep, a lot more. I was surprised by how hard (and harsh) it was. After whittling down to 112 lbs over 7 weeks, I am no longer able to physically complete the course myself. Basic Up is not an accurate measure by which to gauge this course, I must say. Try Survivor-meets-Full Metal Jacket.  :blotto:  It will take me 2 months just to get caught up on sleep and gain back enough weight to be healthy again. If someone says it's an easy course, I would take those words with a huge grain of salt. Very few find it 'easy'. Those who are still there toughing it out are strong individuals, both mentally and physically, and will make awesome officers if they graduate. They will certainly have earned that commission. :salute:
aecisme said:
Is that it for you then CG?  Are you on PAT, or did you VR?

VR. I am going to reapply to the reserves next month. I think going from reg F to reserves will be better not just for me but for my family as well. My fiance and my daughter are both finding it hard with me away (and knowing I'd be away until at least October to finish AEC training had I stayed), and as I said, physically, I'm done. I've never felt so weak and broken down in my life and will need some time to recover. Mentally, I feel I had the strength to do it, but my body just couldn't get me there.  :-\
Super valiant effort Celticgirl!

Good philosophy about it, too.

Maybe now is not the best time for you but maybe at some point in the future ...

Congratulations on your engagement!

Celticgirl said:
VR. I am going to reapply to the reserves next month. I think going from reg F to reserves will be better not just for me but for my family as well. My fiance and my daughter are both finding it hard with me away (and knowing I'd be away until at least October to finish AEC training had I stayed), and as I said, physically, I'm done. I've never felt so weak and broken down in my life and will need some time to recover. Mentally, I feel I had the strength to do it, but my body just couldn't get me there.  :-\

The good news is on the reserve side of things you can do a decent portion of this on a weekend basis.  That will certainly make it easier on the family side of things.  It should also help the weight issue to as its not all at once.  Once you are done your BMOQ on the reserve side you can always CT to the reg force AEC then.  They wont make you redo BOMQ if you already have it done in the reserves.

I am curious about the weight loss issue though.  Its usually normal to lose some weight of course as you are working way harder physically then normal.  Were you eating regularly, ie 3 per day ect... Were some people on the course skipping meals to gain more time for other tasks? 

Good luck with the new approach, dont give up on it though, once that BOMQ is done, everything changes for the better, MUCH better, especially if you are not in the army (army guys have to do CAP, and their trades training can be just as tough).
biosci said:
How else does BMOQ differ from Basic Up (BMQ)? Getting my official word at the end of the month, just awaiting my official date from CDA BTL. So likely I'll be doing BMOQ sometime in May from what I've been hearing around here.

PS. I'm doing a CT. Did QL2/3 Infantry WAYYYY back in '98. So I know what BMQ is. My question relates more to the portrayal of BMQ in St-Jean, Reg Force, etc.

The BOMQ is essentially a very ugly combination of the BMQ and PLQ that NCMs do.  However, it is much more difficult in a sence because you are doing it all at once and expected to be able to lead at a platoon level towards the end of your course with only a few months of military experience.  On the NCM side, BMQ and PLQ are normally seperated by at least 4 years.  Not as huge of a shock to the system.
Celticgirl said:
Yep. It's not what you see on Basic Up, that is for sure!  On our first 5 a.m. run, 8 people out of 65 vomited. (I was not one of them, but still thought I was going to pass out and I got exempt on the Expres.)

How's your course going, Stirling? :)

Ive always had this problem in the past too.  Passing the express test and keeping up with the rest of the course on PT are two different things.  Ive never failed an express test, but I have always struggled to keep up on runs. 

I cant confirm this because I am only starting this as a new routine, but I think building aerobic capacity is the way to go, ie aerobics classes on top of the regular fitness routine.
Good attempt CG. It's a shame you had to VR but in your case, I can see why.

It appears from what I read that people in good physical shape fare much better during BMOQ. I exercise 4-6X per week but am worried about the sleeping and eating part (I know, I sound like an old man).

Do you usually get 6 hours of sleep? Is the food healthy for the most part? Do they have Allbran cereal? (<-hence old man comment)