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Jane's:Canada struggles to define military role-Is it punching above its weight?

Blue Max

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I do not have a prescription and have not been able to read to whole article, even though I can guess what it is going to say.   :-[

My question is has anyone read this and can elaborate, I will not ask to have it posted due to obvious copyright issues.

Blue Max
Well maybe you could provide a LINK to said article???

Don't make your viewers do all the work if you want to start a healthy and debatable thread!

What he is looking for is a subscriber who will get him the information past the gateway teaser.
Oh I see now... Makes sense I suppose... :P

I looked into membership with Janes myself once, too expensive for my tastes really. Understandable I guess....

We all know the state of our Forces at the moment anyway... We're going through a big "transformation" so things will be a bit icky for now... Well, hopefully just for now.
Well maybe you could provide a LINK to said article???
The link that Blue Max is referring to is
which basically provides about 1/4 of the article (so that you can subscribe to get the rest). Anyhow, here is part of the article:

I'll try to find the rest of the article and post it later.

Deleted for posting copyrighted material
Thanks Ammo.
It is at least refreshing, to hear some senior officers that are still in the forces ( LtGen Hillier & Col Strogran ), putting up a fight for what is needed for the troops and the country.

I agree with you, and I firmly believe that Hillier is the MAN to make things happen, or HE'LL quit.
By the way, have you noticed that the CAS and the CMS have announced their retirement. Does it have anything to do with the fact that they felt it was their turn to be CDS???
Just wondering
From my vantagepoint outside the CF looking in, it seems that the forces have been served by less than what was needed from the commissioned ranks ( Somalia, NDHQ...) in the past. Let us hope that there is a new era about to encompass the CF or else we are only bidding our time for a disaster to strike the country.

B M.
Ammo said:
I agree with you, and I firmly believe that Hillier is the MAN to make things happen, or HE'LL quit.
By the way, have you noticed that the CAS and the CMS have announced their retirement. Does it have anything to do with the fact that they felt it was their turn to be CDS???
Just wondering
As far as I know Vice-Adm MacLean, the CMS, is NOT retiring. Unless you're thinking of VAdm Maddison, the DCDS? Who probably did want the CDS job ...
Every CF member can access Janes for free from the DIN.  The login and pw ellude me right now though.
Jane's on the DIN is at**********************You'll find Username and password at the bottom of that page.
I also found the rest of the article and it goes as follows:

Mod note......that password is for DND use only. The information from that site is copyrighted also
Our prediction: Foreign Report believes Canada will not be boosting defence spending significantly any time soon - and much of Canada will not mind.

HA! Bet we surprised them! 12.7 BILLION is a lot of money. Well, we'll probably only every see 1/2 of it but still. We are increasing spending, why? Because the Liberals feel they should come through on thier promises or they know they won't last!!!

Say, can a Pte.R. in the reserves who isn't even trained through BMQ yet use that DIN login+pw to access the Janes site? Or will JTF2 bust through my units window and arrest me?   ::)


PS> I don't think I'd be given the chance to sit on my ass and read anyway, not until... After the summer. After.. Meaford..  :'(
The $12.7 Billion is only there if, big, Big IF, it makes it into the main estimates, year after year.   There is no money, not one red cent, until then.   If there is a general election between now and the time each year's tranche is approved, when the estimates are passed, then the money disappears.   It is a rock solid, inviolable principle of our system of government that elections clear the slate.   A government cannot be bound by the plans, policies, budgets or even signed contracts of its predecessors - that's how Jean Chrétien got away with cancelling a signed contract for the EH 101s back in 1993.   It doesn't matter if the new government is of the same party and has the same leader, it is still a new government.

There is no $12.7 Billion and there, likely, never will be ... there are plans and hopes and dreams but no, repeat NO money ... not yet.
Pte (R) Joe said:
We all know the state of our Forces at the moment anyway... We're going through a big "transformation" so things will be a bit icky for now... Well, hopefully just for now.

hi what do you mean? can you elaborate?