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Jack Layton of the NDP Accuses JTF 2 Troops of Abandoning the CF.

I honestly don't believe everything that comes out of Layton’s mouth are his exact views.  He is simply catering to his following.  This is the truly sad part.  He is willing to lie, demoralize our fighting men and women and create un-warranted controversy at the expense of the troops, all for his greedy lust for power.  That is truly selfish and disgusting.
Here's how it works:

The mission succeeds, the NDP loses ground.
The mission fails, the NDP gains ground.
Brutal, simple math.

A politician's goal is usually power, not virtue - and like any successful general, Layton is willing to sacrifice a few soldiers to win his battle. It's politics.

I'll bet Jack knows many of his anti-Afghanistan arguments are thin. He's a bright guy. This latest JTF2 "serious evidence" is just demagoguery and he knows it.

But as long as he can continually heap fear and doubt on the mission, it hurts Harper, separates the NDP from the Liberals in the minds of the Left, and may gain him a few crucial seats in the next election. (Providing we have lots of casualties, little visible success, and keep the public in despair, here's hoping, eh Jack?)

The only time Jack will actually outline in detail what a 'right mission' for Canada is, will be if the Liberals hold a minority again and need the NDP. Under those circumstances, the NDP may cut a deal - they'll grudgingly support the 'new mission' in exchange for socialized something.

Or they may not. The Liberals might just chuck the whole thing, depending on which way the latest public opinion breeze is blowing.
But that's still a way down the road. So much can change. At that point, we're into Magic 8-Ball Country.

In the meantime, I'm drinking heavily. It's working so far.
ladybugmabj said:
Why are we wasting valuable "net space" on this guy??? (Mr. Layton....I use the term "Mr" very loosely!!). You guys who have been there, are there and are going to Afghanistan, you know we support you, always have and always will!! 

Now, on to a better subject...please!!

:warstory: ;D

+1 ladybugmabj.

I got sucked in earlier on this thread but decided to disengage.  Mr. Layton does provoke emotional responses (part of his charm to the true believers I think).  But better to leave the emotions out of the response.

On the other hand the issues of retention of personnel and skills retention are both relevant.  While the title of this thread is unfortunate and perhaps could be changed, the discussion on retention is of ongoing interest although it is covered on other threads as well.
      By now most educated people know that Mr. Laytons comments and views on the military and Afghanistan come from the bottom of a trash can ... I usually laugh at him and promptly change the channel .. As for his comments yesterday ,  one statement really got to me was "We learned today that our elite soldiers, part of the joint task force, are ABANDONING the Canadian Forces......."  What our troops do after their contract is up is their own business . This particular statement implies that our soliders turn their back on eachother and our country .. A JAB at the character of our troops ... Completly Unacceptable ... !
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Jack Layton hates freedom.
How does Jack Layton know what's hapening with the JTF2? Isn't it classifies info?? and what does he care what our elite troops do agfter their contractc are over.
Think that Jack wants em to be lobotamized at the end of their contract so that their military skills can never again be used against
Actually, they will be sent to planet where all of the junk in the galaxy is dropped and then the new improved genetically perfect JTF2 soldiers would go there to practice their skills...wait.  Wouldn't this be a great movie script? ::)  I wonder if Kurt Russell is free to take the lead role and say no more than...10 words....
Hmmm..... New Democrat troopers?

Yikes......... whew, twas only a bad dream :(
Thank god Taliban Jack is not destined for power...

Mr Layton, you are no friend of the Canadian Army.  I put this question forward.  The RCMP, Coast Guard and the Canadian Forces are all employed by the federal government.  Why then is there such a large difference in pay/benefits between these federal agencies.  They all serve the citizens of Canada and share the same dangers.  If our military was properly paid, maybe we would be able to retain them...
mercury said:
If our military was properly paid, maybe we would be able to retain them...

Huh? care to provide some forinstances?
mercury said:
If our military was properly paid, maybe we would be able to retain them...

I may be out to lunch here, but I am of the impression that, overall, the Canadian Forces are one of the best paid armed forces in the world. I am sure there are issues in specific cases, but as a general rule, not that bad of a deal.
von Garvin said:
Right Hon. Stephen Harper (Prime Minister, CPC): 
    Mr. Speaker, I can assure the hon. member that the leadership of the military and the men and women in uniform are fully committed to their jobs and to this mission.
    What I wonder is when the NDP will realize it is on the wrong track in opposing a mandate of the United Nations, when it is on the wrong track in being against the democratically elected government of Afghanistan, and when it is on the wrong track in not backing our men and women in uniform.[/i]

I love this part.
I don't believe Jack Layton really believes in what he says, his statements are inflammatory and extreme in order to act as a counter-balance to the other extreme, the Conservatives. Similar to the women on "The View", where one is liberal thinking, the other is ultra-conservative and then Rosey, who is the extreme left, much like Layton. They all have their role, whether they believe in their paradigm or not. I think the parties in Canada are similar, putting on a front and playing their roles - don't hate poor old Jack, he just plays a jackass! Every government needs their pinkos, whether we like 'em or not.
Once our JTF-2 soldiers (or anyone in the CF) finish their contract, IMHO, I think they *deserve* to be able to go off and earn a 1000/day or whatever the wage is as private contractors. They risked their lives, fought for, and worked very hard for the freedom we all enjoy. After they are done with their commitment, they deserve to take part in said freedoms. Now, it would be awesome if they chose to stay with the CF, but if not, they earned that right to enjoy the freedom to pursue any kind of legal employment they want...they've earned it more then Jack Layton or his hippie friends have.