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'It's time to consolidate NDHQ' & 'DND to take-over Nortel Campus' (Merged threads)

Ostrozac said:
So no more units at Uplands, Leitrim, Tunney's Pasture or Booth Street? That seems like even more movement than I would expect.

And I'm sure we're also keeping Connaught and Shirley's Bay -- they are basically next door to the Nortel Campus.

I don't think Uplands and Leitrim are going anywere, and if you mean the MCE on Booth st, I'd assume they are moving since NRCan are moving to a new complex in the GTA area at some point in time.  No idea about what functions are being done at Tunney's or if it can be moved.

Remember, it's the NDHQ consolidation project.  Leitrim, MCE and some others are not part of NDHQ; they are units in the NCR - there is an important difference.
dapaterson said:
Remember, it's the NDHQ consolidation project.  Leitrim, MCE and some others are not part of NDHQ; they are units in the NCR - there is an important difference.
But, some could be moved to Gatineau and provide a military footprint that would offsett NDHQ offices coming to the Ontario side (thereby increasing the extent to which NDHQ consolidates).
Bit off topic but I think "It's time to consolidate NDHQ & send them to Afganistan as a brigade group!"
PMedMoe said:
And you can blame the Federal government for that.  When hospitals in Ottawa were being closed due to the Health Services Restructuring Commission, the Montfort was on the chopping block.  Some allege that the only reason it stayed open was because it was to be the future site of NDMC.  Now, according to the timelines, it doesn't appear that way, but we all know that decisions like this don't get made overnight.*

We can't forget that Aline (Mrs. Jean) Chretien was on the Board of Directors at The Montfort Hospital when the "S.O.S. Montfort" movement started.
It's official - from the PWGSC Info-machine ....
The Honourable Diane Finley, Minister of Public Works and Government Services and the Honourable Robert Nicholson, Minister of National Defence, today announced the consolidation of the Department of National Defence’s (DND) headquarters at the Carling Campus. The move will achieve $750 million in net savings in accommodations costs over a 25 year period, plus an additional $160 million for DND in cost avoidance.


With a one-time refit investment of $506 million completed over 6 years, DND occupancy of the Carling Campus is expected to generate net savings in excess of $750 million over a 25 year period as compared to maintaining the status quo in leased accommodation. DND and Shared Services Canada will fund the project from existing internal resources and no new funds will be required.

The additional $160 million in cost-avoidance will be achieved as a result of reduced DND expenditures for administration and general overhead from the consolidation of 8500 personnel in one location. The project will be conducted in a three-phased approach, starting this month; DND and Canadian Armed Forces personnel will begin to move to the campus in late 2015 and the project is expected to be completed by 2019 ....
milnews.ca said:

It's a pretty good move, it would be a damned site better move if most of 101 Colonel By Drive (a very few offices for the MND, etc) need to be "doubled" in the downtown core and at the Carling campus), all of the four sites in Gatineau* and 1600 Star Top road were also moved there.

I know there is a policy that major departments have 25% of their NCR footprint in Gatineau. It was a dumb policy when it was initiated and it's even dumber now.

There's no need for a satellite HQ at Star Top Road - in fact there's no need for the "dot coms," they are part of the HQ bloat morbid obesity problem.

* Louis St. Laurent Building at 555 Boulevard de la Carrière and a building at 455 Boulevard de la Carrière;
  241 Boulevard Cité-des-Jeunes;
  National Printing Bureau at 45 Sacré-Coeur Boulevard; and
  Hôtel de Ville at 105 Hôtel de Ville Street.
The move will achieve $750 million in net savings in accommodations costs over a 25 year period, plus an additional $160 million for DND in cost avoidance.

Well, there's the money you guys were short for.......

Put it to good use.... ;D
Old EO Tech said:
No idea about what functions are being done at Tunney's or if it can be moved.


Mostly IT support, CIS engineering and server hosting. Which Notel campus ought to be exceptionally well suited for.
Mostly IT support, CIS engineering and server hosting. Which Notel campus ought to be exceptionally well suited for.

But its also difficult to move a lot of those links. Probably a little easier since we won't have a giant mission to support soon.
milnews.ca said:
... and now in the media:  http://www.ottawacitizen.com/news/promises+free+move+into+former+Nortel+campus+from+2015/9285351/story.html

E.R. Campbell said:
It's a pretty good move, it would be a damned site better move if most of 101 Colonel By Drive (a very few offices for the MND, etc need to be "doubled" in the downtown core and at the Carling campus), all of the four sites in Gatineau* and 1600 Star Top road were also moved there.

I know there is a policy that major departments have 25% of their NCR footprint in Gatineau. It was a dumb policy when it was initiated and it's even dumber now.

There's no need for a satellite HQ at Star Top Road - in fact there's no need for the "dot coms," they are part of the HQ bloat morbid obesity problem.
Agreed.  The move would also seem a convenient oportunity to rationalize the headquarters structure itself.  Old structures could stand-down in the old offices and new structures stand-up in Nortel.
GAP said:
Well, there's the money you guys were short for.......

Those 'savings' are to be realized over 25 years -- about the length of time for the good idea faeries to decide we need to change from pips & crowns back to bars, take white-out to everything "Royal"......and the next set of PowerPoints on the Sea King replacement.

Please forgive me if I don't factor this 'windfall' into training and equipment for the troops who actually need it just yet.

One could also make a valid case that this move makes a lot of sense from a Force Protection / Physical Security perspective as well, though I don't see this aspect mentioned very often if at all. One just needs to look at the current security shortfalls of the Star Top location to get a sense of just how vulnerable some of our key infrastructure and C2 elements are to a determined and not-all-that-sophisticated bad guy... not to mention its location immediately adjacent to a storage yard full of explosive liquid gas cylinders. Oddly enough, looks like we're keeping this one. Must be to help placate all those public servant homeowners in Orleans.
Transporter said:
Oddly enough, looks like we're keeping this one. Must be to help placate all those public servant homeowners in Orleans.

Startop is a drop in the bucket compared to the rest of the relocations that will be taking place to Nortel Campus.  Why would you make an absurd comment that retaining Startop would have anything to do with public servant homeowners from Orleans?
Transporter said:
One could also make a valid case that this move makes a lot of sense from a Force Protection / Physical Security perspective as well, though I don't see this aspect mentioned very often if at all. One just needs to look at the current security shortfalls of the Star Top location to get a sense of just how vulnerable some of our key infrastructure and C2 elements are to a determined and not-all-that-sophisticated bad guy... not to mention its location immediately adjacent to a storage yard full of explosive liquid gas cylinders. Oddly enough, looks like we're keeping this one. Must be to help placate all those public servant homeowners in Orleans.

Force Protection and Physical Security?  Do you have any knowledge at all about the Nortel Campus?  Do you have any information as to why DND is not moving anyone into that location anytime in the very near future?

That Campus is a serious Security concern at the moment.  One of the main reasons Nortel went under is that amount of Industrial Espionage that took place on that Campus.  The whole place should be gutted.
Maybe I missed it, but what will happen to the messes now located in the downtown core?  As I understand it, the Officer's Messes (RCN, CA and RCAF) own their buildings outright.

On a related note, what are your thoughts on Mess participation after the move?  Should the messes remain in the downtown core?  Should they be re-established at Nortel?  Maybe at Connaught Ranges?

Should they be closed and the business of hosting formal functions contracted out to civilian establishments?
Messes will no doubt be stood up at Nortel Campus.

DND has 46 separate work areas scattered around NCR. The idea behind the move will bring it down to 7:

1) Nortel
3) Louis St Laurent
4) Louis St. Laurent 2
5) Startop
6) Canought Ranges
7) Montfort

If I am a betting man I would bet that there will be a rationalization of messes in the NCR. Perhaps the various officer messes will consolidate, the JNCO or SNCO messes will likely stay where they are. Nortel will likely host a JR, SW Mess, and Officer Mess as well.

The whole move is a complicated one, but it is only smart from a security and dollars and sense perspective. Securing offices in 46 locations, including ones that are shared with other government departments and private organizations is a nightmare, from a physical, personnel and communications security perspective. Leasing all these various offices is an expensive exercise as well.

I'm certain Nortel will be well swept for espionage as well.
Messes will no doubt be stood up at Nortel Campus.

While I agree with your belief, how do you address the questions I asked.  Is this the best, most cost efficient COA?  Will standing up messes at Nortel perpetuate or kill what little Mess life remains in the NCR?