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It's Official - Valour Decorations have been announced

Congrats on all the award recipients  :salute:

and grateful thanks to all those who serve unnoticed, but honourably.

Congratulations to all recipients.  :salute: :cdn:

When I was on my QL 2/3 in the early/mid 90's, a Corporal Tower of the Canadian Scottish Regiment was one of our platoon's instructrors.  I wonder if this would be the same Sgt. Tower who was awarded the S.M.V.?  I have a feeling it is...
RangerRay said:
When I was on my QL 2/3 in the early/mid 90's, a Corporal Tower of the Canadian Scottish Regiment was one of our platoon's instructrors.  I wonder if this would be the same Sgt. Tower who was awarded the S.M.V.?  I have a feeling it is...

That would be the very same Pat Tower.  I was in the Scottish with him during the early nineties before he made the Reg Force jump.  If anybody is currently serving with him, I'd appreciate it if you could give him congrats from "Popeye".

Excellent, downright Magnificent

with much thanks


Dirt Digger said:
That would be the very same Pat Tower.  I was in the Scottish with him during the early nineties before he made the Reg Force jump.  If anybody is currently serving with him, I'd appreciate it if you could give him congrats from "Popeye".

Wow...well congratulations, Sergeant Tower!  :cdn:
:cdn: Well done Gentlemen! You make all of us both serving and former serving members extremely proud! Codos to all! You are Heros indeed! May we meet in the future, so I can show my children, this is what we all in uniform work & strive for!

:salute:  :salute:  :salute:

  Militi Succurrimus    "We hasten to aid the soldiers"

Pro Patria


Statement from CDS

Statement by the Chief of the Defence Staff on the First-Ever Awarding of Military Valour Decorations
NR-06.079 - October 27, 2006

OTTAWA - General Rick Hillier, the Chief of the Defence Staff, issued the following statement today on the first-ever awarding of Military Valour Decorations to four Canadian soldiers.

"Today is a great, proud and historic day for the Canadian Forces and for Canada. Her Excellency the Governor General-the Commander-in-Chief of Canada-announced earlier today that four Canadian soldiers have been honoured with Military Valour Decorations for heroic and selfless acts in Afghanistan in recent months.

These are among the very highest honours we have to offer for those who show courage in the presence of the enemy. More than that, this is also a first - today is the very first time these awards have been given-the first time the high standard has been met-since they were created some 14 years ago.

The four honoured soldiers are:

Sergeant Patrick Tower, of Victoria, British Columbia - The Star of Military Valour;
and the Medal of Military Valour, to
Sergeant Michael Thomas Victor Denine, of Edmonton, Alberta.
Master Corporal Collin Ryan Fitzgerald, of Morrisburg, Ontario; and
Private Jason Lamont, of Greenwood, Nova Scotia.
You need only to read the citations for these soldiers to understand the meaning of true heroism: running across open terrain under heavy enemy fire to give aid to wounded and stranded comrades; clearing burning vehicles from a roadway under fire to allow others to get to safety; taking exceptional and resourceful measures under the worst possible pressure to suppress enemy fire and save the lives of fellow soldiers.

These actions reinforce my personal belief that the men and women of the Canadian Forces are among the best, brightest and bravest this country has to offer. Today all their comrades-in-arms in our military offer their heartfelt congratulations to these exceptional soldiers."

Congrats from PM, DefMin on Conservative Party Page:

Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Defence Minister Gordon O’Connor today paid tribute to the four Canadian soldiers who were today named by Her Excellency the Governor General as the first-ever recipients of the Military Valour Decoration for their heroic actions in Afghanistan between May and August 2006.

Created in 1993 but never before awarded, the Military Valour Decoration expressly recognizes valour, self-sacrifice or devotion to duty in the presence of the enemy. The soldiers named today are:  Sergeant Michael Thomas Victor Denine, of Edmonton, Alberta; Master Corporal Collin Ryan Fitzgerald, of Morrisburg, Ontario; Private Jason Lamont, of Greenwood, Nova Scotia; and Sergeant Patrick Tower, of Victoria, British Columbia.

"I know all Canadians will wish to join us in offering congratulations to the four Canadian soldiers honoured with Military Valour Decorations today,” said the Prime Minister.  "These awards are among the very highest recognition Canada has to offer our soldiers for bravery in the midst of armed conflict. All are being honoured for truly heroic actions, under enemy fire.”

"I offer my highest praise to these true Canadian heroes, who represent the very best of our Canadian Forces and of Canada.  They stand for the devotion to duty and steadfastness of all the men and women who serve this country, at home and abroad,” added Minister O’Connor.

Sergeant Denine, Master Corporal Fitzgerald, Private Lamont and Sergeant Tower will be presented with their decoration by Her Excellency the Governor General at a ceremony to be held at a later date.

BZ gents.  You've truly earned a puffed-chest moment.


Others (on the civvie side like me) are also noticing:





Congrats as well to all those who prepared, supported, trained, led, followed, and otherwise contributed to the success of these fine men.  This should be a proud day for all those who wear the CF uniform.
This is only guessing.. but  there is a video showing the firefight that Cpl. Lamont was involved in. In that video it show a lone Canadian soldier run across the open for a few seconds at 1:34 ish.  Im not saying it is him, but there is a good chance it is because it isnt normal for soldiers to run in the open alone the way the soldier in the video did. 
So is it possible that the soldier could be Cpl. Lamont?


Thank you to the troops recieving and who made it possible for them to return home in one piece. :salute: :cdn: