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Its In! Saddam to be hanged NLT 27 Jan 07


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While sitting here in the CP, watching CNN, not even 5 mins ago this BREAKING news came in...

Saddam and two others are to be executed within 30 days from now!

They are now debating to have it done publically on TV.

Ya, we knew the lights were buring in the courthouse tonight, and now we know why.

I wonder what the enemy has planned?????

Anyways, check www.CNN.com for more info. If knew how, I'd post a link.

So is it a kangaroo court of justice properly served? You decide, but I see it as a beginning of the end, and I don't think he'll be martyred. In time he and that regime will be in the history books as yet another chapter.

However, just wait what the snivel libertrian tree-huggers will say........ watch and shoot :)

Cheers from Baghdad,

So you dont reckon there will be any protests at your end? I mean, obviously the baddies are going to blow some stuff up and all that (from what i hear it wouldnt be baghdad without that) but i mean actual protesting mobs. Or are most folks more then happy to see him go?
Stay safe boss, good luck,
Hey hales,

Ha, I am sure they'll be a tad upset, but in reality, the enemy is impotent, only able to 'shoot and scoot' and lob a few mortars and rockets un-accurately. At times launch a brief complex attack, again not sticking around for long, or placing car bombs or SVBIEDs, etc. In my opinion, overall a combination of poor training, rushed lotalists who know within a minute or soo the POO has been discovered, and somehting nasty could be upon them quicksmart, plus the fact that most ammo is buried or at least stored improperly, and many fuses fail either to this or having the safety pins not removed, again poor training and a need of urgency to get a few rds down range and pack up before the Great SATAN  sends a few messangers of their own.

However, he is dangerous, and is cunning and capable of planning some nasty things. I both fear him and respect him, so don't get me wrong. He is capable of all sorts of nasty things, he is organised, but really does not have any infrastructure to back him up. Its there but very poor overall. Personally I would expect even more unrest now with this decision up to and after the hanging, and beyond. Its still a bumpy road ahead, and no cakewalk here. I am sure in the foreseeable future, you'll be here yourself, by then, I hope its quieter than it is now.

Again today more crumps, more sensless sectarian murder. The carnage never seems to end, just like the two crumps on Christmas Day at 0910h, and 0923h respectively. For the people, I am sure it will get worse before it gets better. Again this is just my opinion.

Cheers mate,

My biggest concern is they will close BIAP and my leave will get screwed up...

There are reports he will be executed this weekend. This will be his last view.

I hope they telelvise it, just so a lot of us can watch it out of morbid curiosity...and to make sure Sumdum is actually D.E.A.D.
{sorry, was that my out loud voice?}
BYT Driver said:
I hope they telelvise it, just so a lot of us can watch it out of morbid curiosity...and to make sure Sumdum is actually D.E.A.D.
{sorry, was that my out loud voice?}

Ok, Ottawa region who's got a 54+ inch Plasma Screen? I'll pring popcorn and beer!
It aint over till the fat lady sings.

we'll talk after it's all done.

BTW, message to Sadam..............
" Have a Happy New Year!!!"
Maybe instead of hanging him they can gas him with the same gas he used on the Kurds(that the right group?) give him a taste of his own medicine
Boater said:
Maybe instead of hanging him they can gas him with the same gas he used on the Kurds(that the right group?) give him a taste of his own medicine

Do you think that would be copying his murderous behaviour? Maybe.
ArmyRick said:
Grim looking place.

Saddam, time to face the maker...

Too Bad we could not bring more of these people to justice to face the same fate. Saddam you have brought this on yourself. May the pain you have caused so many others, finally be yours.
saddam i hope you feel every bit of every crack of the bones in your next....

p.s does anyone know if it will be televised? i just want to know if i should keep my order for ufc or change it to happy hour with saddam
CNN has announced that Saddam will be hung within the next 36 hours, or at least "this year." It will only be announced once it is done, to try and help with security and prevent some kind of action to prevent the sentence from being carried out.

Sounds like we're finally getting rid of one bad guy. Now on to Kim Jung-Il... or Ahmadinejad?
A few of Sadr's henchman in Najaf and else got a dirt nap this week -- MNF's using the time to hit some Shia extremists, kinda of tit for tat - with the Sunni's losing Sadam.  If it does anything to stop the ethnic violence - who knows...
As long as Iran continues to feed & fuel the fight, things are not going to settle down for some time yet
The reality has finally set in that as long as Sadr and his gang are above ground there is little chance of democracy taking hold and there is the real prospect of a shia vs Sadr civil war which needs to be avoided.
Gallows tic-toc.......

So, here I am, on a wireless, in the common area of our room. Its struggling to keep it warm, the heater blows, yet from a metre on down, its cold. Outside, maybe 5C, but humid, so it feels worse.

Meanwhile the Butcher of Baghdad apparently has been handed over to the Iraqi Forces, and CNN reports of a gallows being constructed right here in the IZ. Hummm, I wonder how close it is from here, as the courthouse where all this went on is very close by.

So some say he'll swing tonight before 2359, others say tomorrow, but I guess time will tell, and we all won't know until after the fact, and then it will start. The 'happy' fire, when everyone with a weapon, points it up, and lets the mags go, and that means its time to stay under cover, but it will be madness, and then followed by the sunni side of it all which means nothing but bad news for the majority of the locals. More bombs, more sectarian violence, but it is however a two way road, as the shiite will respond in this ongoing tit for tat style of revenge killings.

Now as I send these words out, seems to be a little more thick out there with helos. Coinsidence or is something going on. I guess we'll all find out soon enough.

Anwyays if its tonight, I am sure we'll be woke up over it.

I wish I had a nice CC and ginger about now........ I guess I'll settle for an orange Gatorade, adn try to get back watching Commando with Arnie...




1) no live broadcast


2) it will happen by 10 pm  *our time  0600 hrs their time   

thats... in 4 hours
