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It's almost time for Earth Hour


Army.ca Legend
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So, remember to turn on every light and crank up the heat with the windows opened. Also idle the car with the A/C running too!  Can't forget the lawn mower, snow-blower, 2 stroke leaf mulcher, the motorcycle. You may start a bon-fire just to keep up the carbon foot print.

Remember, we have to cover off for everyone else slacking off on that day!

Now, someone help me out.  Where can I purchase some coal?
Its Earth Hour every night at my place, not to be PC or green friendly, but to keep my operating costs down, as I am on my own.

The whole Earth Hour thing as far as I am concerned as about as realistic as global warming, adn an entire waste of money/time effort. Another Green whitewash as far as I am concerned.

Electricity costs 18 cents/KWH here in Queensland, and another 15% rise WEF 01 Jul, and thats a 50% increase in 3 yrs. In Saskatchewan it is 9 cents/KWH, In Oregon USA, its 5 cents/KWH.

Those new fluro light bulbs, all appliances off at the powerpoints (in Australia each plug-in has its out on/off switch), air-con at 24C when used, and in winter heat at 21C when used (reverse air-con unit). I already have a 300 litre solar hot water tank (w/ 2 panels), and I am seeking solar power 93KW 6 panels) for about $4000 with subsidies maybe by Sep, that is, if I can afford it. I could save about $400-$500/yr, and that means it will take a while to get my investment back.

The rip-off power companies in Queensland (all are private companies here) are more concerned with greed and profit (since sold off by the government). They will however buy each KWR back at 50 cents each. Electricity is expected to rise upward of 66% in the next 3 years, and solar is the way to go for saving $ in the long run.  My last electricty bill was $200 for a three month billing cycle.

I run my pool pump 2hrs/day @ 40 cents/hr to run. Things add up, and with the cost of living being outragous here in Australia, means if I save on power, and can spend elsewhere.  Here in Australia a Big Mac is $4.45, and as they say, one can judge the cost of living in a country by the price of a Big Mac.

Gasoline is currently $1.38/L for regular unleaded, which is retarded as oil is only about $80/Bbl.

Ripped off and pissed off,

Technoviking said:

So, remember to turn on every light and crank up the heat with the windows opened. Also idle the car with the A/C running too!  Can't forget the lawn mower, snow-blower, 2 stroke leaf mulcher, the motorcycle. You may start a bon-fire just to keep up the carbon foot print.

Remember, we have to cover off for everyone else slacking off on that day!

Now, someone help me out.  Where can I purchase some coal?

Can't help you with the coal but also remember to leave every TV and computer screen on as well as tossing absolutely everything in the garbage without seperating blue bin, black bin, and green bin waste. 
Earth hour is a noble idea, but it's not enough to do any (good) damage on the environment the way things are going now. Only recently people have started to take steps to reduce thier energy consumption when this should have started happening 30 years ago when the issue first came to light!

I can't help but regard the situation with a utterly disappointed and dismal eye.  I don't think it's funny, I can't bring myself to joke about this because we are truly ruining it for ourselves. In fact, I think this may be the biggest self-sabotage in the history of earth.
Jourdan said:
Earth hour is a noble idea, but it's not enough to do any (good) damage on the environment the way things are going now. Only recently people have started to take steps to reduce thier energy consumption when this should have started happening 30 years ago when the issue first came to light!

I can't help but regard the situation with a utterly disappointed and dismal eye.  I don't think it's funny, I can't bring myself to joke about this because we are truly ruining it for ourselves. In fact, I think this may be the biggest self-sabotage in the history of earth.

Then please leave the thread to the members with a sense of humour.

There is a serious thread (kinda) on global warming, if you do a search. Your post may carry more weight there.

Milnet.ca Staff
Jourdan said:
Earth hour is a noble idea, but it's not enough to do any (good) damage on the environment the way things are going now. Only recently people have started to take steps to reduce their energy consumption when this should have started happening 30 years ago when the issue first came to light!

I can't help but regard the situation with a utterly disappointed and dismal eye.  I don't think it's funny, I can't bring myself to joke about this because we are truly ruining it for ourselves. In fact, I think this may be the biggest self-sabotage in the history of earth.

:crybaby:  Do you really have any remote concept of what life was like 30 years ago? 

Have you divested yourself and home of all the nasty stuff that increases energy consumption......Didn't think so......you're still on the internet I see..

Is the dishwasher noisy in the background? Did you stoke the pot belly stove in the living room prior to going to bed so the house will stay warm overnight? You don't have to worry about that? You've go a high efficiency furnace....that's great, but isn't that the very same nasty technology you are blaming for ruining the world.....SHUT IT OFF MAN!!  NASTY! NASTY!

and on and on.......before you go running out to hug a tree and share tears with it (that's actually sap by the way), go back, literally back and learn to live without all the modern day technology that improved our survival rate from about 30 years to 70+ years....then come back and we will listen...
Jourdan said:
I don't think it's funny, I can't bring myself to joke about this because we are truly ruining it for ourselves.
Then please leave the thread to the members with a sense of humour
No, I think he's got a point. All that energy I waste by actually.....you know, doing stuff. When I think about the calories I've simply wasted  :crybaby:  I've got to start conserving that!

In fact, in an effort to personally save the planet by sitting calmly in front of the computer, conserving energy nobly for the sake of the environment, I gotta get me one of these!  ;D

See....there you go ....wasting energy again.....it would be easier to get the wife to toss you one......just duck until one comes that you can catch..... ;D
GAP said:
it would be easier to get the wife to toss you one......
Ah, but when the wife left, she took the beer fridge...and the house around it. I sure miss that fridge  ;)
Notice that I said 'we', meaning me included. Nowhere in my post did I claim to be the greenest person on this site, or in my neighbourhood for that matter, but I do what I can (within my bugget) to reduce my foot print.
To GAP specifically, I didn't realize I personally attacked you with what I said, nor did I realize that I attacked modern technology, nor did I realize that I claimed to be a self professed historian. So please, don't make wild assumptions about my person and draw bizarre conclusions from post.  I have researched global warming, and that is all the more reason why I don't giggle and smirk and think of funny jokey jokes to go and share with all my military buddies.

Anyhow, I'll take this as my cue to butt out. I guess this was another lesson learned "shut your mouth and keep your ears pealed until you are general or have PhD. on the subject!"
Jourdan said:
Anyhow, I'll take this as my cue to butt out. I guess this was another lesson learned "shut your mouth and keep your ears pealed until you are general or have PhD. on the subject!"

Oh for the love of......

You don't need to be a general or have a PHd, guy.  You do need to have a clue about your audience before you speak or post in any given situation, though.  Why, in a thread that starts with sarcasm and is quite clearly, really clearly, designed for humour, would you jump in with "I don't think it's funny"?

Thanks for being the buzzkill.  ::)

Jourdan said:
Anyhow, I'll take this as my cue to butt out. 

Better late then never, I guess.  Take the earlier advice and go check out the more serious global warming thread if you wish to pontificate.

MARS said:
Thanks for being the buzzkill.  ::)
Self-righteous indignation can be just as amusing as an unacknowledged sense of entitlement or a sarcastic mocking.  :pop:
I was joking about the last part... 

I'm just sorta happy I emerged unscathed from my first milnet wolf-pack attack.  :-*
Jourdan said:
I was joking about the last part... 

I'm just sorta happy I emerged unscathed from my first milnet wolf-pack attack.  :-*

That was just a couple of members playing with their food, you haven't seen a full on mauling yet.  They're fun, if you're not the chew toy.
Great news, everyone!  I found some aerosol cans with CFCs in them.  They were next to the oil I'm going to burn over my wellhead.  Anyway, they are going to go into the fire and I'm hoping to have the first ever deliberately-created hole in the Ozone Layer right over my house!
Technoviking said:
Great news, everyone!  I found some aerosol cans with CFCs in them.  They were next to the oil I'm going to burn over my wellhead.  Anyway, they are going to go into the fire and I'm hoping to have the first ever deliberately-created hole in the Ozone Layer right over my house!

Hell, I can one-up you on that one.....last weekend I was cleaning out an area and I found my old refrigeration tools & supplies....along with a 40lb cylinder of R-12 refrigerant......

I can not only create an ozone hole right over my house....I can maintain it!!!!  >:D
my car got a flat yesterday.  perhaps ill celebrate earth day by burning it
Maytag said:
my car got a flat yesterday.  perhaps ill celebrate earth day by burning it

Good man.....that'll teach it....it'll never do that again.....
I posted this elsewhere, but it fits as well here.

Guess it's as good a time as any to go out and burn all that used motor oil in the garage stove. It normally burns wood and garbage, but will also burn other stuff if I get it hot enough not to gum up the chimney. Should get 15-20 hours out of that. Already got rid of all my styrofoam packaging by breaking it down and hiding it in the garbage bags. Had to use newspapers and bottles to provide weight so the trashman wouldn't get suspicious. Still got about 50 beer cans to go out in the next load cause I'm to lazy to stand in line and return them for a lousy five bucks. My Ford Triton V8 burns more than that warming up, and twice that going to the can depot.