MSNBC has some great left leaning (at least by American standards) people, mostly their evening lineup. They also have guys like Joe Scarborough who are much more to the right. I'll happily say that I didn't like that they were giving air time to the likes of Pat Buchanan in part because it was great for them to have an extremist knob to caricature the right. CNN 100% tabloid? Hardly, though there's a bit of that, more lately (Piers Morgan, anyone?!), and I don't really like CNN much anymore - well, I do like CNN International because some of their personalities are great. But they also have excellent, real journalists working for them like Christiane Amanpour. Those real journalists are becoming rarer because hack tabloidism (ie Fox, Sun News, etc) is the direction the industry is going, so you have to look to other sources like the BBC. Even Al Jazeera's English service for a lot of global issues is great - it's interesting that there's something of a contrast between what their Arabic service reports, which is somewhat slanted to a pro-Arab view, and the English service which has less of an editorial slant (and, I was interested to see lately, was heavily critical of the Qatari government's response to a fire in a mall that killed several children - when AJE is owned by them).