They’re getting invisio T7s. I’ll be surprised if they include rail mounts for helmets. A) because they will frankly rightly not want to encourage the infantry to modify them, B) because it’s more expensive to include both, and C) while mounting your comms direct to your helmet has some advantages for sure, it’s also kind of a pain in the dick to have to throw your helmet on and connect to the ptt every time you want to test your comms.
Doubt it. The roll out is on going and I have no idea what the numbers look like. I think / hope they don’t be giving an EUD to every rifleman unless the goal is to crash a tac server through phallic drawings loading simultaneously. Not to be dismissive of guys, but that was the first thing our guys did when we had the tablets in the LAVs for Latvia.
Ok, but shouldn’t it be part of our procurement requirements that any information based system on which it is possible to draw dicks should be able to withstand a brief instance of the majority of a formation’s users of that system drawing dicks at roughly the same time? Because that’s basic soldier-proofing to me.