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Israel pulling out of Gaza and parts of West Bank

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I just want to express my thanks to all you veteran army.ca posters for the great discussions you have had in this forum. Very informative and relevant to helping me understand the essential issue.  :salute:
Thanks AndyBoy & Paracowboy,

I agree entirely with you Andrew when you write "I think that the question as to whether they have a claim to the land or not is irrelevant".   It's irrelevant to both sides.    Far right Jewish religious zealots and extremists need to forget their claim that they have a Biblical claim to all of Judea and Samaria (ie. the entire West Bank) and Arabs need to give up their claim to metropolitan Israel.     The former are, at the risk of being heretical, clinging to a history so ancient it is almost mythical,   and the latter seem to forget that:

(1) Much of the land was legally and willingly sold by landowning Arab gentry to the Jewish Colonial Trust during Ottoman and Mandate times,
(2) that (as someone, I think either Paracowboy or 48 Highlander, has pointed out above)   Israel invited them to stay and live in piece in its Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel , to wit:
WE APPEAL â ” in the very midst of the onslaught launched against us now for months â ” to the Arab inhabitants of the State of Israel to preserve peace and participate in the upbuilding of the State on the basis of full and equal citizenship and due representation in all its provisional and permanent institutions.

WE EXTEND our hand to all neighbouring states and their peoples in an offer of peace and good neighbourliness, and appeal to them to establish bonds of cooperation and mutual help with the sovereign Jewish people settled in its own land. The State of Israel is prepared to do its share in a common effort for the advancement of the entire Middle East.

(3) That it was the embryo State of Israel that was invaded as that Declaration was made.

Furthermore, and perhaps at the risk of being too cynical but as someone else too has pointed out,   this enmity has been going on for millenia, since Cain slew Abel, and it isn't going to stop anytime soon.

All of this brings me back to my first post on page 2 of this thread, the real issue is one of defensible borders and if that means holding the high ground on the western half of the West Bank, so be it.    Unfortunately renegotiating isn't the sole solution -- there have been 3 terror attacks since the withdrawal from Gaza last week.   So much for due process.

Like you and I most people want peace.   But if you want peace, well just look at the Queen's Own Rifles' motto.

Not that my post will change anything but,

I can't help but think that the real hope lies in educating the young in both nations as to how a peaceful future is possible.

Teach the children and you bring change to tomorrow,  from the inside.

Shec said:
I agree entirely with you Andrew when you write "I think that the question as to whether they have a claim to the land or not is irrelevant".   It's irrelevant to both sides.    Far right Jewish religious zealots and extremists need to forget their claim that they have a Biblical claim to all of Judea and Samaria (ie. the entire West Bank)  The former are, at the risk of being heretical, clinging to a history so ancient it is almost mythical,  

I agree. I've often thought: why don't I go to Africa, stick a flag in the ground, and say "this land is mine because one of my primate ancestors evolved here millions of years ago" or go to Scotland, stick a flag in the ground and say "Hey, my Grandma was born here - this land's mine." While I'm at it, I could write a book claiming that God said the land was mine and cite that book as another justification of my entitlement to the land. You have to wonder at the stupidity of some people.

I like to say the same thing about Delgamukw.
Glorified Ape said:
I agree entirely with you Andrew when you write "I think that the question as to whether they have a claim to the land or not is irrelevant".  It's irrelevant to both sides.  Far right Jewish religious zealots and extremists need to forget their claim that they have a Biblical claim to all of Judea and Samaria (ie. the entire West Bank)  The former are, at the risk of being heretical, clinging to a history so ancient it is almost mythical,

I agree. I've often thought: why don't I go to Africa, stick a flag in the ground, and say "this land is mine because one of my primate ancestors evolved here millions of years ago" or go to Scotland, stick a flag in the ground and say "Hey, my Grandma was born here - this land's mine." While I'm at it, I could write a book claiming that God said the land was mine and cite that book as another justification of my entitlement to the land. You have to wonder at the stupidity of some people.

Glorified APe,

I don't appreciate you editing my point before quoting it.   You have skewed the entire context of that paragraph.   I presented a balanced comment by referring to both sides in the dispute, you could at least have done the courtesy of respecting that when quoting me.