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Islamic Terrorism in the West ( Mega thread)

milnews.ca said:
if the bits in yellow prove to be correct (notwithstanding the bit in orange), and we apply the rubric of other attacks (mental illness or not, if there's a religious component - declarations of allegiance and/or extremist Muslim material linked to suspect), it's more terrorist than homophobic killer (although neither category is mutually exclusive).

Depends. Could be a homophobic killer seeking some kind of twisted glory by claiming the extremist religious connection, with the driver being the homophobia and the religious extremism a costume of sorts.
That said, I'm not taking daddy's statement at face value, and am waiting on what the investigation turns up.
Thucydides said:
Some of Canada's worst mass murders were carried out with explosives (Air India, 329 people) or fire (Gargantua nightclub in 1975, 13 dead) rather than firearms.

The worst mass murder that ever took place completely on Canadian soil was the Blue Bird Cafe nightclub fire in Montreal in September 1972, wherein 37 people were killed by three drunks using gasoline and a match.

There is an infinite number of ways to commit mass murder. Banning things will never stop those intent on killing and maiming. "Gun control" is a sick joke.

And this was another case of the murderous loser being known to police, yet still able to commit murder.
[quote author=Altair]
This guy was a security guard, clearly  the sheepdog can turn.


I would hardly say being a security guard automatically constitutes someone as being a 'sheepdog'.

Murdering people because of religious based views is extremism whether he subscribed to OBL monthly or not.
Apparently daddy never took the kid back to the home country for a Thursday night visit if Orlando set him off.
jollyjacktar said:
Apparently daddy never took the kid back to the home country for a Thursday night visit if Orlando set him off.
Tough crowd ...
More grist for the mill, from an imam & the ex-wife ...
... Mateen was the son of an Afghan immigrant who had a talk show in the United States, the nature of which was not entirely clear: A former Afghan official said the program was pro-Taliban and a former colleague said it was enthusiastically pro-American.

He attended evening prayer services at the city's Islamic Center three to four times a week, most recently with his young son, said Imam Syed Shafeeq Rahman. Although he was not very social, he also showed no signs of violence, Rahman said. He said he last saw Mateen on Friday.

"When he finished prayer he would just leave," Rahman told The Associated Press. "He would not socialize with anybody. He would be quiet. He would be very peaceful."

He was also bipolar, Mateen's ex-wife, Sitora Yusufiy, told reporters in Boulder, Colorado.

"He was mentally unstable and mentally ill," Yusufiy said. Although records show the couple didn't divorce for two years after the marriage, Yusiufiy said she was actually only with Mateen for four months because he was abusive. She said he would not let her speak to her family and that family members had to come and literally pull her out of his arms ...
Latest updates:


UPDATES: Terror in Orlando: 50 Dead, 53 Wounded in Florida Nightclub Nightmare
By Emily Zanotti | 4:58 am, June 13, 2016
UPDATE, 5:00 AM:

Images of those killed by the gunman – some of whose names were published by the city – are beginning to surface and be widely reproduced:

A sobering update from the Associated Press told how authorities at the Pulse nightclub were still removing dozens of bodies in the small hours of Monday morning.

UPDATE, 11:00 PM:

Police are now saying that Omar Mateen has ties to radical Mulim leader, Marcus Dwayne Robertson. Mateen took online classes and interacted with Robertson through Robertson’s Fundamental Islamic Knowledge Seminary, based in Orlando.

The FBI reportedly contacted Robertson and several of his associates for questioning Sunday afternoon. Robertson’s attorney failed to confirm whether his client was associated with the ongoing investigation.

The gunman also attended the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce; he was seen there two days before Sunday’s attack, in the company of Imam Shafiq Rahman. The Islamic Center is reportedly associated with the American-born suicide bomber, Monar abu Salha, who was discovered in Syria several years ago. According to Fox News, it was Mateen’s association with abu Salha that led the FBI to question him in 2013.

UPDATE, 10:30 PM:

Stories are now emerging from the survivors of this morning’s terrorist attack.

Survivors told ABC News that the shooter asked club goers their race before opening fire and said that America “needs to stop bombing ISIS.” Several clubgoers describe being trapped in the club and unable to leave as the gunman moved through the club.

Witnesses also describe a chaotic triage situation in the club’s parking lot, as emergency response teams tried to isolate the most seriously injured.

UPDATE, 5:15 PM:

The city or Orlando is now releasing the names of victims as families are being notified.

The ATF has also released a statement that the guns used in today’s terrorist attack were purchased legally.

Omar Mateen was a licensed security guard working for a Federal contractor. He had the appropriate permits and passed a background check.

UPDATE, 4:25 PM:

Donald Trump has called on President Obama to “resign in disgrace” if he won’t publicly link the shooting to Islamic terrorism.

UPDATE, 3:20pm:

The FBI is now going into greater details about Omar Mateen’s background and terror ties.

ISIS has also claimed responsibility for the attacks but there is still no evidence to support a claim that Mateen coordinated with a terrorist network.

UPDATE, 2:00pm:

President Obama has spoken to the nation, confirming that today’s events in Orlando were an act of terror. He assured Orlando authorities that the will receive all necessary resources.

UPDATE, 1:45pm:

Authorities have arrested a suspect with an “arsenal” reportedly intending to disrupt an LA gay pride event. We do not know whether this incident is related to Orlando.

UPDATE, 1:30pm:

National media is now reporting that the shooter called authorities to pledge allegiance to ISIS before the attack.

Local and Federal authorities are now searching the shooters apartment.


A young American gunman, armed with multiple weapons and what police are terming “devices”, left at least 50 dead and 53 wounded in a horrific attack on Pure, a prominent LGBT nightclub in Orlando, Florida this morning. The shooter, whom the FBI has identified as Omar Mateen, opened fire around 2 am, and was eventually killed in a shootout with the Orlando Police’s SWAT team about three hours later.

This is a developing story with enormous implications not only for the loved ones of those murdered and wounded — but also across the political and cultural spectra.  Conversations are already raging across social media about terrorism, gay rights, gun rights, religion and, of course, how this tragedy could affect the Presidential election.

Police and FBI officials believe the act to be “terrorism”, but at this early point it appears to be the work of an American citizen with no clear links to international terror networks beyond general inspiration. Officials are briefing reporters every two hours.

Our thoughts are with the families and friends of the victims and with the Orlando community.

What We Know:

At least 50 people are dead and 53 injured in an attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida. Eyewitness accounts are emerging.

This is already being considered the worst mass shooting in US history.

Officers shot and killed the suspect who they say was named Omar Mateen. One officer was injured.

Early reports indicate that the shooter had been known to the FBI as someone with terrorist sympathies.

The shooter had received weapons training and was armed with several guns and an “explosive device”.

Officials are calling the incident “terrorism”, but have yet to say whether or not the shooter had any real connections to an international terrorist organization.

The gunman’s father told NBC News in a statement that his son did not have any ties to terrorism but had been “angry” since seeing two men kissing in Miami several months ago.
Its not good for the islamic terror deniers.No question in my mind that both the shooter and the dad were radicalized to one degree or another.Or to be a good muslim all you have to do is kill non-believers according to the Quran.You arent a radical you are main stream.


jollyjacktar said:
Apparently daddy never took the kid back to the home country for a Thursday night visit if Orlando set him off.
Or an alternative theory (100% pure speculation pulled out of my ... hat ... for the purpose of debate/discussion/ :stirpot:):  he may have ...
Regarding Orlando,

"Medics delayed by suspicious device" They mistakenly thought the gunman had strapped explosives to the dead after a bomb robot sent back images of a battery part next to a body.

"Orlando first responders had to make their way through a 'cacophony of ringing unanswered cellphones' "

To locate survivors, the crew called out, "If you are alive, raise your hand."

If it was 2 AM, by that time some of the guests may have been pretty well lubricated or high. They say it took a while to get the dance music turned off and for guests to realize a massacre was in progress.

From reading about other nightclub disasters, ( And one place in particular that I remember from my youth that was a disaster waiting to happen, entirely thanks to a greedy management. )

I hope,

1) The joint wasn't over legal capacity with customers.

2 ) The emergency exits were up to code, well marked and usable.

Eyewitness says emergency exit door at Orlando nightclub shooting was being held shut from outside. Then his call gets dropped on national television.

I read that 9,000 counselors and therapists descended on New York City after 9/11.

Not sure how many are headed to Orlando,

Counselors used after 9/11 will be on hand to help in Orlando

tomahawk6 said:
Its not good for the islamic terror deniers.No question in my mind that both the shooter and the dad were radicalized to one degree or another. Or to be a good muslim all you have to do is kill non-believers according to the Quran.You arent a radical you are main stream.


I think you nailed it.
Haven't had a chance to follow much.

Have Islamic leaders organized vigils of their followers in front of the club to make it clear that the actions were not representative of what they are teaching?

Jarnhamar said:
I think you nailed it.




Anywho. Let's not do this here? Or do we have to?
Cdn Blackshirt said:
Haven't had a chance to follow much.

Have Islamic leaders organized vigils of their followers in front of the club to make it clear that the actions were not representative of what they are teaching?

Vigils I am not sure about, but my feeds were full of scholars denouncing it. I can look around for Vigils if you want... but I am about to crash again. Working nights. So it may be quicker for you to Google it.
Cdn Blackshirt said:
Have Islamic leaders organized vigils of their followers in front of the club to make it clear that the actions were not representative of what they are teaching?

City asks community to "hold off on vigils," citing strain on public safety resources
Central Florida's police officers, EMTs, medical professionals, firefighters and other first responders and emergency personnel have been stressed beyond belief in the past 48 hours, and they need some rest.
Cdn Blackshirt said:
Have Islamic leaders organized vigils of their followers in front of the club to make it clear that the actions were not representative of what they are teaching?
At the club, not that I've heard of - likely because of what mariomike posted.  Spotted this with a quick Google-fu:  " Later today (12 June), the Council of Sacramento Valley Islamic Organizations (COSVIO), an umbrella organization of Muslim organizations in the Sacramento Valley which the Sacramento Valley chapter of the Council on American Islamic is a member of, alongside The Sacramento LGBT Community Center, will hold a press conference and rally to condemn the deadly shooting spree at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida that left at least 50 people dead and another 53 injured ..."
Cdn Blackshirt said:
Haven't had a chance to follow much.
How's this for a start?

Meanwhile, this didn't take long ...
AbdullahD said:
Anywho. Let's not do this here? Or do we have to?

"Here" seems like the ideal place to do this.  You know,  in the Islamic terrorisim in the west thread.