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Is there standard times for ceastation of taking medicine?


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I've seen a few people in post talking of failing their medical and being told to wait 1 year. Is this 1 year standard?

My situation is that I'm re-enrolling to the Reserves after being out for a few years.

About a year ago after having recently seperated from my wife, changing work, and moving to another city had me a little down. At the recommendation of my doctor I was prescribed Prozac as treatment.

Anyways, thinking to myself what made me feel the happiest in my life was actually being in the Military,  I went down to CFRC and opened an application in Jun 05.

As you can imagine during my medical in Oct 05 the fact that I was treated for depression became an issue. Obviously I decided with my doctor to cease taking them. (Personally, I'm not sure if they helped at all but only gave me side effects. Getting together with some old and new friends to talk over a beer or two seemed to be far more theraputical.)

Fast forward to today. I just finished submitting my follow up forms from my doctor who indicated that my depression was transitional in nature and by his accounts I am good to go. It has only been roughly 3 months since I have been off the drug without and adverse affects. CFRC will now send my medical for review.

From other posts I have not seen a standard reponse as to what I can expect. One person said they were cleared medically while others were told to wait a year and re-apply. Is there a standard response or is it looked at on a case by case basis? If a year comes into play is it based on a year from when I stopped taking the meds or a year from if and when my medical is declined?

My application aside fromt he medical and PT test is complete, so obviously I'm hoping that the t's are crossed and the i's are dotted and I will be getting back in by the summer. However, I do realize this can be a major bump in that road. If anyone has a bit of insight into a matter like this or similar I would be interested in hearing it.
Often the CF requires you to be symptom free for one year. You then get a doctor's note saying that you have, indeed, been symptom free for a year and you resubmit your paper work including the doctor's note. This is usually how it goes.

As always the best person to talk to about this is the person that did your medical.  From my discussions with my medical staff the one year wait is common but of course with any recruiting issue it is always applicant dependant and case by case.  Good luck.