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Is there some higher power at work?

I have 4 grade 10 highschool credits.   6 is required.   They are Math, socials, english, and science & tech I think.   I'd hafto look at my transcripts again.   *Looks to GED study guide sitten on table* Ironically I have a book that my mom owned.   I plan to look at it tonight after I get back from seeing the Manchurian Candidate.
hmm...  I'd offer my services as a tutor (did it during first and second year) unfortunately i'm in Ontario so I doubt I could be much assistance.  but if you need help, just PM me...i'm a pretty intelligent guy :)

Hi Jay,

I understand your desire to be in the Army as I also share that dream. I also understand the need you have to get away from these problems that you are encountering in your life.  I suspect you are thinking getting into the Army is a way to step away from those problems and get some control back in your life. And I am sure you are right.

However, I would like to point out to you that you have other options that will achieve the same goal, without having to toss your education out. Havc you considered going to a Military High School? The only one I know of is the Robert Land Academy

Is it good or right for you? I have no idea.

Also, I believe that the Royal Military College here in Canada will accept you into the College for your final year of high school, so if you stick with it and work hard you could be in the military and get yourself educated. I think that would be worth the wait!!


Either way, good luck! These things have a way of working out for the better, so long as you keep your head high and don't give up.

Sorry to hear man life is tragic. For sure make sure those kids aren't yours or vice versa because if she does go to the Army and say you have kids around that you aren't paying for they WILL garnish your check gurunteed or make you pay somehow. As for joining the military just stick it out. Good things come to good people so don't give up. See you in green someday.

Pte. Norwood
Jason Bourne said:
if she does go to the Army and say you have kids around that you aren't paying for they WILL garnish your check gurunteed
No.  She has to go to court for that.
My advice. Get the DNA test and find out for sure if the kid is yours or not. In my opinion, its better to know for sure then live second guessing.

Other then that, keep your application moving. I can see all the BS you've put up with be a major help when you go through your training. The army will let you take a break from the civvie world (they'll keep you busy enough), and afterwards you can sort things out a bit at a time with a new perspective. The army's looking for guys who are fit, motivated, reasonably intelligent, and ready to take it all overseas. You seem like that kind of person, so keep at it.

I guess I missed it before, but what trade did you say you are applying for?

If the Human resources end of the Government EVER catch wind of who is the father of the children they can go after the dads earnings -regardless- of what the mother wants.  In fact I know two people right now that have had this happen to them. 

The one in the military at least had the military step in and put part of his earnings into a collage fund for the kids so the mother couldn't take the money and live off of it.

The other guy who isn't in the military is screwed..can't renew his licence, can't do squat.
And the money goes to his Ex's drug hobby.

And this is with the women being NICE, years down the road your lady might change her mind, esp' when you start to earn some money, and get your military carrier going. 

Personaly if I was in those shoes I'd have no trouble paying for the kids, and setting up a trust fund for higher education, but I wouldn't want the women to get one dime of it.  My friends in California call it Vaginamony, and thier state now has a MANDITORY DNA test for every birth just because of this Legal BS.

This government intervention is a reaction of course to the scumbags that don't care, and the burden their apathy puts on the system.
Sadly now all guys are painted with the same brush regardless.

Anyway like Red Green says keep your stick on the ice... we are all pulling for yah.
I promise you guys, I'll be in green.  It's just a matter of time.  And this bullshit that erin brings up once and awhile I could care less of.  If they are my kids then of course I'll do somehting about it.  But nothing is getten in the way of what I do and the money I hand over if they are mine will be into a trust fund.  1) The government takes half of the payments in child support which is bullshit.  2) I've seen it happen to many times where the money isn't spent for the better on children, my mother did this.  That's why I'm paid directly now.
Ghostwalk said:
My advice. Get the DNA test and find out for sure if the kid is yours or not. In my opinion, its better to know for sure then live second guessing.

Other then that, keep your application moving. I can see all the BS you've put up with be a major help when you go through your training. The army will let you take a break from the civvie world (they'll keep you busy enough), and afterwards you can sort things out a bit at a time with a new perspective. The army's looking for guys who are fit, motivated, reasonably intelligent, and ready to take it all overseas. You seem like that kind of person, so keep at it.

I guess I missed it before, but what trade did you say you are applying for?
