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Is there anybody here waiting for the Oct-Nov DEO board meeting results?

  • Thread starter Thread starter JOHN LEE 27
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Is there anybody here waiting for the Oct-Nov DEO board meeting results?   :crybaby:
  I am waiting for the results, but apparently my security clearance is still pending so I think I may have missed this board sitting. I applied DEO Reg. Infantry as first choice with Artillery as my second. I applied in Hamilton, where did you apply, and for what trades? Do you, or anyone else, know the start dates of the next few officer cadet courses in St. Jean?

Reid you will be considered for that selection as long as your file is complete by Oct/Nov....does anyone know the exact deadline date????

I am hoping to have my file complete for that selection but have run into a problem with my medical that I am waiting to hear back on.  I believe the date for St Jean will be in January sometime for this selection of officer cadets....
My file is waiting for November's Board.

The CFRC office has been fantastic making sure I have all the T's crossed and I's dotted. I hope to see y'all at BOTC in January.
I want to make the board in November.

My file isn't there yet, but I've been pressing the CFRC to get it moving.

so your not an officer cadet....

you shouldn't have that in your avatar
Hi Hoser....

How long did it take in your case for Security Clearance???



I'm not sure specifically, but no less than 3 weeks, and no longer than 5 weeks. 
I have some unofficial info about openings for fall Board.

I "heard"  zero  positions available for CELE and AERE
              SIGNALS - 7
              MARS- 26
is there anyone out there heard the same story from your recruiters???? 

I called them today and the news is bad

I have no chance of getting in CELE or AERE. There are no Positions.
I want them to remove the CELE job posting from there fancy recruiting poster ( frustration)
I just called and apparently there are 19 logistics officer positions open, so if I can get this medical issue cleared up, I think I have an extremely good shot.......now the suspense of getting my medical  back is going to kill me, I am counting on getting a letter saying their is some issue and hopefully I can clear the issue up....
When did you all apllied for these positions. I applied in March 2004. CFAT,Medical, interview is done but Police Clearance is pending. It will take one year (may be more) as I was born not born in Canada. It sux...  :crybaby:
I started on May 31 and was merit listed on Sept 20. So I guess I shouldn't complain about waiting...
All those hoping for a Signals Officer job offer say "Aye"!    :warstory:

Do we know if the official date has been set for that DEO board?
I applied for SIGNALS too.  Board date?? but
I know for sure the airforce board will be between Nov 8- 24, and the Army Board is before that.