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Is the Annexation of Canada part of Bush's Military Agenda?

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Here's the scoop, sunshine.

Start googling some facts to back up these claims as I'm starting to tire of drivel, you have 24 hours to back up this post with some facts or moderator action will be taken.
Good night
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Here's the scoop, sunshine.

Start googling some facts to back up these claims as I'm starting to tire of drivel, you have 24 hours to back up this post with some facts or moderator action will be taken.
Good night

I'm not sure what you're asking me to prove, you'll have to be more specific and I'll do my best to prove things, but it's hard to find proof of what will happen in the future...I did post a link to start this thread.

No one's forcing you to read anything....why is it I doubt that a U.S. sympathizer thread would've been treated the same way?
Disillusioned said:
I'm not sure what you're asking me to prove, you'll have to be more specific and I'll do my best to prove things, but it's hard to find proof of what will happen in the future...I did post a link to start this thread.

No one's forcing you to read anything....it's not drivel, but I'll do my best to prove my drivel is accurate. :salute:
Disillusioned - Forum guidelines regarding Qualifying information are located here:  http://army.ca/forums/threads/17343.0.html

Here are some examples of what Bruce is getting at:

-I live in Toronto, and I can tell you that there is much more of an extreme difference between the rich and the poor in Toronto than there used to be, but it's still nothing near that of a U.S. city....

What is your experience or qualification to know the socio-economics in a US City?

Our arts industry would disappear, not that we have a huge arts industry yet

How do you know?

Canada has some of the absolute best researchers and scientists in the world

Says who?

Hopefully, you get the picture....

Dissillusioned, and X-Royal, as a diehard hockey fan I too am feeling the effects of NHL withdrawl but I don't believe it is because my President has ordered a pre-emptive psychological warfare strike against your country by acting in collusion with "big money"  team ownership to shut down the league and numb your brains before we come rolling in with Abrams tanks.

You act as if my so called Rogue Nation, who you accuse kills millions of innocent people in the name of "big" money (as opposed to "little" money) is governed by megolomaniac dictators or despots bent on some personal agenda. Have you forgotten what happens every four years? It's judgement day by the individuals who wield the real power.

This nation was created BY the people and our leaders act in the interest OF the people. If the American people approve of going to war or give our representatives the backing to authorize the commander-in-chief to go to war in OUR national interests then that is the true uknown you, as a fearmonger, must concern yourself with. It is the uknown  will of my fellow citizens through our representative voices. Our voices are very loud and very clear when we approve or dissaprove of our leaders' actions and ulitmately we make this choice at the ballot box so when we are on the right course or the wrong course politically, socially, economically and militarily the American people will make the adjustment. Our leaders spent over $4 Billion collectively just to win the American people's vote. It is the leaders who know where the power lies. This translates into faith in the democratic system. This is faith in our Constitution, in the fact that the American people have a right to turn our government upside down in order to proceed in the right direction. The beauty of this is the built-in checks and balances when a branch of government goes in the wrong direction. And for the purpose of this topic, the right direction does NOT involve  - symbolically - breaking down our friendly, warm-hearted neighbor to the north's front door, entering your sovereign house and confiscating all of your possessions and then annexing your land in the name of greed. If that ever was even attempted in today's climate, believe me, you can count on the American people to right that wrong. 

Now, back to a more important subject - back to hockey - saw my first game of the year tonight Cornell University vs. Canisus College.  Cornell won 3-0. Half of the roster for both teams come from all over Canada. And guess whose national anthem was played first before the game started. Yep. Canada. And the parents who travelled down to Ithaca, NY to come watch their children play sang  your national anthem at the tops of their voices. That pride for your country really impressed me.

muskrat89 said:
Disillusioned - Forum guidelines regarding Qualifying information are located here:   http://army.ca/forums/threads/17343.0.html

Here are some examples of what Bruce is getting at:

How do you know?

Canada has some of the absolute best researchers and scientists in the world

Says who?

Hopefully, you get the picture....

Yeah sorry, I'm working on that link thing. :dontpanic:

Should've known a military site would thrive on detail. ;D
Here is more on Northcomm: (Northern Command)


Regarding Ballistic Missile Defence:


Regarding the problems of American ownership of Canada and influence over Canada:


David Orchard is a romanticist, but his book is a good account of American expansionism in Canada, and the American takeover of our merchant shipping, farming and defence industries among other things.


Here is American William Blum's accounts of America's attrocities, which Canada would never be guilty of. Scroll down on the opening page to see the dozens of internationally illegal U.S. interventions in foreign countries. Read the introduction to get a sense of what the book contains, and scroll down for a great list of references:


York University poltical economist and social-policy writer James Laxer's take on the differences between American and Canadian society, and the country who believes it has a right to dominate the globe and the future of the human race:


Another Laxer book on the differences between Canada and America and around various parts within America:


From the Avro Arrow and Avro Jetliner to the first artifical heart, Ralah Nader's book Canada Firsts highlights our technical prowess:


U of T law graduate Duff Conacher of Democarcy Watch and writes the sequel "More Canada Firsts," highlighting the technical prowess the world could lose should we become too integrated into the U.S. :


Stephen Clarkson is Professor of Political Economy at the University of Toronto. His previous books have won the John Porter prize, a Governor-General's Award, and the John Dafoe prize. Here is his book "Uncle Sam and Us," examining our relationship with the United States, and how NAFTA and neoconservative globalization have affected us, and he highlights the search for a new governing paradigm and the fact that this issue is "not whether Canada will exist, but what kind of Canada will exist."


Here is a great Canadian history book and forward-looking work by Red-Tory and humourist Stephen Leacock that mentions the importance of raising our declining birth rate,   and raising our population to 100 million, and it was written back in 1941!   "Canada: Foundations of its future."


Here is another NORTHCOMM site:


"If we lose freedom here [in America], there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth."
- President Ronald Reagan
October 27, 1984

"The AOR includes air, land and sea approaches and encompasses the continental United States, Alaska, Canada, Mexico, and the surrounding water out to approximately 500 nautical miles. It also includes the Gulf of Mexico, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The defense of Hawaii and our territories and possessions in the Pacific remain the responsibility of U.S. Pacific Command."

Karpovage said:
Dissillusioned, and X-Royal, as a diehard hockey fan I too am feeling the effects of NHL withdrawl but I don't believe it is because my President has ordered a pre-emptive psychological warfare strike against your country by acting in collusion with "big money"   team ownership to shut down the league and numb your brains before we come rolling in with Abrams tanks.

You act as if my so called Rogue Nation, who you accuse kills millions of innocent people in the name of "big" money (as opposed to "little" money) is governed by megolomaniac dictators or despots bent on some personal agenda. Have you forgotten what happens every four years? It's judgement day by the individuals who wield the real power.

This nation was created BY the people and our leaders act in the interest OF the people. If the American people approve of going to war or give our representatives the backing to authorize the commander-in-chief to go to war in OUR national interests then that is the true uknown you, as a fearmonger, must concern yourself with. It is the uknown   will of my fellow citizens through our representative voices. Our voices are very loud and very clear when we approve or dissaprove of our leaders' actions and ulitmately we make this choice at the ballot box so when we are on the right course or the wrong course politically, socially, economically and militarily the American people will make the adjustment. Our leaders spent over $4 Billion collectively just to win the American people's vote. It is the leaders who know where the power lies. This translates into faith in the democratic system. This is faith in our Constitution, in the fact that the American people have a right to turn our government upside down in order to proceed in the right direction. The beauty of this is the built-in checks and balances when a branch of government goes in the wrong direction. And for the purpose of this topic, the right direction does NOT involve   - symbolically - breaking down our friendly, warm-hearted neighbor to the north's front door, entering your sovereign house and confiscating all of your possessions and then annexing your land in the name of greed. If that ever was even attempted in today's climate, believe me, you can count on the American people to right that wrong.  

Now, back to a more important subject - back to hockey - saw my first game of the year tonight Cornell University vs. Canisus College.   Cornell won 3-0. Half of the roster for both teams come from all over Canada. And guess whose national anthem was played first before the game started. Yep. Canada. And the parents who travelled down to Ithaca, NY to come watch their children play sang   your national anthem at the tops of their voices. That pride for your country really impressed me.

I wish I agreed with you. The U.S. is certainly a republic, and no I don't think an Abrams tank will roll in, I'm afraid Canadian leaders are selling us out.

I won't get into the issue of corrupt electronic voting machines designed by republican fundraisers, or even the provisional ballots which left 150,000+ off the ballot in a very close Ohio race.

Here is an interesting piece of evidence. Apparently, 106% of Wyoming was registered to vote. :o

Legit Gov.org

According to the 'Profile of Wyoming's Voters Voter Registration and Voter Turnout' on the Wyoming Secretary of State's website, Wyoming had a turnout of 106% registered voters on November 2, 2004.
mix this into AmeriKan de mockery
Wyoming had 232,396 registered voters - 62% of eligible voters for the 2004 General Elections; turnout of registered voters was 245,789, or 106% of registered voters.

Take a look at the official figures... http://soswy.state.wy.us/election/profile.htm

A European's take on the historical background of "manifest destiny."

by Michael T. Lubbrage
[Michael T. Lubbrage is a scholar and author for the "From Revolution to Reconstruction" project of the University of Groningen in The Netherlands. In this article, he provides a comprehensive overview of the Manifest Destiny doctrine and the plight of those affected by it.]


I won't get into the issue of corrupt electronic voting machines designed by republican fundraisers, or even the provisional ballots which left 150,000+ off the ballot in a very close Ohio race.
That line was the death of this thread.

Here is an interesting piece of evidence. Apparently, 106% of Wyoming was registered to vote.
Read it again lad, stop trying to find anything to whine about, check the very last column and check the actual turnout of eligible voters.
Anyway this thread has been a train wreck from the start and its time has expired.  Locking

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