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Is PT done every morning at BMQ?

I just left St. Jean and my experience was that we did morning PT maybe 5 times the entire course. There's PSP (Basically gym class) about once a week most weeks. And as commented prior I probably sweated the most during drill....MARK TIME!
I just left St. Jean and my experience was that we did morning PT maybe 5 times the entire course. There's PSP (Basically gym class) about once a week most weeks. And as commented prior I probably sweated the most during drill....MARK TIME!

Were you on BMQ or BMOQ?
I graduated today. I'm finally able to have some spare time to reply to posts. No, you will not do PT every morning. I've just spent twelve weeks here at the mega. I've done a total of five morning PT runs and five morning PT at the gym. However you will have PT later in the day with the new schedule on most days.
Morning PT is only once or twice a week, and honestly, it's really nice. It gives you a great start to the day - just make sure the quarters are spotless after the showers/before breakfast.
I'm heading in to week 6 at the moment, gone on 2 morning runs so far. Really is a good way to start the day, and we normally have a fair bit of time after the run to shower and prepare for breakfast. not like the 8 minutes we are usually given after PT classes to shower and be lined up in the hall lol.. We had pt class 3 times last week, which was also good, but it was right after drill class, so it was pretty hard at times. Circuit training and weight room. Good times.. thank god I had this weekend off.. first weekend of freedom! woohoo!!! ;-)
Thanks to all the recently graduated and current BMQ recruits. The updated information you guys have given is awesome!
lol 3 morning pt so far.. we do however have pt 3-4 times a week during the day.. weight training, circuit training etc.
hello! please tell me how it's possible that you did such little pt? im going for officer training in june and im scared shitless of the pt because i'm 40 and am having issues with my knees, making me nervous if i will be able to succeed! And all you hear is everyone saying you'll run run run and run :/ wt%$ please give me the scoop on your experience and is this typical?

thanks a tun, really appreciate any feedback :) 
i sent a few of these emails out hoping to get as much insight as possible :)

It could depend on whether you are on a Hollywood or Hell platoon. You won't know what you are on until a few weeks in, and staff won't call it one or the other.
A hell platoon is hell. It feels like punishment PT for breathing out of sync, etc.
A Hollywood platoon is the kind that seems to not do PT except for the fitness testing.
Many platoons are somewhere in between. It depends on how your platoons comes together. If you meet your timings, straighten out the shit pumps without involving the staff, etc, you should have a good time.
You could have instructors that just like to run however. Staff that are Vandoos love their morning runs. And afternoon runs. And weekend runs. Just don't stop running because you feel a twinge in your knee. You will be spending the rest of the morning/day at the MIR and if you get a chit which excuses you from running, you may end up bearing a lot of instructors' frustrations. If you have real pain, then go. But make sure it is REAL pain, not just age.
like paleomedic said, it depends what type of platoon you are. From my experience/observation at BMQ, if you have a lot of air force and/or tech trades in your platoon there's a good chance you will be a "hollywood" platoon. And sometimes you're a little of both. My brother who went through BMOQ about 2 yrs ago was a mix. Some days they were hell and some days they were hollywood. My best advice is work together as a team and make your timings. If you're going to be late, make sure you're all late. Don't leave anyone behind.

You do, however, have to do I think it's 7 or 8 morning(5am) PT classes with your staff. Our morning PT hasn't been too bad. Usually involves a bit of running and doing stuff like push-ups, crunches, squats etc. But again, it all depends on your staff. Some staff like running and others don't.
I've heard the same story from 3 people now who have gone through BMQ in St-Jean within the last year. They did PT up until their FORCE test then after they passed the PT was practically dropped.
Great feedback! Really appreciate it :) I'm going for Aerospace officer so in all honesty I hope we don get a harass runner :/ not that I don't want to run but I want to pass my basic intact and not injured. I could crawl over broken glass to prove my intention loll but that's not in the program. I have been told the same thing in regards to running. All depends on your instructor. I'm going in January so I hope it's indoor and varied activities. Thanks again y'all for the feedback, much appreciated :) keep em comming, love to read them.
macseh said:
I'm going in January so I hope it's indoor and varied activities. Thanks again y'all for the feedback, much appreciated :) keep em comming, love to read them.

Some PT will be indoors, but you can also expect to run/do PT outdoors at times.
As said earlier in the post it depends if you are a "Hollywood" or a "Hell" platoon. There are days where you think it can't get any worse, but there are days where it feels relaxed, if I can use that word. As far as morning PTs, our platoon has had 3 or 4 , I don't exactly remember. It is a really good way to start your day as long as nobody is late, and have all the equipment with you. 2 of those PT were more team-building oriented rather than training.