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Is Patrolman Officer Material(CEOTP)?

I have heard of a BOTP bypass, in that event the mbr goes on the Offr Indoc Crse, IAP/BOTP is all about the leadership, and sword drill and etiquette and whatnot
Wo hold on here. Wookilar you said BOTP was carbon copy of PLQ, how's that possible? I thought the whole point of CAP was supposed to be the carbon copy of PLQ?
IAP is a carbon copy of PLQ (thats before BOTP) CAP is a completely different beast all together (think Land Environment Training for Officers)
IAP is basic training with a little bit of leadership thrown in. BOTP (as of last year) had the exact same lesson plans as PLQ. Not the same order, a slightly different emphasis, but not a lot of difference between the two. For example, for the two classes we had to teach, I just went to the CTC DWAN website and downloaded the appropriate PLQ lesson plans and changed the headers. Virtually all my course did the same.

Both courses are changing, we've got people just started the "new" BOTP this week, I'll post as soon as I get updated info. I have nothing on the changes to IAP.

CAP is basic environmental training and you are supposed to learn upto Section weapons (haven't done that one yet, due in Jan/Feb time frame). Keep in mind that CAP is the first time that young (or not so young) Army Officers get exposed to a field environment for longer than 4-5 days at a time. Before CAP, all they have is IAP/BOTP. I'm hoping CAP is a little closer to reality, but I have to remember it is still basic training.

For Army types, CAP is easier to get exemption for than BOTP. We have a number of people here that did IAP and BOTP and got out of CAP due to courses (Mod 5 or 6 PLQ the most important), work up training, field experience, operational tours, etc. etc.

I need some info, Going to pick your brains here

31 year old in-service CEOTP OCdt here, single and I live off the economy here in Yellowknife and I will be attending IAP/BOTP this summer (I am going with the assumption that I won't be receiving an IAP bypass as I do not have PLQ). I am currently posted in Yellowknife at 440 (T) Sqn or BTL.. what ever... My lease agreement is coming due and there has been no indication whether I will be moving into long term storage or retaining my residence. I've been told by some clerks that chances are, I will be going to St. Jean on TD and would retain my residence although I lose my northern living allowance even though I will still pay 1200 a month for a 1 bedroom apartment;the cost of living in Yellowknife if high. After IAP/BOTP I will be off to Ottawa or Cornwall Ontario for my PAO course in January, unless we all have to stay in St Jean to take the french course. I have my fingers crossed that I will be allowed to do the french course in a few years after I am MOC qualified and not in 2008.

If all works out, I will graduate on Dec 14th from BOTP, spend 2.5 weeks with my GF at her condo in Toronto then off to Cornwall/Ottawa for my PAO course. My problem is I also have a dog that I am not exactly keen on giving up, and I have to make alternate arrangements for him too. You dog owners would understand...

My question... Is there anyone else here in the same boat as me, single, living off the economy and questioning whether they retain their residence or not? Are we going on TD? Is there any word on second language training? From what I understand, after BOTP we get travel back to our BTL location for XMAS, which in my case is Yellowknife then go on course or OJT after that.

So many questions... great fun though.

Patrolman, are your course dates are 16th July - 31 Aug (typo I think). Those are the same dates three of us got in Esquimalt, I guess I will see you there or are you getting a by-pass. It seems by the documentation that this is going to almost be a 50/50 split between ROTP & CEOTP so there should be good team work and I am hoping alot of common dog. I will accept any hint/advice etc prior to arriving in Saint Jean.

ArtyNewbie said:
IAP is a carbon copy of PLQ (thats before BOTP) CAP is a completely different beast all together (think Land Environment Training for Officers)

I always understood IAP as BMQ for RegF officer candidates. BOTP for intro leadership, and CAP as the PLQ version where everything came together.
Yes, we were all MS here in esquimalt and TD to Saint Jean for BOTP(6 weeks). Who is going to be there? The other question is if we are going to  in the MEGA or the Campus? The message had a link that point us to the campus.
I haven't received my message yet so I am not banking on being loaded on your BOTP course I have to do IAP  :(  Oh well... I'll see you all there near the end of your course!

From the rumor mill, here. the guys that have to do both IAP/BOTP start at the end of aug (27th I think). But they don't have messages yet so they are not banking on it.
Hey Avro, same boat as you, I don't have my message yet either, mind you the BTL clerks have been on the ranges for the past few days!

Hey Halfmylife, when does your BOTP start? I am guessing around Oct?Nov? Does your message have any other names, for instance if I message you, could you tell me if I am on it? Oh ya what boat were you on, I have a few friends who are MARS officers, on the Vancouver.
Apparently the IAP/BOTP program at the end of August will be the first run of the new program, an amalgamation of the two I presume. I received my call sometime this morning regarding my acceptance into DEO – Infantry. Unfortunately the transcripts I submitted are not current and until they get the new ones, a couple days, I will not be receiving full joining instructions. As an aside, my hat is off to CFRC London as the entire process from start to finish, CT and all, was done in less than six weeks.
That is an amazing turn around. I'm reg force and it took 7 months for me to find out!! Congrats, we'll be on IAP together.
half my life we have a friend bosun like instructing out there, he may be able to help out in the where are you going department
Upon the advice of my CO at the recruiting centre, I submitted a memo requesting a bypass of BOTP and CAP. I have asked for a delay in my course scheduled for 16 July. I get some inside dirst at my new job on new policies in the CF. From CDA to all Recruiting centres effective May 18th anyone having completed a PLQ in 2006 or after, receives an immediate bypass of IAP/BOTP. Since I have just finished instructing on a CF,Land,and Infantry PLQ,I feel I should be able to get by on this course. The course that will replace it is called the Officership Colloqiuim held in St.Jean for three weeks in Nov. It is by far a better program for an NCO transitioning to the officer world. I will hopefully fid out soon if the BTL will support me in my request. The Co at the recruiting centre said he will go to jail before I go on that course. Lets hope he stays out of jail.

Would it be possible to get a reference to that directive from the CDA? That may have some huge implications for my bunch as well. The message may have gone out to recruiting centres, but it sure did not go out to RMC (there are no former NCM's at RMC, don't you know  ::)). I'll be releasing the hounds tomorrow when I get to work (if I get to work, stupid flu).

Patrolman is correct, I have seen a msg giving people who grad plq after jan 06 a bypass. Kinda sucks, I graduated plq in dec 05. Talk about a kick in the $#@!^. In the end I will do what I have to do with a smile on my face, it will all be worth it in the end. Anyone starting course 16th of July send me a msg
Well it has been a while since I have been on here. I will be attending course starting 16 July. Halfmylife I will see you there. The policy I mentioned earlier was reversed almost as soon as it was announced. They realzed that by runnung only one OIC a year it would not be able to deal with all of the former NCO's becoming officers. Oh well, I guess I will revisit a few things as a student as opposed to instructor.