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Introducing Morale

Mike Bobbitt

Staff member
Directing Staff
Reaction score

I would like to introduce a new feature to the game: Morale

Your morale is a dynamic representation of how well your player is doing, and is affected by a number of actions and reactions. A new player starts with a morale of 10, and their morale is subsequently affected in the following ways:

  • +2+broken fail streak Complete a mission
  • -(5+broken success streak) Fail a mission
  • +2 Add a proficiency level
  • -40 Forgot to play yesterday
  • +10 Played today
  • +10 Cashed in an incentive
  • +10 Capture an Int target
  • -X 1/2 of Missed CR (to a max of 40)
  • +1 Found some Int
  • +10 Promotion
  • +X 1/2 of lowered insurgency
  • +5 Locked down insurgency in a location
  • -1 For each insurgency point regenerated

Some of these may bear a bit of extra explanation. When you are successful with a mission, you gain two morale points. If however that successful mission broke a streak of (for example) 4 failed missions, you get an additional 4 morale points, for a total of 6. Unfortunately, the same thing happens for failures, and you get -5 with a further deduction for your broken success streak. (Let's face it, that sort of thing really is bad for morale!) If you miss CR, your morale will also drop by half of the amount you missed. In the plus column, cashing an incentive, gaining a promotion or finding int will all boost your morale, to name a few.

For the last few weeks I have been testing this setup to ensure it is balance. Everyone has been 'blindly' accruing morale, and without playing to that feature, the average morale remains neutral. So now that people understand how it works, I'm sure it will be easy to push it in a positive direction. (All test values have been wiped, and as of right now, everyone has the default starting point of 10 morale.)

Your maximum and minimum Morale is 100 + 2 times your Rank (positive for high morale, or negative for pool morale). So for example, a player that is Rank 68 will have a Morale range from -236 to +236.

Effects of Morale

Morale can have a significant effect on how much experience you get from conducting Missions or taking down Int targets. A higher morale will really give you a boost, but a low morale can slow you down. The effect Morale has on your player is shown below:

  • +400 to +500 +10% CE
  • +300 to +399 +8% CE
  • +200 to +299 +6% CE
  • +100 to +199 +4% CE
  • +26 to +99 +2% CE
  • -25 to +25 No effect
  • -26 to -99 -2% CE
  • -100 to -199 -4% CE
  • -200 to -299 -6% CE
  • -300 to -399 -8% CE
  • -400 to -500 -10% CE

The observant among you will have figured out that in order to gain the maximum benefit, you need to be Rank 150 or higher.

There are also two new Medals for achieving high and low Morale, as well as new daily challenges that may appear if randomly selected.

As always, feedback and suggestions are welcome!

Sounds like an awesome feature, it's already working for me!

One question: If you use an incentive to gain equipment proficiency levels, does that count towards your morale? Example: I use +1 proficiency level and I have 90 pieces of equipment, would that give me +180 morale?
Good question, but no... incentives are 'stand-alone' in this regard. Morale has to be gained the old fashioned way. :)
Yeah a bit of a shock ;D was loving it till I lost a mission and a streak :'( It looks like a great feature.....now to figure it out.

And more medals  :cheers: Come to daddy my precious ones.........need a Gollum smilie
Sounds like a well thought out feature, you are correct to say that failing a mission has a tremendous effect on morale,  mine has been crushed a couple of times in the last few days.  This just adds another wrinkle to the strategy and complexity of this game. 
I have a knack for making something simple sound very complicated. :)

Essentially as you play you can watch your morale bar go up and down based on what you're doing. The higher it is, the more CE you will get for various tasks.
I might not have read things right. Besides the breaking of a streak, does going on a streak/run, be it complete mission/fail affect morale?
I have a question regarding the "streak" too; at what point will it be considered to be "a streak"? 2 X winning missions in a row and then a fail will see a -5 deduction? etc??
Larry, you read it right. Streaks only affect morale when they're broken. Vern, 2 in a row is a streak, so 2 successful and 1 failed will actually net you a -7 hit to your Morale. (-5 for failing, -2 for breaking a 2 success streak.)

So yeah, streaks can turn the tables pretty quickly. :)
Mike Bobbitt said:
Larry, you read it right. Streaks only affect morale when they're broken. Vern, 2 in a row is a streak, so 2 successful and 1 failed will actually net you a -7 hit to your Morale. (-5 for failing, -2 for breaking a 2 success streak.)

So yeah, streaks can turn the tables pretty quickly. :)

No kidding: Mission Failed: Locate and destroy an old Soviet munitions dump (-193CR, -47 Morale)
Good addition Mike! Have you thought about having missions (take a shower, call home,  etc.) that are purely morale boosts without any CE?
Mike Bobbitt said:
There are also two new Medals for achieving high and low Morale, as well as new daily challenges that may appear if randomly selected.

Along with the new medals, I see that you now earn Morale Points as rewards for both the Initiative and Insurgency incentive medals.  I knew there was a reason I hadn't cashed in some of those yet!

Mike, can you please explain the second part of your blurb that I quoted.  The "randomly selected" for a new daily challenge.  Will we notice, or be notified, if we have this new challenge?  Does that mean there could be a 4th challenge available to us? 

Oh, and thanks for adding something new to stepping up the game!  Me thinks your wife needs to give you more chores over the holidays, doesn't sound like you're busy enough at home.  Although I'm not sure why you would want to play AO too much anymore...those consistent failed missions of yours have got to be hurting your morale  ;)
Lists at the bottom in the mission summary, separately. You should be getting "Morale has added Experience (X CE)" when you complete missions.
I mean before one does a mission, on the main Ops page I guess you could say.

EDIT: Answered my own question by doing a mission. On a related note it would be nice to have the CE bonus listed somewhere, perhaps when you put your mouse over the mission or just the percent listed on the moral bar
Dammit that sure changes things. I can't hammer risky missions anymore as it drops you down fast......
airmich said:
Mike, can you please explain the second part of your blurb that I quoted.  The "randomly selected" for a new daily challenge.  Will we notice, or be notified, if we have this new challenge?  Does that mean there could be a 4th challenge available to us?

Mich, actually today is a good example of the randomly selected challenge... in addition to all the daily challenges you know and love, acquiring positive or negative morale is now also possible as a daily challenge.

Not only that, but there are also daily challenges for earning or losing specific amounts of CE as a result of a morale boost (or drain). I.E. earn an additional 150 CE as a result of a high morale, or have 40 CE chopped off from having a low morale. So don't worry, even sad pandas will benefit from some daily challenges! :)

airmich said:
Me thinks your wife needs to give you more chores over the holidays, doesn't sound like you're busy enough at home.  Although I'm not sure why you would want to play AO too much anymore...those consistent failed missions of yours have got to be hurting your morale  ;)

Zing! Nice one mich! Hey somebody's got to test all the fail cases... ;)

Jeff, that's not a bad idea... I'll see what I can do about that.
Hey Mike, I tried the +200 morale incentive and it didn't work at all. Any chance I can get the medal/MP back?