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Interview this Monday!

When I had my interview, to tell you the truth, I really didn't know much other than what units there are for the MOC I'm going into and where they are based out of.  A little regimental history and maybe some technical knowledge.  It does help to know what your going into and why you chose this trade over other trades and why this was your first choise.  Why did this trade have the glitter and gold?
What I did know though was, what other skills outside of the army knowledge can I bring to them and why they should concider me for the job? A bit of humor and common sense, aswell.  Having the look of being dressed to kill, no pun intended (but first impressions are lasting ones), also showing how much you want to serve your country and be apart of something that has so much honor. 

I had the attitude that this was the most wanted thing I've ever wanted bar none, and that I would beat out the competition to get on the merit list to get that.  Kick ass on the PT, Kick ass on the CFAT and kick ass in the interview. 

Take a look around the interviewer's office before it begins to get a feel for where he may have come from in the Army, Navy, or CAF.  It helps ;) Especailly if he/she served on the unit you want to serve with aswell.  During the whole interview they are looking for details of irregularities and basically doing a phycological test on you aswell.  Just be yourself, be honest, and don't guess at things, know.  I said "I don't know" a couple times and wasn't afraid to state what I did know. Just make sure one doesn't out weigh the other.

I applied at the end of November and am on my way to BMQ for April.  Confidence, Drive and Determination. Now the focus of Perseverance.  They may say if you don't hear anything by a certain time period to give them a call.  Keep you options open. Keep your first choise the same...and work with the recruiting centre to find out what your best options would be concidering what you have to offer. Outside of first choise, it'll show how much you want your first choice by reconcidering your second and third options because that's why they are second and third, right? 

These are just somethings I observed during the recruiting process.  Winnipeg was excellent and really helpful! 

I found that there are 2 kinds of interviews
1) Interviews for jobs and,
2) Interviews for "THEE" job. 

Treat this one as the latter.

Kincanucks, would this be on par?

Buzz said:
When I had my interview, to tell you the truth, I really didn't know much other than what units there are for the MOC I'm going into and where they are based out of.   A little regimental history and maybe some technical knowledge.   It does help to know what your going into and why you chose this trade over other trades and why this was your first choise.   Why did this trade have the glitter and gold?
What I did know though was, what other skills outside of the army knowledge can I bring to them and why they should concider me for the job? A bit of humor and common sense, aswell.   Having the look of being dressed to kill, no pun intended (but first impressions are lasting ones), also showing how much you want to serve your country and be apart of something that has so much honor.    

I had the attitude that this was the most wanted thing I've ever wanted bar none, and that I would beat out the competition to get on the merit list to get that.   Kick *** on the PT, Kick *** on the CFAT and kick *** in the interview.  

Take a look around the interviewer's office before it begins to get a feel for where he may have come from in the Army, Navy, or CAF.   It helps ;) Especailly if he/she served on the unit you want to serve with aswell.   During the whole interview they are looking for details of irregularities and basically doing a phycological test on you aswell.   Just be yourself, be honest, and don't guess at things, know.   I said "I don't know" a couple times and wasn't afraid to state what I did know. Just make sure one doesn't out weigh the other.

I applied at the end of November and am on my way to BMQ for April.   Confidence, Drive and Determination. Now the focus of Perseverance.    They may say if you don't hear anything by a certain time period to give them a call.   Keep you options open. Keep your first choise the same...and work with the recruiting centre to find out what your best options would be concidering what you have to offer. Outside of first choise, it'll show how much you want your first choice by reconcidering your second and third options because that's why they are second and third, right?  

These are just somethings I observed during the recruiting process.   Winnipeg was excellent and really helpful!  

I found that there are 2 kinds of interviews
1) Interviews for jobs and,
2) Interviews for "THEE" job.    

Treat this one as the latter.

Kincanucks, would this be on par?


Couldn't have said it better myself.
I know there are countless posts about the CFAT, but I just want to clarify a few things.
1) How is the test layed out? (different sections?)
2) Is there a time limit?
3) How many questions?
Look here:

Zensunni said:
I know there are countless posts about the CFAT, but I just want to clarify a few things.
1) How is the test layed out? (different sections?)
2) Is there a time limit?
3) How many questions?
Did you not get an application package?  If you did try going through it.
Yeah I have one, It's just I've heard several different things about it and like I said, I just wanted to clear it up.

I was looking on this site and under Infantry Units, it has the Canadian Scottish Reg, Calgary Highlanders, Royal Winnipeg Rifles, etc etc etc. If for example, I were to become part of 3PPCLI, would I be under one of those units? Or are those for Reserves?
Zensunni said:
I was looking on this site and under Infantry Units, it has the Canadian Scottish Reg, Calgary Highlanders, Royal Winnipeg Rifles, etc etc etc. If for example, I were to become part of 3PPCLI, would I be under one of those units? Or are those for Reserves?

The Calgary Highlanders, Royal Winnipeg Rifles etc are all reserve units. If you were to become part of 3PPCLI you'd be part of 3PPCLI not Calgary Highlanders, for example. I was asked what the three regular infantry regiments in Canada were during my interview so if your planning to go inf you should look that up.
The 3 regular force infantry regiments are PPCLI, RCR, R22e. In each regiment there are 3 battalion's.  :salute:
Thanks, thats what I was thinking. Was just trying to get some background on each regiment and seen the inf. units.

I fly down to the peg tonight and do everything tomorrow. Wish me luck ;D

Thanks everyone for your help  :salute: :cdn:
Alright, last question ....i hope.

Ok, R22e, All of the websites that I can find for it are in French, I was wondering if anyone had any sites in English, and what does R22e stand for?

Thanks again,
Zensunni said:
Yeah I have one, It's just I've heard several different things about it and like I said, I just wanted to clear it up.

Well despite what you heard and who you heard it from we don't give out recruiting application packages that contain wrong information.
In English R22e is the Royal 22nd Regiment, also known as the Vandoos It is a Quebec based Bilingual Regiment, with many battle honours.
If you are not fluent in French, then this is not the place for you.
Thanks guys,

Kincanucks, at one time was the test different than it is now? The guy I was talking was probably full of ****.....
Vandoos is also slang for "vingt-deux" , if you want extra information.  ;)

Zensunni said:
Thanks guys,

Kincanucks, at one time was the test different than it is now? The guy I was talking was probably full of ****.....

The test is the same as it has been since 1997 except it is done on computer.
Well I did everything I had to do yesterday morning. When I got there, I was early so I had to wait 10 minutes to get in. In the meantime 2 others showed up for an interview/testing as well. When we were let in we first did the CFAT. Test took maybe an hour and after a little wait we were all informed we had passed. This was what I was the most worried about, but thankfully I passed   . Next I had a medical examination. After going through everything and learning Ã?'m a "healthy young chap", I passed that and went on to the Interview. This also took maybe an hour, and I think it went very well. Everyone I met there was great, they somehow made you feel very comfortable and it took all the nervous feelings I had right out of me. After the Interview was finished I had my Physical test, which I also passed with no problems.

After all this was finished, I was told that since I passed everything, the waiting game begins. He said that persuming everything goes well, I should be merit listed for the middle of June (would be earlier, but I have to graduate from high school first) and said that I would most likey be informed of a job within a month of that time, give or take a couple weeks.

So all in all, everything went very well, and I am now a happy young man.

:salute: :cdn: