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Interview advice (merged)

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Anton1981 said:
3. I know you cannot prepare for the interview but is there anything you guys would recommend to look at? any reading materials or something like that???...Thank you in advance...

Ummm, just a thought, but the application papers come with an interview prep form to fill out. Filling that out will prepare you for your interview, so what you 'know' and what is fact seem to be 2 different things....
Have my interview on Monday, is it true that based on High CFAT scores they may offer you a Officer position or different job, or is this a bunch of optimistic rumor?  ???
G.McDonnell said:
Have my interview on Monday, is it true that based on High CFAT scores they may offer you a Officer position or different job, or is this a bunch of optimistic rumor?  ???

You are being interviewed for the positions you have applied for.
Normally, you will be shown a list of occupations for which you qualify.  If not, you may ask to see it.

You may consider changing your application at that time.  However, if you want to be an officer, you should apply to be an officer.  Applying for one thing, while hoping for another doesn't make very much sense.
George Wallace said:
OK.  You scare me.  You are applying to become an officer and you couldn't even plunk "Interview" into that little box marked SEARCH and find all of these posts (8 pages) that I merged with your question?  The very first topic on the list of topics I found was "Interview and Medical".  I am sure if I were to type "Dress" into that SEARCH box in any of the RECRUITING forums I would also find a long list of topics on what to wear to an interview.  If I were to do the same for "Medical" I would also find a long list of topics covering what to wear, what to bring, etc. to a Medical. 

Could you be so kind as to tell me through which Education System you have managed to progress?  I am truly curious.

+1 Million!!

And just to be nice, I will continue to amalgamate all the "INTERVIEW" topics in one place just for you.
I've been reading a lot of posts mentioning bringing in a resume and a cover letter for the interview... I'd like to know more about those of you who did and those of you who did not do this.

I was not told either way. I'm applying as an officer if that matters regarding this.
Menteith said:
I've been reading a lot of posts mentioning bringing in a resume and a cover letter for the interview... I'd like to know more about those of you who did and those of you who did not do this.

I was not told either way. I'm applying as an officer if that matters regarding this.

Your profile says you are a 2LT and a PAO.  Isn't it kind of late to be asking these questions?

Anyone going for a Job Interview, no matter what the job or where, not just for the CF, should be prepared as much as possible to give the prospective employer all the information they would need to make an informed decision as to whether or not to hire you.  That would make bringing a Covering Letter and a CV/Resume along with you a good idea and opportunity to prove that you are serious in your application.
George Wallace said:
Your profile says you are a 2LT and a PAO.  Isn't it kind of late to be asking these questions?

Anyone going for a Job Interview, no matter what the job or where, not just for the CF, should be prepared as much as possible to give the prospective employer all the information they would need to make an informed decision as to whether or not to hire you.  That would make bringing a Covering Letter and a CV/Resume along with you a good idea and opportunity to prove that you are serious in your application.

Appreciated, and the 2LT and PAO were simply entered thinking the boxes needed to have something in them in order for the registration to be completed, nothing said otherwise. I suggest an "optional" comment be put next to these boxes to prevent further confusion and unnecessary MP points being taken from those not knowing any better.

I feel as though the paperwork needed to get to this point alone is substantial enough that my resume will likely not tell them anymore than they already know. I'll bring a copy though to simply cover all my bases.
Menteith said:
Appreciated, and the 2LT and PAO were simply entered thinking the boxes needed to have something in them in order for the registration to be completed.

How about you change it then ?
Menteith said:
Has already been changed. How about giving me my MP back then?

As a new member of the forums, don't worry about MilPoints. You made a mistake in claiming you were something you weren't (if you had needed to put something in, you could have put in something like "Pending" or "Applicant"). Accept it and move on. MilPoints don't really mean anything to your personal worth at the end of the day.

WRT your initial point, it can't hurt to bring a résumé in. If it will help, you've got it there. If they don't want it, then no harm.
Menteith said:
Has already been changed. How about giving me my MP back then?

I looked at your Milpoint history and i am not the one who took them away. Maybe you should speak to Journeyman about that. If it had been me, i still would not give them back. You knew better than to fill it out with false information. Your keyboard contains many keys that would have fill those boxes.
CDN Aviator said:
I looked at your Milpoint history and i am not the one who took them away. Maybe you should speak to Journeyman about that. If it had been me, i still would not give them back. You knew better than to fill it out with false information. Your keyboard contains many keys that would have fill those boxes.

That doesn't change the fact that the onus should be on the site to make sure the registration form is understandable to all.

Back on-topic, I'll bring it, as someone mentioned it might help to serve as a reminder.
Menteith said:
That doesn't change the fact that the onus should be on the site to make sure the registration form is understandable to all.

Seems understandable to most people.


but, yes, back on topic.
I'm pretty much going as far as having all my ROE's attached to my resume. May not be needed, but I like being overprepared than anything.
Hello all,

This is my first post here... I've been lurking around a few days.  I just wrote the CFAT last Tuesday, and also got my P# raised from P3 to P5 (out of curiosity, what does that mean, BTW?)  The RC Captain informed me that I should be expecting to be interviewed in the next 2-3 weeks.  He strongly suggested I prepare for the interview by learning more about the trades I want to enter. 

When I brought in my application, I went DEO Infantry (1st Choice) and put down for 2nd Armour.  Everything else was closed at the time.  From what they said about available positions, I'll most likely go infantry. 

I've been reading a lot of posts here, especially the ones referenced in the various FAQs and had some questions, as some of the threads were at least 5 years old.

1. The Captain suggested that I personally speak to someone in infantry.  After, I spoke to the Sgt at the desk and he recommended that I call the BOR (Battalion Only Room) at Petawawa.  I do have the main base number, but don't have the number for that specific area.  Does anyone have that on hand?  Also, when would be the best time to call?  Who should I ask for?  Any particular questions I should ask?

2. One of the threads recommended preparing a cover letter and resume, but it was an older thread.  I did find a PDF with questions to answer to prepare for the interview, which I plan on doing for myself.  What the thoughts on this? If I do generate a CL and Resume, anything in particular I should focus on?

3. Remembered a question... is there a FAQ somewhere on the site that has a glossary for all the acronyms? ;)

Any other suggestions going forward in the process would be greatly appreciated. 

I hope everyone else in the process is doing well and the best of luck to all of us!
I believe it means your priority level. During my application process that I went through recently for infantry your application is assigned a rank or level 1 to 5. I was told by my recruiter that infantry, due to it being competitive, requires at least a 4. It just ranks your application according to education, work history, volunteer work, etc and they assign you a priority level. This determines how quickly they will process your application and contact you for interviews, medical tests, etc.

I'm not 100% sure thats what your looking for, this is just what I encountered during my own application