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Interview advice (merged)

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You're right Brit. Being a lowly highschool dropout, not this day and age.  When I joined, you didn't need calculus to figure out which end the bullets came out of, or a degree in journalism to sign a temp issue card.  Priorities have changed I guess...Boy, I feel old.... Cry

Well, I meant that you, being the agressive man of action, would never have the patience to jump through all the beuracratic hurdles, and would have given up in disgust a long time ago.......

but whatever you say, gramps!  ;D
kincanucks said:
Due to the fact that this is a DAP, you should definitely visit the FAQ page and that will give you PPPPPP.

I have a feeling this is very funny, but I can't figure out what DAP means? And yes, I did look on the acronyms board. Gulldernit I hate missing the funny bits!
Well I'm glad that I was able to give some humor in my quest for answers, I will readily admit that I am a newbie to the site. Sorry for posting in the wrong area. i will be sure to get my PPPPPP straight in the future. Sorry again guys and gals. :salute:
Rebel_RN said:
Well I'm glad that I was able to give some humor in my quest for answers, I will readily admit that I am a newbie to the site. Sorry for posting in the wrong area. i will be sure to get my PPPPPP straight in the future. Sorry again guys and gals. :salute:

Sorry RN I wasn't laughing at your original question. I am a newbie too :)
No problems Nav, I had realized after the post that it was in the wrong spot and wanted to correct myself.
Just reading over this topic, didn't want to start a new thread and getting people mad!  :salute:

Anyways, I was talking to my dad about the interview process about being a policeman, seeing that he was a homocide dectective for numerous years. He said you would expect to see a polygraph, to make sure your a honest individual and find out the truth about you. I was just wonder is it the same process when you join the CF?

Not saying I'm not honest, the best thing you can do is tell the truth in your interview, but man that would make a guy nervous. haha    :-\

Probably start sweating profusely *yikes*

You don't take a polygraph to get into the CF. Also those polygraph tests aren't 100% accurate.
hrmmm, I wonder why the police would use them.. then.. its a conspiracy! :threat:
probably because the use of truth serums are not sanctioned by law... and it's not like those are reliable either. the majority of the population doesn't know how to fool a polygraph machine anyway, so it's probably the best and most widely available indicator of truth

just my two cents
I am going for a interview for my high school course in the first week of June , little worried tho because I broke my leg in march and I still have a cast so i was wondering if they will say try again next year even tho it is for next year ....also when I broke my leg they gave me morphine and codine to stop the pain and keep me calm for 5 hours before they did anything .....will this matter when I meet with the interviewer ...or will they ask me ....also I am not sure if those are the only drugs the hospital gave me so I am worried about that... how would I go about that ?

also I need a resume copy right ?

do I also tell them I am wanting to go for a carear in the armed forces will that help me ?

I could use some help here

Thanks for your time

If some one can just list some do's and dont's please  :-\
When I went for my CFAT we all had to fill out this long checklist of different drugs, tobacco products and alcohol and indicate which we've used and when and how frequently, but they specifically told us not to include any drugs that had been prescribed or used during any type of medical treatment. So unless you've been abusing morphine and codeine against the doctor's orders, you've got nothing to worry about on that count.

As for your other questions, your guess is as good as mine. Hopefully someone else can shed some light on them.
Polish Possy said:
I am going for a interview for my high school course in the first week of June , little worried tho because I broke my leg in march and I still have a cast so i was wondering if they will say try again next year even tho it is for next year ....also when I broke my leg they gave me morphine and codine to stop the pain and keep me calm for 5 hours before they did anything .....will this matter when I meet with the interviewer ...or will they ask me ....also I am not sure if those are the only drugs the hospital gave me so I am worried about that... how would I go about that ?

also I need a resume copy right ?

do I also tell them I am wanting to go for a carear in the armed forces will that help me ?

I could use some help here

Thanks for your time

If some one can just list some do's and dont's please   :-\

Cancel your appointment and once your leg heals then reapply.
well it's for a highschool course in september and my cast should be off when I go meet with them ...maybe I mite have a giant boot like thing , But If I don't go for my interview before june 9th I lose out and I would have to wait another full year

would they not want to risk me because my leg would be weak or somthing along those lines ?
well it's for a highschool course in september What is?

If you talking about a recruiting interview or processing and if you show up with your leg in a cast then you will be told to go away and then come back after your leg has healed with medical information to prove that.
I agree with Kincanucks. I don't think they would process you unless you are all healed up. Just read about others in here who have had to prove over and over that they're good to go by doctors. They can't have a partially healed recruit running the obstacle course and take the chance that you injure yourself again. I'd be really surprised if they did.
What is this post-modern panic over a simple recruiting interview?  Who are you joining?  Spetznaz?

I vaguely recall an interview 28 years ago .... I think I might have been sh_itfaced when I did it.  Just relax and answer the questions.

It's not like they're picking a Pope.

Good grief...

I found the interview really easy actually. It was like going to any other job interview. Just be honest and be prepared for questions like..so why do you want to join the Army? Give an example of how you deal with stress? If I called one of your previous employers what would they say about you? and the list goes on. My interview lasted about 1 hour. They also asked about my grades in school. As well as what kind of sports and training I do at the present. You read policies and are asked if you understand them and they show you a sheet of paper with all kinds of drugs and such and ask what you've done on the sheet, when and how often. Lots more was asked but you get the idea.
Ah yes the interview....well once I got done interviewing the interviewee (a very interesting fellow who was reg force and spent 28 yrs or so in the navy) I had him name all the ships he'd been on, what ports he'd been to, etc, etc...we finally got talking about me. I was very comfortable and other than the 'what do you think of alcohol' or whatever the question was ( I wasn't sure if they were planning on stocking up the mess with my favourite beverage?) I found the interview was fine. Just answer the questions honestly and be yourself.

In fact I can't say I've had anything but good experiences so far. I'm looking forward to bmq for a little character building and @$$ kicking (hopefully my @$$ will survive!)