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Infantry.....what Do You like About it? And what is your weapon of choice?

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pte.allen said:
I like getting all cammed up, patrolling, rolling around in the mud. I like the C-7 but i really like the C-9 :threat: :warstory:

Holy necrothread, batman.
pte.allen said:
I like getting all cammed up, patrolling, rolling around in the mud. I like the C-7 but i really like the C-9 :threat: :warstory:

A child in an adult's uniform.

Thats one of the most silliest comments I have ever read.

War is NOT a game.

I am going to be more mature then I was earlier, and not say anything. However, I am underestimated, feel free to criticize this reply.
P.S I do think this war is a game. Perhaps you do.

                        -Pte. Allen- :cdn:
Well, I enjoyed such things as "getting all cammed up, patrolling, rolling around in the mud", shooting, and such stuff as a seventeen-year-old reserve Infantryman as well, to tell the truth, and there is much that I still enjoy today, at three times that age. I like my job, and much of it remains a blast, even though it has its deadly serious side. When I stop enjoying it, I quit, and I don't see either happening soon.

And, pte.allen: Methinks that you're missing a "not" in your last post. You may wish to correct that before somebody picks the wrong meaning.
Loachman said:
And, pte.allen: Methinks that you're missing a "not" in your last post. You may wish to correct that before somebody picks the wrong meaning.

Too late.

Eric_911 said:
Way to be mature and not say anything......  ::)
pte.allen said:
I like getting all cammed up, patrolling, rolling around in the mud. I like the C-7 but i really like the C-9 :threat: :warstory:

You sound like a pig... that hasn't cleaned a C9 before.  ;D

I'm sorry, I had too...
I joined the infantry.... till I found my true calling!
You love the smell of burning (detonated) C-4 in the morning right geo  ;D
My favorite thing about the Infantry is that they train me to be at the top of the food chain, its the best job in the world and I'll gladly knock out anyone who disagrees.

My favorite weapon, even though I have never fired it, would be the 25mm on top of the LAV III, got to see it on the range once, and I'd personally be tickled to have that kind of fire support overseas.


CSA 105 said:
Looks like another one of these.

Sometimes one has to stay in a lane concurrent with their TI.


Not even going to go there  ::) as we all know the end result  >:D

WHITEY said:
My favorite thing about the Infantry is that they train me to be at the top of the food chain, its the best job in the world and I'll gladly knock out anyone who disagrees.

WHITEY would you like to elaborate on this?
WHITEY said:
My favorite thing about the Infantry is that they train me to be at the top of the food chain, its the best job in the world and I'll gladly knock out anyone who disagrees.

Yeah ok, a rifleman being on the top of the food chain that will be the day. Like was said before care to elaborate more on this?

WHITEY said:
My favorite weapon, even though I have never fired it, would be the 25mm on top of the LAV III, got to see it on the range once, and I'd personally be tickled to have that kind of fire support overseas.

So? Unless you get attached to a Reg Force Unit I highly doubt you will be using it.
WHITEY said:
My favorite thing about the Infantry is that they train me to be at the top of the food chain, its the best job in the world and I'll gladly knock out anyone who disagrees.

My favorite weapon, even though I have never fired it, would be the 25mm on top of the LAV III, got to see it on the range once, and I'd personally be tickled to have that kind of fire support overseas.



Son take some advice from an old BTDT retired Infanteer. While we can all admire youthful enthusiasm from time to time, you would be well advised to go on listening silence ( ask your Section Comd what it means)  until you are a little more qualified in your trade, or at least have successfully completed your BMQ.

In other words before STFU before you get piled on here. It ain’t pretty.

What i like most about the infantry is when they've fully Debused before the ramp is closed. Then they do their "mudcrunching, groundpounding, gravel agitating, living in the dirt" stuff and we engage targets with the .50 at 1800m. After which we brew up and break out the porn in the back of our comfy armoured vehicle.
My weapon of choice in the presence of Infantry is my gas cooker, my cook set, at least 60lt of water in jerries and a bag full of porn. You know how Jesus turned water into wine? Well i turned water into tea and coffee and chaps thought that was miracle enough.
WHITEY said:
My favorite thing about the Infantry is that they train me to be at the top of the food chain, its the best job in the world and I'll gladly knock out anyone who disagrees.

I disagree so please, come try and knock me out  ::)
CDN Aviator said:
I disagree so please, come try and knock me out  ::)
I reckon everyone disagrees with that. Whether its just professional rivalry, our perceived superiority to every other trade or our common sense, no one is going to agree with a someone who's in their first year of reserves telling them that he's better then them.
Personally, i reckon that Armoured is the top of the Army combat arms food chain, and my 120mm on the Abrams, my 25mm on the LAV and my .50cal on everything else will knock you out otherwise.  :P
Seriously though, Grunts are alright.
And of course, without grunts i'd have a heaps tougher time greasing my tracks.
Haleyest of Hales! said:
I reckon everyone disagrees with that. Whether its just professional rivalry, our perceived superiority to every other trade or our common sense, no one is going to agree with a someone who's in their first year of reserves telling them that he's better then them.
Personally, i reckon that Armoured is the top of the Army combat arms food chain, and my 120mm on the Abrams, my 25mm on the LAV and my .50cal on everything else will knock you out otherwise.  :P
Seriously though, Grunts are alright.
And of course, without grunts i'd have a heaps tougher time greasing my tracks.

it was my way of telling that kid to STFU

BTW, my 11 years as a sapper tell me that engineers at are the top of the food chain since landmines make short order of those tanks ;D