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Infantry.....what Do You like About it? And what is your weapon of choice?

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Nothing wrong with how the MG3 barrel change is done,it is pretty fast and safe if you know how to do it right.I have fired a few hundred rounds from one (Austrian,German and original MG42) and haven‘t had a problem with it yet.There is a good reason these NGs are still soldiering on after over 60 years.
Of course the Mag 58 is a superior piece of kit and does set the standard worldwide.Point to note though the CF in all it‘s wisdom has removed the dismounted gas regulator on the dismounted C6 with that of the co-ax version,a big mistake as now you require tools to change the settings.This serves to do nothing but increase down time on the gun not too bad if vehicle mounted where other armament is there to take over but could bedisasterous in the light role.
Doug nails the bbl change, MG34 has more experience with these than me, but I foudn it awkward.

ROF - uhm 1200rpm, A wee bit fast for my liking.
Weight - the bbl shroud.

Yeah It baffles me to no end why the CF did what they did to the gas regulator. Must be Tekriter again...

That gas regulator is stupid. Luckily, in the militia, were behind in everything, so our C-6‘s still have the old gas regulators.

Looking at the MG-42 specs, I see you can crank the cyclic rate to 1450 RPM...you imagine the poor ammo bearer on that gun?!?
Infanteer - beg borrow or steal to keep the Gas Regs.

I found a whole bunch in our Units scrap metal bin (practising my dumpster diving...) but they were too pitted and full of rust.
Who in God‘s green acres would approve such a thing? I imagine it was someone who once was actually standing _near_ a C6 while it was being fired, coupling this experience with the ability to write a Really Neat Report (complete with clear plastic cover). Certainly not someone who has ever been in a position to learn and understand the importance of keeping those pointy thingies coming out the far end of the round thingy with a minimum of interuptions.

Ooh, I know - there are too many negative connotations associated with the word "Adverse," which could lead to lessened feelings of self esteem amongst serving members. As such, it was a given that the regulators were living on borrowed time. Just wait till they come after comms procedures - what‘s a happy sounding synonym for "negative"?

Please remit the amount of $25.00 (20 min x $75/hr) for this Really Neat Report, payable to yours truly.

You pegged it. I guess the bean counter types figure it would be cheaper to only stock one type of gas reg, who cares if it works properly...

This is what happens when the PNG‘s get involved with weapons for the pointy end.

And see the resultant garbage....

Funny on the $75/hr eh...
Ahh, Tekwriter, I noticed how quickly this guy vanished without a trace when challenged...the best ones always do that.
Weapon of choice? Call me simple stupid, but after over 20 years I‘d pick the Cdn C7. I fired the C1/2/3 in competition, and getting the C7 was like getting a ‘group tightener‘. The C7 got slagged a lot for being non manly, but with the forward assist, holding open device and bolt cover delivers the goods. Unless you are a ‘true sniper‘ with training and discipline able to operate a 7.62 match with sights, settle for the C7. The 3 lbs are nice too!
Sorry, should have been more specific about the three pounds - I meant the C7 is about 3 lbs or so lighter than the C1. Although at the other end the C9 is 5 lbs heavier than the C2, it‘s a true MG.
The C7 would be my favourite weapon.

As a former Small Arms Coach - was witness to the transition from the C1 to C7 and it was dramatic to see the accuracy increase exponentially due largely to a great sight.

I loved the C8 for it smaller size and handling in and around vehicles.

I was on patrol a couple of weeks ago with the F-88 Styer and it does not turn my crank at all - it may be a neat looking weapon (bullpup design) and short overall length, but it found it very awkward and difficult to carry for long periods. It is interesting to also note that we are moving towards the M-16A3 with a Wildcat sight (essentially a C7) for the next upgrade starting in 2005.

I can remember my long-lost American uncle (I rarely speak of THAT side of the family) being involved in the original M-16 trials back in the ‘60. It is wild to think that we can still rely on a 40 year old weapons platform!
The C7 has plenty of advantages but the Elcan scope is not one of them.It has to be the worst optic ever forced on an Army.It has no zero retention,a basically flawed design by having a felxible mount,man I could go on for hours about this piece of crap.Marksmanship scores have actually decreased since the issue of the piece of crap.
The C7 has plenty of advantages but the Elcan scope is not one of them.It has to be the worst optic ever forced on an Army.It has no zero retention,a basically flawed design by having a felxible mount,man I could go on for hours about this piece of crap.Marksmanship scores have actually decreased since the issue of the piece of crap.
MG 34 - I fully agree with your comments on the optical scope. It‘s a crutch and means you almost need a weapons tech with your platoon full time (perhaps I exagerate a little). I recall shooting the C1 with iron sights at figure 12s at 600m, and now that I‘m older realize how lucky I was to have such good eyesight.
I get a good chuckle when I see troops using optical sights at 100m, it just seems so ridiculous.
Optical sights are definitely a good thing (extending the daylight a bit longer into the evening, and earlier in the morning with the light gathering), and it makes the longer shots easier. If you could be sure of all ops being CQB you wouldn‘t need any magnification (ie an holosight or Aimpoint), but within infantry ops, you can‘t guarantee that. The C79 however, is not a good thing for the reasons MG34 gave, especially the fragile mount.
well infantry no, spec ops (not jtf-2) gives the thrill of life, but since we have only been training we havent seen much action other than daily excercises and random target practise.
then again they took us to a paintball field in Ontario *laugh* which was fun :) but the guns arnt as loud as the ones we used.

Id say the AR-10 is my favorite with a sawed off shotgun under the barrel and a scope on the carry handle, the small mag is kinda small so you have to have good aim.
dont have a digital camera so i cant get them of ours and they probably wouldnt let us.
Im not sure how we are getting them because the production was stop back in the ‘60s. Meh.

and this is my rifle of choice because its been customized by ‘me‘ and it has low recoil, the shotgun is good for close quarters because its hard for me to walk up the stairs of a building with an m16 to my shoulder. I also attached a pouch on the side and tried to put a knife or something in there but it was to small so i just have it on for show.
Ditwitted poseurs are not welcome here, Andrew Power. Stick to airsoft sites where you may get, shall we say, a friendlier reception.
yeah young power didnt you say you were 13? what the F*** is up with that. Please dont pretend to be something your not........Believe me son i just joined the infantry not to long ago and believe me old cocky this aint no f***in walk in the park. So please respect us and stop trying to be something your not. Myself and my other borthers in arms put our life on the line everyday so people like you can be a$$holes so go ahead you have the right to be an a$$hole.
Hmmm... I did not know that about the Elcan sights. I moved downunder a couple of years after we were issued them in the reserves, so I was not able to see the "battle hardened" wear results on the optics - they were still "new" when I last shot the C7/C8.