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Infantry.....what Do You like About it? And what is your weapon of choice?

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Why do you like The infantry and what is you weapon of choice.....I would like to hear for all of you.
Thank you
I like the fact that the point of your job is to destroy crap. Plus when it‘s the end of the day you can take comofrt in the fact that you‘ve just done something alot harder than most other jobs out there. And Diemaco C7 series would be my weapon of choice. Very durrable and so simple to use. Also if your a good shot you can hit accurately up to 500 m.
Well its not Canadian kit, but my first choice is the AK-74. Late date of production with black hardware and folding stock, with scope mounting rail. It‘s the grand daddy of Assault rifles, in the right hands just as accuate and able to take a beating.

My second choice, and the one I would actually end up using, is the C7, as no one gets a choice in the Forces... its here your rifle get use too it, its your best friend.
The best past of being infantry is being given license to mock and flagellate the tankers and gunners. Anyone can laugh at a REMF or pouge, but we can laugh at the other combat arms without feeling guilty.

My weapon of choice? Dunno, I‘d have to say my hands... they‘re so dangerous, the police made me register them as lethal weapons.
I like the infantry because I am so **** hard.

My favorite weapon is the one between my legs because it gets max penetration.

Whew...to many beers.
I have to agree with you on that,Infanteer,
way to many beers.

Being a grunt is like having a sh!t load of
brothers & (sisters?).You become part of a
team that molds you into a man.Everyone
looks to each other for support & no one
will let you down in a pinch.

As for weapons,what ever was handy to get
out of a jam. :D

My favorite weapon is the one between my legs because it gets max penetration.
And it comes in handy in close quarters - thats what the ladies would say, right? :dontpanic:

"This is my weapon, this is my gun..."
My favorite weapon is the one that is in my hands, is working, and has plenty of ammunition.

My weapon of choice in the army is probably the C7. I like the C9 and the C6, but it‘s just too much crap to carry around. Lighter is better.
I‘d have to agree with the C9 lovers, but at night with a kite site, otherwise it‘s all the same to me. Infanteer, heard you had a stoppage in Barcelona, that sucks (especially when your paying for it).
Like about infantry? Sitting in a shell scrape in pouring rain at 2am with everyone else awake on a stand to?

The only thing to like about infantry is knowing you are doing the hardest and most underrespected jobs in the world.

Best weapon? The C-7 is nice, real **** nice, though I rather not have the scope. while its nice for target shooting, its not a ideal for snap shooting, plus if it gets knocked, your aim is now gone, plus, looking into it, you can‘t see the rest of the battle. Might as well eat the grenade.

C-9, small, sleak and pretty powerful, Just alittle bit heavier then the C-7, but it just looks and feels amazing. Biggest drawbacks is crawling with it, no fun, plus carrying the extra ammo boxes, and its also takes longer to clean. But truly is a great weapon to look at and fire.

C-6, big, heavy. Its accurate, powerful. Only drawback is the actual carrying of it. Fun as **** to shoot though.
Infantry is the sh!ttiest job of all time -- that‘s why I‘m in it. And, being an officer, I have to say my fav weapon is my umbrella... and, of course, my amazing wit. HAHAHA!!!! :D

Cr@p, Why am I the only one laughing?

A C9? Thats like trying to operate on someone with an axe. It‘s all about being surgical. You can do more damage with a C3, AND, it‘s lighter ;)
I enjoy being in the Infantry because I feel I‘m actually doing my part to defend the country that has given me so much. I just feel it‘s my duty to give back as much as I can and learn as much life experience as I can while I‘m here.

My favourite weapon would have to be my C7.
Infantry - because everything everybody else does is to support us. Ducimus!

I‘ve had the good fortune to have served over the span of a couple of weapons families, and I enjoyed firing them all:
Browning Hi-Power
FNC1 and FNC2
SMG (Sterling 9mm)
C5 GPMG (old browing .30 rebarreled to 7.62)
.50 Cal HB (gound mount and from a Grizzly turret)
C7, C9 (both before and after introduction of the scope - FWIW, I much prefer the iron sights)
Carl Gustav (ouch, my ears)
106mm recoiless (ouch, my brain)

I think my favourite was the FNC1 - reliable, accurate, and no body armour in the world is going to tame a 7.62x51: they are staying down; no questions asked. Plus, it was a weapon you had to respect when you fired it - or suffer a really sore shoulder. If you shot a 1" grouping with an FN from 100m, you knew you were doing it right.
hey Max.

Maybe you help me out some. I was wondering how the tactics have changed since the switch to C7? And I was hoping that maybe you could go into a bit of detail as well.

Thanks, I‘ve checked the Cf website but I can‘t find much on it. Anybody know of good websites?
Well, I joined in ‘87, and have been hopping in and out since, so I‘m a little rusty as to how it used to be. Tactics had just been revised as I joined - our section attack handouts were very exciting to us because it was all in terms of C7/C8/C9, and the new weapons were only about two or so years out of our hands.

The biggest difference in section tactics with the new weapons was the elimination of certain groupings and formations. Keep in mind the FNC1 was semi-auto w/ a 20 rnd mag, and the C2 (a heavy barrel version of the C1) was capable of full auto, but had only a 30 rnd mag and a no-change barrel, so sustained fire was not really present. One option used by the section commander was the formation of a ‘LMG Group", putting your C2‘s together for fire spt during the attack. With the C7 capable of repetition fire, and the C9 capable of laying down a heavy volume of fire using 200 rnd box mags, the ‘LMG Group‘ isn‘t taught anymore, and the heavier firepower is spread equally throughout the section. Certainly the volume of fire put down by a section today is substantially higher than it was with the C1/C2 armed section.

I would say that accurate aimed fire was emphasized more then than it is now - I think that the temptation to blast off the rounds hastily is high because of the automatic capablility of the C7, and also because the C7 doesn‘t kick like a mule - somehow, that characteristic made you take a little more care.

The SMG was usually the radioman‘s,driver‘s, or NCO‘s weapon, and being a 9mm, there was not much range. It was prone to jamming, and was difficult to keep clean, as it fired from an open action.

I hope that holds some of the info you‘re looking for.
Any gunners out there will tell you the C6 kicks everyones *** ....it is the best f@#%$**@## weapon around. It is a pig to carry and bitch to clean but when it‘s working ****......

-I chose the infantry, because it chose me. I joined on a whim (army brat) and loved every minute since. Comraderie, esprit de corps, and friendships are what separate the infantry from the rest of the world. If you are not infantry...then you don‘t know. All you are is envious, an outsider loooking-in. Everyone always asks "why infantry?" The Answer: becase they are the toughest, loyalist, stubbornest, dirtiest, fighting part of the army. They fight themselves daily just trying to make it to the next day, they fight to complete training, ex‘s, and they will fight for their brothers to the last man. Who would‘nt want to be part of such an organization of non-quitters, and part of such a rich proud history. We are the only branch of the Combat arms, that by virtue of who we are, are easily noticed and singled-out amongst our peers (sniff), and amongst society. DUCIMUS!!!