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Infantry Reserves DP1 [MERGED]

LightFighter said:
Just a guess, but I would expect the following

Wake up at a time that feels way to early
Training for the day
Personal time/station jobs/work on kit
Lights out at 2300

Field - Wake up when its your turn for sentry, patrol, etc. Sleep when you can. Conduct offensive and defensive ops - fighting patrols, recce patrols, digging trenches, standing in trenches, stand to(first/last light, and on contact), possibly a "gas" attack, etc. I don't believe PRes DP1 covers Urban Ops.

The course will be just a MOD 2. For students who have completed MOD1/SQ in the past. Do you think a BFT would be included?

Note: it is 3.5weeks long
Hanley613 said:
The course will be just a MOD 2. For students who have completed MOD1/SQ in the past. Do you think a BFT would be included?

Note: it is 3.5weeks long

Not quite true. SQ is no longer a qualification, and the SQ you are referring to is more alike the Mod 2 than the Mod 1. SQ was renamed BMQ-L and is for non infantry army branch members, it is their new version of SQ. If you are an infantry reservist with SQ you may be able to have the course PLAR'd....but very unlikely considering that change was made almost 5 years ago and people will question why an untrained private in the infantry is still kicking after 5+ years.

The Mod 2 course continues off of the Mod 1 (C9, C6, M203, Grenade, Claymore, C7 PWT3, M72, 84mm)
You will cover, Offensive ops, defensive ops, patrolling, comms, and an assortment of fieldcraft/battle craft.

the schedule was pretty much marked dead on.
Reveille, PT, shower breakfast, inspection, classes, lunch, classes, dinner, classes(or prep for next day) repeat.
In the field you are on the schedule of that specific course staff. Although there is a schedule laid out in the TP for the FTX's, it is subject to change based on resources, staffing, and location with approval from the required standards cell.
Poacher434 said:
Not quite true. SQ is no longer a qualification, and the SQ you are referring to is more alike the Mod 2 than the Mod 1. SQ was renamed BMQ-L and is for non infantry army branch members, it is their new version of SQ. If you are an infantry reservist with SQ you may be able to have the course PLAR'd....but very unlikely considering that change was made almost 5 years ago and people will question why an untrained private in the infantry is still kicking after 5+ years.

The Mod 2 course continues off of the Mod 1 (C9, C6, M203, Grenade, Claymore, C7 PWT3, M72, 84mm)
You will cover, Offensive ops, defensive ops, patrolling, comms, and an assortment of fieldcraft/battle craft.

the schedule was pretty much marked dead on.
Reveille, PT, shower breakfast, inspection, classes, lunch, classes, dinner, classes(or prep for next day) repeat.
In the field you are on the schedule of that specific course staff. Although there is a schedule laid out in the TP for the FTX's, it is subject to change based on resources, staffing, and location with approval from the required standards cell.

Thank you for your post. Do you think it will be joining a full course that has already been going, and just joining in for the MOD 2? Or do you think it will be its own course for people who have already completed MOD 1?
Hey, I'm on res DP1 right now, Im doing week 3 of mod 2 right now. If you already have mod 1 they will just attach you to a dp1 course for the mod 2. So far week 1 was lectures for def, off and patrolling. This past week was obstacle course, section attacks, platoon attacks, mine/ied lectures and a walkthrough talk through of recce patrols, raids and ambushes. Next week will be the defensive. Building trenches, stand to's, ambushes, raids all that fun stuff. Basic day is pretty generic. Wake up at 5, pt at 515, breakfast at 630, inspection at 730 then you go on with your training.
I've searched high and low and can't find anything recent (up-to-date) on this?

After DP1.1 what courses is the infantry officer required to take? What is required for promotion to capt?

I'm familiar with; CAFJOD, AJOSQ, and ATOC.

Is this the right order and is anything missing? How long is AJOSQ and ATOC? What is DL or where are they offered?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

The attached document clearly outlines course requirements and sequence for each rank.  Officer and NCM are outlined.  AJOSC (Army Junior Officer Staff Course) is no more.  All Army Officers are required to complete CAFJOD (all CAF Officers must obtain this qual) and the Army Junior Officer course (AJSO).  The att outlines which MOD's must be completed prior to ATOC and AOC.

Hope this helps.


Good info there, thanks for sharing.

Only thing that jumped out at me was the 1.1, 2.1 and 3.1 for ACISS-Core pers is not listed there.
If only CADTC would re-issue LFCO 29-12 (pulled back a decade ago) that included all this information.  But I guess Primary Reserve Career Progression isn't high enough on their list of priorities...
Nice chart except there are 2 streams for the ENGR DP3B one is the pure reservist course as listed (capped at 10 students or so per year and relies heavily on the units senior leadership to teach) but the preferred course is the Reg. Force DP3B taught at CFSME...

I've had a hard time finding up-to-date information on DP1 for infantry reserves.

How long is the course (does it now include BMO-L)?

What will the points of learning be?

How was your experience?

Any info/advice is appreciated.

Highland said:
How long is the course (does it now include BMO-L)?

What will the points of learning be?

BMQ-Land was removed as a required course for the Infantry a few years ago.

P Res DP1 Infantry is broken into two mods. The first mod covering all the weapons(TOETs, PWT/ranges). The second mod is the field/tactics portion. The candidates will learn fire and movement, Section/Platoon attacks, etc.

Going off your profile/posts you are an OCdt/Infantry Officer. You do not do DP1 Infantry. Once you have completed BMOQ-Land your next course will be IODP 1.1 this is the Dismounted Platoon Commander Course, the course is run in Gagetown.

This thread has a lot of information regarding the course, what to expect, and advice.

LightFighter said:
P Res DP1 Infantry is broken into two mods. The first mod covering all the weapons(TOETs, PWT/ranges). The second mod is the field/tactics portion. The candidates will learn fire and movement, Section/Platoon attacks, etc.

Going off your profile/posts you are an OCdt/Infantry Officer. You do not do DP1 Infantry. Once you have completed BMOQ-Land your next course will be IODP 1.1 this is the Dismounted Platoon Commander Course, the course is run in Gagetown.

I appreciate the response, LightFighter. I'm actually an OCdt in another trade, but I'm switching to infantry as a NCM, for now, because I'm unable to get the time required to do officer training.

Do you know how long each mod is, and if they are usually run back-to-back or with some time in-between?

Are the courses run 7 days a week?


I'd have to look at the training calendar, but I would imagine they would be run back to back with a weekend in between.

I would imagine you may be CB'd some weekends, but otherwise the training would be mainly Mon-Fri with weekends off unless the course staff decide otherwise or an FTX runs over the weekend. This is just based off experience with other courses, I've never done the P Res DP1. I'm sure someone who has been a student or instructor on the latest variation of the course will come by with a more detailed answer.

Good evening folks,

Just wondering if anyone knows if they have lifted the "training ban" in Shilo for DP1 infantry. Dont know if it was a true rumour or just one in the mill, last I heard they had ceased doing DP1 in Shilo...For reasons?

So I'm about to complete my BMQ this upcoming Thursday. I will be doing DP1 next summer. BMQ has been a very eye opening experience so far. I love it in some aspects, and I hate it in other aspects. I know DP1 is much more complex and longer than BMQ. Will it feel more challenging than BMQ? I ask this because BMQ is the first training step for people who have never experienced such thing before. Will DP1 feel a bit easier due to the fact that I may be used to some aspects of the military by then? Cheers.
Your DP1 won't be a culture shock, which adds stress. However, you'll be expected and treated like you have your basic training completed, so those little mistakes are amplified. This goes for any DP1 course, there's lots of info here on the specifics of the Infantry DP1 for the PRes.
Good morning all,
Does anyone have a recent update regarding PRes Infantry DP1.1 and 1.2?
Good morning all,
Does anyone have a recent update regarding PRes Infantry DP1.1 and 1.2?
What information are you looking for? There is no PRes DP 1.2, as far as I know.
What information are you looking for? There is no PRes DP 1.2, as far as I know.
Thanks for getting back to me Infanteer. My correction on the DP 1.2.

A previous post mentioned IODP 1.1 (Dismounted Platoon Commander Course) in Gagetown. Referencing the PRes Career Progression Chart uploaded in 2015/2016, shows just DP1.1 and assuming they are the same, Mods and time frames are:

DP1.1 (65 Days)
Mod 1 (20 Days)
Mod 2 (22 Days)
Mod 3 (23 Days)

I'm wondering whether IODP 1.1 is still currently broken down into the three Mods, and whether it's mandatory they be completed within the same year or can be spread out.

Reason I'm asking is to plan for the pushback from my employer, due to the roughly three months time off from a full time job.

Any guidance is appreciated.
