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Infantry Recruiting (Merged)

You can try calling, and they will probably tell you that infantry is full, so they started processing you for one of your other choices. If you don't want anything but infantry, tell them now so they can start processing someone else's file for that artillery position. And then amend your choices.
yeah the wait is going to be long maybe year or more . how long have you been waiting to get into Infantry?
going to CFRC tomorrow to see what occupation are open. how long is the wait for Infantry occupation 2 years?
I have been waiting for about two months. Not long compared to others probably, but I am very anxious..
It feels good to apply, but waiting, like everyone knows, sucks... but if you're commited to join as I am, it would be worth the wait to get in.
I'm waiting for them to even review my application... but the three trades I selected haven't opened yet... sooo yeah.
What about you?
B.Dias said:
I have been waiting for about two months. Not long compared to others probably, but I am very anxious..

Not long at all, it's no contest but I have been waiting for approx. 2 years. However my situation is a little more complex then an initial application.

Hurry up and wait....
Also, on the Access Key site, it now says I need to send my Reference letters, and the "Pers Screening". I dont know what the screening is, if I have to send something in or what...
Well it didn't say that before, so.... ;D ;D
B.Dias said:
Also, on the Access Key site, it now says I need to send my Reference letters, and the "Pers Screening". I dont know what the screening is, if I have to send something in or what...

"Online Applications":
"Only problem is that for my TBS 330-23 - Pers Screening it still lists "In progress by CFRC". "

"The form is submitted electronically to our security agency in Ottawa where they have the RCMP do a criminal check and another agency do a credit check.  Normally, if there are no problems, it takes approximately three to four business days to complete.  It is usually sent out a few days after your interview.  However, since you are not the only applicant applying to the CF there may be some delays."

how to fill in the "personnel screening consent and authorization form"? 

Personnel Screening and other stuff 
guys just i went there today . the only recruiter was a female from the navy she said 2 years 2014 ????
woodland1000 said:
guys just i went there today . the only recruiter was a female from the navy she said 2 years 2014 ????

Went where and what did you ask???
Infantry occupation but i got a call for artillery . Infantry was my first choice artillery was my third choice
And ohh... thats just one year and a bit, not 2  :P
Still sucks... but I don't know how they'd know for sure.
B.Dias, have you actually looked at any other trades? I mean the CF needs more then just infantry right now and many trades have Infantry components to it.
Yep, I'm interested in Armoured and Combat Engineer, aside from my first choice as Infantry.

I'm one of those people that would want to be "up there" in the front you could say. I want a very interesting and challenging career, one that I can be proud of, and one that shows how much I'd do for my country. I'm not saying all jobs in the CF aren't... honourable, say, because basically all occupations in the CF serve your country... but again I'd like to be on the front...you know?

I just think infantry would be amazing, but armoured and combat engineer would be great too.

Just keep an open mind. Every trade is interesting and challengingo and deathly boring at times as well. Overseas anyone can be involved in fighting depending on circumstances, I know veh techs who have gone on a few patrols. I also know a guy who is armoured recce and did his tour as a supply tech.

And no matter how glorious or unglorious movies make a trade seem, everyone should be proud of doing them.
Exactly, an occupation is an occupation, and at times it'll be great, and other times will be boring.
I have a few questions about being processed, hired, and openings. I was told over the course of 2011-2012, 300 NCM Infantry recruits were taken.

1. Are all these 300 recruits automatically selected in April when the FY opens, and put on specific BMQs for the 2013-2014 year?

2. How many of these 300 would be put in a single 'BMQ Class'?

3. If I am processed over April 2013 to September 2013, and successfully merit-listed, would I stand a chance of getting recruited for 2013-2014 year?

Thanks for any response, and all the best.
1.) No,  this wouldn't happen all at once on 1 April,  it would be spread out.

2.) Not all 300 pers going Infantry will be in a single BMQ course,  it would be spread out through different serials.

3.) You might get a Infantry position in 2013,  but you may not as well.
Thank you for the reply!

So, to clarify, I'll outline a hypothetical scenario:

1. Assume recruit-hopeful 'Jacob Canuck' is processed and merit-listed by September.
2. The first 2013 BMQ is in July 2013, so he misses it.
3. The second 2013 BMQ is in November 2013.
4. Jacob Canuck is on the merit-list for Infantry NCM by this time.
5. The recruiters go back to the merit-list for Infantry NCM, and select the next top guys for the 2013 BMQ.
6. Jacob Canuck is selected!

Is this how it would work?