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Infantry Officer - Degree Question

The bolded ones are the different departments in which those degrees are granted. Ie, a degree in Languages is a Bachelor of Arts degree.

I myself have a Bachelor of Arts in History, which is considered an "acceptable" degree to have as an infantry officer. This would mean I would have received a lower score than an applicant applying against me who had an Ideal degree (which are the listed ones)... If that helps to put it in perspective.
Right, that makes more sense now. I forgot the powers-that-be don't consider Business to be its own faculty, so they stick things like "HR Mgmt" and "Administrations" under Arts (which is done at RMC... and not very many other places).

Anywho, the list is as curious as I had expected it to be. Unfortunately, we'll never get to hear the rhyme or reason to it (I suspect there wasn't much anyway...). Why would B.Sc (General) be more preferred to B.Sc (this and that)? Or B.A. (General) be preferred to... well... anything really... would have been nice to be a fly on the wall during those discussions.
Someone probably used big words and sounded smart while everyone sat around nodding their heads.
(edited for correct use of their)

I was the one that wanted to know why a degree was required... I should have never asked. I think some essays, problem solving tests both hands on and written coupled with an interview board would achieve the same goal. However at least the degree keeps them from being 18/19 when they get put in charge.
UnwiseCritic said:
Someone probably used big words and sounded smart while everyone sat around nodding they're heads.

I was the one that wanted to know why a degree was required... I should have never asked. I think some essays, problem solving tests both hands on and written coupled with an interview board would achieve the same goal. However at least the degree keeps them from being 18/19 when they get put in charge.

It was a political decision, not a CAF one.
ballz said:
Anywho, the list is as curious as I had expected it to be. Unfortunately, we'll never get to hear the rhyme or reason to it (I suspect there wasn't much anyway...). Why would B.Sc (General) be more preferred to B.Sc (this and that)? Or B.A. (General) be preferred to... well... anything really... would have been nice to be a fly on the wall during those discussions.

Ask a PSO, figuring this stuff out, and updating/amending the lists of ideal/acceptable programs for various occupations (among other things), is their job.
ballz said:
Anywho, the list is as curious as I had expected it to be. Unfortunately, we'll never get to hear the rhyme or reason to it (I suspect there wasn't much anyway...). Why would B.Sc (General) be more preferred to B.Sc (this and that)? Or B.A. (General) be preferred to... well... anything really... would have been nice to be a fly on the wall during those discussions.

PSO's are the ones who make these decisions, or would at least advice the people who make these decisions.  Their job is lot more than just, getting Cpl Bloggins his VOT.