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Independent Quebec will have own army: Duceppe

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Infanteer said:
Reopen Cornwallis?   Expand in Gagetown?   Build a new facility?   Use your imagination (whiich is really all this entire thread is).

Though it is an area which is now quite poulated, Downsview in Toronto could still be taken back.

As for Duceppe, he of course ignores the fact that two-thirds of Quebec was Hudson's Bay Company Land, READ ENGLISH CANADIAN, and that Montreal is the primary economic engine of Quebec and Montreal is federalist.

Quebec would have less economic clout, less security, WAY less land, no military, and an uncertain future if they separated.

This being said, if it weren't for the international one-world globalist ideals of our governing parties, Quebec would likely never support separatism much at all.

There are many anglophones in Quebec, though they have been leaving for 200 years.....Duceppe is a cultural marxist and a corporate stooge like everyone else. He cares little for the so-called "Quebecois", more about his electoral success.

daniel h. said:
and that Montreal is the primary economic engine of Quebec and Montreal is federalist.

Indeed, and just how many of Montreal's businesses are either crown corporations or directly supported by the Federal Government? To elaborate, what would the chances be of Air Canada sticking around in Montreal after separation, or the Feds keeping their nice offices in Gatineau open, for example.

Besides look at Quebec's budget - when was the last time they ran a budget surplus? They have the largest sub-federal debt in the country. Once they receive their portion of the national debt, imagine how much interest they'll be charged. Also, I doubt there will be much invester confidence in a Free Quebec after separation, or after the federal businesses begin a great exodus.

And of course there's the natives...

But also, when it comes down to military infrastructure, sure there will be bases aplenty to be had, but will there be anything left in them. I don't think the Feds will leave a wing of CF-18s at Bagotville for the separatists, and I doubt they'll have the cash to equip their own fully equipped military force.

Sig_Des said:
IF Quebec did seperate, and IF they formed a military, what would that mean for serving CF Members who are either born or reside in Quebec?

How many of these members do you think would leave the CF to join a Quebec military?

Didn't everyone sign up to serve Canada, though? If it means moving a couple hours in either direction, I wouldn't see why anyone would give up the country they serve.
I'm from Quebec and I serve in the navy and I would not leave the canadian forces to serve in Quebec. Never!

For starters, these are statements that refer to an upcoming policy conference.
Should there ever be the chance that Quebec secedes from the Canadian confederation, there is a high probability that this sovereign government would choose to abrogate its' debt responsibilities since they would no longer recognize their fiduciary relationship with Canada. The new administration would have a hell of a time trying to negotiate new fiscal arrangements but there might be a few nations which would support Quebec's newfound independence.

The issue of native territorial claims is complex but suffice to say that if Quebec negotiated a fiscal agreement which was better than the current Federal model, there would be a chance that some groups might see otherwise and take their chances in a new  arrangement. Let's face it, the Federal government is not serving the Native community well and has never done a good  job so why should these people expect things to get better. If Quebec were to grant autonomy and resource control as well as proportional representation, it might be  enough to bring these nations to the table.

Seizing Federal assets would be underhanded and not viewed favourably so should the eventuality of secession arise, the Federal government would negotiate for an orderly withdrawal. Chances are this would be among the first items to be discussed at the table from the perspective of nation to nation conference as opposed to the past Federal-Provincial relationship.

There is very much the likelihood of future votes on the issue of separatism but the leadership and ideas of these Nationalist groups are changing and with these changes there has been a temperance of their extremist values with a shift towards more centralized issues of importance to a greater number of constituents than traditionally support them. Health care and education are taking over from concerns like independence and loss of cultural identity.

On a personal level, I feel very strongly that as long as there is a minority government situation in Parliament, then there is a lesser chance that we would see an assertion of sovereigntist  sentiment. That is to say, as long as Quebeckers feel they are being represented there is virtually no chance of secession.

What's most important is that we as individuals learn about each other so that we no longer hear outrageous ideas like Alberta is going to separate before Quebec, or that we would fight each other over thousands of square kilometres of bug ridden forests. Canada is a big country, almost too big for us, so we lose some of our our commonality along the way.


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I'm canadian first... the name "Quebec" is only a f***** adress...​

sorry for my english im french CANADIAN  ;)
Whats the big deal.

I'm sure when Alberta seperates it will have its own Army too...

from the puzzle palace I say:.... 100% in agrement with ya Kevin!

Gawd I hate it when some of these politicians opens up his effin fat yap and jaws about a subject just because he's looking for air time and trying to bait the gov't to "bite" on the subject.

Mr Duceppe and his cronies will be entitled to a Federal Pension when they are voted out of office or retire...... a very generous pension I might add!

Like any balance sheet, Quebec owns and owes it's share of Canada assets & LIABILITIES. To be honest, I have always heard em say that they would negociate (which means it'll take forever)...

Last General who indicated that, If Quebec seperated he would be willing to consider becoming their 1st Chief of Staff had his career get cut real short...... great doubt that anyone would be silly enough to speak out on the musings of Mr Duceppe.... and if they want spys.... be my guest.

well.... this'll be the last time I come into this thread.... don't need the agravation of anglo / franco bashing that always appear to get drawn to this kind of subject.

Vandooze said:
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I'm canadian first... the name "Quebec" is only a f***** adress...​


I am from Quebec and if Quebec separates from Canada i am not staying ....and i am sure that the Canadian army will ask the soldiers if they want to quit and stay or move from Quebec and stay Canadian soldiers.....i will never let down my country CANADA NEVER.

Wolf  :cdn:
"Quebec would never survive a split - succession from Canada would give equal moral imperitive to the Native peoples of the province's resource rich North who voted overwhelmingly "Non" (90 percentile and up) in 1995."

You bring up a pick here, only if the native find this moral imperitive in quebec they also find it in the rest of Canada.  there are huge area in all provivnces the have land claims. Those land claims have seen little action in the courts, and native dischantment with Canada is felt equally in all provinces, so it could led a break of canada in more ways than one.  If quebec can break its contact with canada, then pretty much any native treaty can be broken.
As a queberker (not a separatist) :cdn:. If independent Québec has an army, trust me, it will be unionized, unefficient, unprepared with noone to serve in. I don't believe mr "I'm better than the rest of you" Duceppe
Wow, that's a lot of hostilities towards separatists. I don't think it's needed. Those people don't want to separate from Canada, they want to separate from Ottawa. Basically they think they would be happier if they could manage all of their money, buy their own things and have their own army. Kind of like a teen who wants to leave his parent house and move to its own place. As someone pointed out, Canada would save perequation money should it happen. The only bad thing I see for Canada is it would lose a few players on the national hockey team but that's it.
Ex-Pat Army said:
Quebecer indicates he would like to form own army. Is this not sedition?

Too bad it's not looked at as treason, And too bad there not subject to the QR&O's.

Unless some one knows a loop hole?

FLQ crisis, CFB Petawawa....Don't you think the CF is prepared for separation attempts?
"IF" they ever manage to separate,  and "IF" the province can stay together when that happens,  they can do want ever they want.  I do think Quebec will take it's share of the debt,  why do you ask, cause if they don't and piss of  the rest of Canada, we could block there entry into NAFTA  and NATO as a form of protest    What really worries me is that there is a possibility of a civil war.( And do not say there is not, there are to many things that can go wrong.  Just look at what happened to the US and England during there civil  wars)  I know for myself I would find it very difficult to have to deal with that situation.
This is what Duceppe wants, the kind of posts that are going on here, it is all just rhetoric. He is a separatist and that is all he wants, he wants Quebec to separate. He will say anything to achieve this. Never mind all of the chat on if Quebec will survive, or the first nations will not accept it, or the southern Quebecers will not go with the rest of Quebec. He just wants to create more separatists. He can achieve this in many way's, one is by what I am reading here in the forums. How many of you are angered by the thought of any of this is happening, now how many of you could possibly take it out on a French Canadian Quebecer. Someone who just stops and asks for directions in Edmonton, Windsor or Richmond and all he or she hears is that Quebecers are all separatists or F&*% Frenchman, instead of a friendly smile, what would this achieve, nothing. It could create other separatists who feels he does not belong with the rest of Canada.

So back to the point at hand, I would ignore anything that comes out of Mr. Duceppe's mouth, it has no bearing what so ever on Canada's future. He just wants the press or publicity and to create an attitude of hatred or unrest and to create more separatist to help advance his cause, lets not give him that.

On a last note, I joined the forces because I wanted to be a soldier, if I was born in France I would be a French soldier, if I was born in England I would be a British soldier. I am a reservist and if Quebec (I know that this will never happen) was to separate and I wanted to stay a soldier, my choices are to move out of Quebec or stay and become a Quebec soldier or to not be a soldier and to leave the Forces. A, B or C. What would any of you do if your province separated, never mind Quebec. It is a tough question. But a question I am sure that none of us will ever have to answer.

So if you ever see a French Canadian, shake his hand and say "hi there fellow Canadian" and take away what Duceppe wants.
Albertans getting ready  ;D

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