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Incident Response Regiment (IRR)

John Roberts

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G'day, Its an Australian Sapper (RAE) here, recently retired after 24 yrs service in the Australian Regular Army and currenlty working in Afghanistan.  I have found this site to be an interesting view of the Sapper world in Canada.

There are similarities between what we in Australia and, you in Canada do.  At the same time ther are some significant differences.  I would like to advise the people on here of unit we have within our RAE.  It is the Incident Response Regiment (IRR).  This unit is able to respond to chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or explosive incidents both domestically and in support of Australian forces deployed overseas in a high threat environment.

Australia developed significant chemical, biological and radiological capabilities to respond to any potential incident during the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games and built on those immediately after September 11 in support of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, held in Queensland in February 2002.

The Federal 2002-03 Budget included $121 million over four years to make permanent the ADFs capability. It is now a capability held within our Special Operations Command (SOCOM) which also comprises our Special Air Service Regt and our Commando Regt.

The IRR includes intelligence, signals, medical, nursing, ordnance, transport, electrical and mechanical engineers, scientists and catering officers. The regiment is defensive and protective by design and has no offensive capability.

Its personnel are able to conduct high risk searches with detection equipment and explosive detection dogs, disarm and dispose of a device, decontaminate and treat victims and the exposed area and analyse the hazardous material on site. They are also able to assist State/Territory authorities to respond to emergencies with fire fighting, aircraft and vehicle crash rescue and urban search and rescue expertise.

As a rapid response organisation, elements of the regiment are maintained on short notices to move to incident sites at all times.

On another subject I have seen  comment in here on the brigading of EOD techs into EOD Units.  Each of our Cbt Engr Regts has a component of EOD Spvrs (SGT -WO1) down to each Sqn with a complimentary component of Explosive Ordnance Reconnaissance (EOR) Techs LCPL - CPL in each CE Tp.  The EORs provide the feed for our EOD Trade.

We also use EDDs extensively in High Risk Engr Search (HRES) and there is an EDD section within each CER as well as within the IRR.

How is the MPEV (High speed backhoe) going?
You didn't happen to serve in that unit did you? I am interested in getting in touch with them and the official channels seem to be occupied...any advice?
John I broached this subject a while ago with the intent of having a rapid responce EOD/IED/CHEM/BIO team,or teams with in this thread.
Aiming too what you lot and the Pom's have had for yonk's.
Ah who listens to a Pom reservist any way. ;)

Take care Digger. :salute:


We have a very similar unit in the Canadian Forces, albeit much smaller by the sounds of it.  It is called the Joint NBCD Coy.  It has a similar mandate to your IRR; however, it is my understanding that they don't do much EOD work.  There are plans to get that capability however.  The JNBCD Coy also works for our newly formed CANSOFCOM.  Finally, I am quite sure that their mission analysis includes the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver.  Sound similar?

S6 (Mmm...the intelligent one?),

I think the intent is about the same but, because of the IRR dimension as a Regiment, it is very comprehensive, and elements have been deployed to spt in Iraq and AF.  It also has some specialty elements that could not be afforded at Coy level ie. A full blown specialist medical unit incorporating a doctor, a nursing sister, a medical recovery team that works integral to our SASR to conduct casualty recovery out of hot zones.  A scientific section out of our Defence Science & Technology Organisation with one element looking at emerging threats and the other scanning for counter-measures.  Our Army Fire Squadron (RAE) has been put to innovative effect by taking up the role of Containment and De-con.  I don't know whether it is a CME role to conduct High Risk Engineer Search (HRES)..the Expl Det Dogs work paw in hand with the HRES search teams to provide rapid and effective clearances of venues, routes etc..especially if a threat has been indicated.  Then once IDd the EOD elements deal with it.  Now all this is generally happening in response to an incident which has triggered our SAS Counter-Terrorism teams to respond....and that is why the IRR falls under the command of our Special Ops Comd (SOCOM)...  a comd with its own Gen, dedicated aviation, and marine elm, plus a Bn of door-kicking commandos...it is pretty comprehensive.

Our IRR comes out of RAE but is a Spec Forces Unit...and all posted mbrs once qualified gain some significant allowances ie.  an EOD Tech once qualified IRR and on a continuous Roster will receive above $21K a yr in allowances allowances...now if he happens to be on Op deployment that and all his wages plus deployment allowances become tax free on the first day: http://www.defence.gov.au/dpe/pac/

Now, given what we committed to our OG's I would dare say you NBCD Coy is likely to experience some growth in the near future.  The trick will be in getting in front of the training timeline....it must be understood as well.  That the IRR within the SOCOM was only one element of the Defence commitment to the 2000 games.  It was one part of what was called the Op Gold Task Force.  The IRR wasn't out there doing the day to day venue/route/veh/pers searches..that was all low risk searchers, gazillions of them, and they were mainly our Reserve Forces....one important specialty that you will not have enough of...if you don't consider it now...is Search Advisors...it is an all-corp specialty course run out of our SME...for every venue for the OG's you will need enough Search Advisors to provide a 24/7 search and clearance capability...think about that.

Another capability you would wish for are EDD...a force multiplier if ever there was one....we can not operate without them, especially with what is expected to be achieved in the timeframes available....now that is a capability which requires a significant lead-time.  If there is anybody with some vision in your Defence Force..they need to be down looking at the Task Force in place for the Commonwealth Games...fly Qantas...we need the bucks.  Please don't pick me apart on any of this..it has just been coming off the top of my head.
