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Incentives in the Australian Army (Active Reserve)


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I see there is a lot of CF Reservists on this site, so I thought I would post the incentives here in the reserve system. I did a bit of inqueries to see how our Reserve system works.

- all pay is tax free :)
- pay is on par to the ARA (Australian Regular Army)less the tax
- pay is not counted as income if you are on any social assistance
- field pay is $25.00-$35.00 per day and is not taxed
- a fuel allowance is also added on for the distance you have to travel to parade
- if part of the Reserve Reaction Force, and additional $1500 tax free bounty is paid if you fulfil the trg every year
- train up to 150 days per year :mg:
- Recruit trg is common to the ARA and ARes, meaning its 6 weeks, and its mixed with ARA and ARes members. Its called CIT Common Induction training) :)
- option of entry to ARA at any time as there is really no reserve courses :)
- option to to CFTS (Continious Full Time Service with full ARA benifits, but this is taxed, as you are contracted to the ARA for the time set. :)
- a real chance for deployment anywhere :soldier:

Maybe if Canada took on board some of these perks, they would get more to serve.

Just a few thoughts.


Normally a unit will parade every Tueday night from 1900-2200, with the messes opened after that.

Then on top of the Tuesday nights, one weekend exercise per month (Fri 1900- Sun 1600), and then 2 two week exercises per year. These can be held in any part of the country from the Southern Alps to the northern tropics.

On top of that if you want to go on courses or have additional trg during the week, its permitted.

I reckon its a pretty good deal. Open ended engagement, DEFCON privillages ( discounts from retailers for ADF personnel) Europcar defence car hire rates, and even more privillages, such as cheap home loans up to $80,000, but one must have 8 yrs service before he can access that.

Lots of hard work though.


I know thr Brits have some good encentives also.

*laughs* maybe i should join the australlian army, i would probably make in with thtme faster then with the CF‘s..
Originally posted by Wesley H. Allen, CD:
- if part of the Reserve Reaction Force, and additional $1500 tax free bounty is paid if you fulfil the trg every year
Just curious, what is the Res. Reaction Force??
Hi Wesley,

Just wondering what the age limits/hiring criteria are for the Australian Reserves?
The RRF is a new force in regards to the defence of Australia against a direct terrorist threat.

Duties include MOUT, VCPs, and the security of everything from landmarks to dams, refineries, and power plants.

Aside from the bounty, additional trg days are set aside.

Each ARes unit accross Australia had to provide a percentage of their unit towards the RRF, where special trg is conducted, along with realistic exercises, etc.

A two year contract is signed.

As for the entry requirements, its the same for ARA and ARes, and these can be found in the link provided in the above post. The Army‘s website is www.army.gov.au When I signed on, it was 17-35, but its now been increased. We had a re-enlister who signed on at 45. he had been out for 7 yrs, and wanted to get back in the system. Another interesting site inregards to the terror threat against Australians is www.dfat.gov.au

However, enterance criteria should be checked further, as usually one is required to take citizenship after he is elligable, and can enter with a permanent resident visa. If this has changed its only been in the past year, but this is not mentioned possibly to discourage foreign enlistment. I might be wrong, but any serious queries should be followed up.


TY Wes. The RRF sounds like quite the opportunity for some cool training.
*laughs* maybe i should join the australlian army, i would probably make in with thtme faster then with the CF‘s..
I‘ve been looking into the Royal marines and the Royal Navy as of late, and it seems that:
If I were to clone myself, and one of me were to attempt to join the CF Regulars, and one of my were to attempt joining the Royal Marines; The Royal Marine applicant could very well be into his Potential Recruit course and start his 32 week basic, before the CF applicant.
Thanks for the info Wes. Two things I really like were the bounty and the standardized training. These are definately a few things that could do nothing but help the Militia. Major Peters, were any ideas such as these looked at during the LFRR?
Does the CF have a similar role planned for the PRes?

For example what if there was an attack in an city or area where there was no Regular Force?

