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In need of some clarification regarding PT standards

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I am applying for Regular Forces (specifically Aerospace or Navy Electronic technician), and I've done aptitude test and medical last week. Now I am not sure when exactly fitness test happens? Is it after or before the interview?
Also, what happens if I fail the fitness test? Will I be able to retake it?
Also, I know that minimum hand grip requirement is 75kg. But I am not sure of a way I can make sure I meet that requirement. So how can I check for sure that I can do that 75 kg test?
Another question: I know that another minimum requirement is completing 6th stage of  20MSR, but what is the 6th stage exactly?
Finally how is your step test performance measured? Do they measure your pulse after the test or how does it work?
I know that's a lot of questions, but they are all ambiguities that I couldn't find answers for anywhere. I'd appreciate any help.
If only there was a website where these questions have been answered and people could read them..........

One can hope.
Now that we've dispensed with the sarcasm...
The recruiting forum would be a good place to start.
If you know you cannot meet the minimum standards now, train and strive to surpass them BEFORE you actually are tested.
If you cannot find the answers in a day or so let us know.
Jammer said:
Now that we've dispensed with the sarcasm...
The recruiting forum would be a good place to start.
If you know you cannot meet the minimum standards now, train and strive to surpass them BEFORE you actually are tested.
If you cannot find the answers in a day or so let us know.
I searched for hand grip and it didn't return any results.
But yeah, that's what I am trying to do, to surpass the standards before I get tested, but I couldn't find answers to my questions anywhere. And the purpose of forums is for people to ask questions for which they couldn't find answers for. And if you already know where the answer is, how hard can it be to refer to it?
Since you are going Reg F, your fitness test will not be until you get to BMQ.

Check this thread for info and other links.

Once the search function is back up and running
, you can try searching in the Basic Training and/or Fitness sub fourms.  Try entering "fitness test" or "ExPres test".

Mods, would it be possible to get the thread I have linked here made into a sticky?
Can someone please tell me, what happens if I go to the basic training and I fail to meet the initial fitness requirements? Do the send me on some training program to strive to meet the requirements? Do they send me back home? Will I be able to reapply and after how long?
Manticure said:
Can someone please tell me, what happens if I go to the basic training and I fail to meet the initial fitness requirements? Do the send me on some training program to strive to meet the requirements? Do they send me back home? Will I be able to reapply and after how long?

PMedMoe was kind enough to give you a link to one of the topics that discribes what you will do for a PT Test, when the Test is conducted, and what happens if you fail the Test.  Right now you have failed one test, that of paying attention to advice given you.  I would advise you don't do that when you finally get enrolled into the CF and go to BMQ.

If you fail the PT Test, as stated in that link, you get put into RFT or some similarly named training (Someone in Ottawa has the job of changing the names of things annually).  That means you are no longer on BMQ, and no longer in the stream of candidates to go onto your Trades Training.  Instead you will be put onto a Physical Fitness Training program whereby you will be tested regularly to determine if you are fit enough to stay in the CF.  If after a period of time, you can not pass the PT Test, and join a BMQ Crse, you are Released from the CF.

Does that answer your question?
Effecitive Spring 2009 - If you do not meet the minimum fitness standard one of two results will occur:

- If you can not do half the sit-ups and half the sit-ups required you will be released from the CF.
- If you can can do the above but do not the fitness test you will be set to RFT for up to three months to allow for you to train with the goal of passing the fitness test during that time.

PSP Fitness Training.
Thanks that explains it well. I am sure I can do at least 10 push ups and sit ups, but I definitely need to prepare more for the aerobical part of it but good thing I still have lots of time since I havent even done the interview yet. Thanks again
For those wondering, the "fitness platoon" where you get put if you fail the PT test is called The Warrior Preparation Company, and you get to retake the test after 30, 60, and 90 days. After the third attempt at 90 days (and you fail) you get released from the CF.
Well I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't be able to make it after 3 months in addition to any prior self training and preparation. But I am wondering, does getting released from CF, mean that you will never be able to join the forces in your life even if you reapply?
Just take the advice given to you and stop postulating if you are serious.
The 6th stage ?  Last week when i  put my application into the reserve unit here they told me i only had to get to level 3 ?  either way, i can manage level 5 to 6 at minium.
brandon_ said:
The 6th stage ?  Last week when i  put my application into the reserve unit here they told me i only had to get to level 3 ?  either way, i can manage level 5 to 6 at minium.

Level 6 for males under 35 years old in order to pass.
ah thank you CDN aviator. Glad you clarifyed (sp?) that up. 
Better get running.
Hey Guys

I noticed that there is alot of people wondering about the express test , well I just want to let you guys know I along with many others got sent home because of the test especially the push-ups if you fail that part you will get sent home . I know for girls its only two and it may seem like a easy task but the staff are very paticular on how you do them , if its not the way they want then they will not count them . I am not disrespecting anyone on their level of fitness , but there were people there who to me did really good push ups however when it came time for the test , only half were counted . Make shure you when you do them there is not a single arch in your back or your let your hand slip and go as low as you can . I have every intention of reapplying when I am in shape its was a learning experience for me , I really do hope that everyone makes it . I met some aswome people there and I cant wait to go back .  :) :salute:
I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you get to go back and pass BMQ!  :salute:
I heard how many were sent home from the Sept 8th and 22nd BMQ courses. I would like to say the numbers are suprising, but they are not.

Good luck on your next attempt kempogirl.
kempogirl said:
...for girls its only two ...
No disrespect or anything, but there was ONLY 2 you had to do and didn't manage that much?  edited too add: non the less good luck on you're next attempt.
kratz said:
I heard how many were sent home from the Sept 8th and 22nd BMQ courses. I would like to say the numbers are suprising, but they are not.

Good luck on your next attempt kempogirl.
I Think alot of the funds to send people home and  too basic could be reduced and spent better if the PT test where conducted at the cfrc (like reserves) before being shipped out.
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