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Im In!!!


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Pleasantly woken up this morning by the recruiting center letting me know I was given a job as a NET(c)!!! Off to basic on the 9th of april and swear in on the 6th. ;D ;D ;D ;D
sorry... had to tell somebody.. :D
That's great! How long have you been waiting since your interview and such?
well i applied january 17th, had my CFAT 15th of february, and interview was 22nd of february. I was told I'd get a call in mid-april so i figured ok, ill swear in later that month then basic will be in june. But nope, haha im so exited i dont think it has really sunk in yet.
Wow Farley that is great news, I wish you the best of luck in your future military career. My husband just applied on Thursday so we are kind of hoping for the same luck.  Drop in from time to time to let us know how it all went for you, we look forward to hearing about it. :D