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im getting released...

like i said, there's always more to the story once you start digging !
i did call the duty nco and he said he would pass the message up and i did call all the numbers  at work only got a civie who didnt pass the message up
Oh i see....first it was your buddy's fault you were late, now its the duty NCO's fault  ::)

Has it ever occured to you that you might actually not be able to adapt to the military lifestyle?
Okay, I am trying to piece this all together, bear with me.

Your CO tired to release you

DMCARM refused and had you placed on C&P (basically)

You pooched the C&P - admittedly
  Regardless of your excuses/reasoning - you where late.  Did your buddy testify that this was indeed the case? Was he/she charged too?

You have 14 days to file for a review of the trial, you can't redress Summary Trial or Court Martial verdits

Your CO is initialting release proceeding again? 

You should get a period (14days) to file a representation to CO to try to talk him out of it.

  Your file should go back to DMCARM - and if they decide to release you, you should still get to submitt a representation to them.

I dont think that is a fair comment.  One can be construed an Admin burden for certain issues - but fighting ones release is not that.

That said I think critical stupidity in a non stupid zone has definetly been infringed here (and trust me I got that T Shirt so I can compare...)
Appeal.... and see the Chaplain

I stand by my original post.

He/she may not be able to save you.. but at least you'll
feel better on the way out!  Give you a new perspective,
some guidance and some fresh thinking.
someguyincanada said:
my car was in the shop,
friends car broke down coming to pick me up
i phoned the entire fanout list up to the OC NO ONE ANSWERED THIER PHONE
I did get a hold of a civie at work and he didnt pass the message up the chain as there was noone at the company. I did get in after a hour and half
Maybe it's just me but if I was already in trouble for being tardy and knew my career was on the line, once I got word from my buddy that his car had broken down my first phone call would be to a taxi company and I wouldn't care if it cost me $200.  

I'm truly sorry if you thought you would find sympathy here and are instead feeling attacked but in this instance, there is only one person to blame for your situation.   It appears you're about to pay the price for astoundingly ineffective problem solving, faulty decision making as well as what appears to be the inability to accept responsibility for your actions.   The fact that â Å“NO ONE ANSWERED THEIR PHONEâ ?, as you put it, does not mitigate the fact that you did not abide by the requirements of your C&P.   It's not your supervisor's job to sit by the phone waiting for you to call in that you will be late when they are getting ready to go on Ex, their job is to be down on the floor or in the compound, making sure that those who are able to meet their timings are ready to go.   On the other hand, it's your job to make every effort to meet the requirements of your C&P.   Showing up in   a cab 5 min after roll call might get you a break, rolling in when the rest of the Bn is already half way to Wainwright gets you to where you are now.
Can anyone here give me time frame on how long it takes to process a release?
Not very long at all,
Alot of it's on you to make appointments to clear out of stores, have your meetings with the right people and sign the paperwork.
In the reserves you've got 5 (ish?) regular training nights once you start the process to return kit, turn in your id and officially clear out with the orderly....room..if it was an orderly it would be a mental hospital
someguyincanada said:
but i still tried, what do you want me to do, turn back time?

No - but I would not expect you to whine on an open forum.  If you want help, and don't beleive you can get it from your unit there are a lot of people on this board with experience in Admin areas, a simple PM or thread asking a less description question might be the way to go about it.

I don't think that all of the facts are out but rather just one side of the story.

At any rate, you have received a lot of very good advice here, however, you continue to deflect responsibility for your own actions. I would guess that you probably received a lot of good advice in the past, when you had failed to meet previous timings. You did not heed the advice and counsel of others.

It is the most elementary requirement of any employer...show up for work on time. As they say, "Timings are made to be met".

By the way, if memory serves me correctly, a 3B release is medical, isn't it?

If by some miracle, you are given a reprieve, hopefully you will learn from it once and for all. Apologies for sounding preachy, but ....
You know .. having heard all of this, you would probably not have been thrown out of the mil if this had only happened once maybe even twice.  You must have pissed off some people at a pretty high level in the past.

Really don't know what to say at this point, except for the fact that this should be a valuable lesson learned.
Edited because I didn't realize the other 3 pages of posting :'(

On the other hand... how did the release procedures go.. its almost 14 days after.. did you ask for a review?
right now im in the process of redressing the CO's intent to reccomend release, also have contacted the omsbudman in the matter