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Ignorant Civies

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George Wallace said:
You could ask her if she meant that to mean that she supported the soldiers in much the same way as women supported the French Foreign Legion in their brothels that followed the Legionnaires around the world? 

I am sure that this response, being a little creative and historic, may really baffle her mind.   ;D

Check and mate Mr. Wallace, check and mate :rofl:.
Or if it's facebook leave a qucik note saying how much you miss her,and your really sorry for the herpes.
rmc_wannabe use this this:

infanteer-it said:
I've seen good and bad feedback from civies when in uniform. After reading some of the comebacks for the negative feedback I'll share one of my own...not funny but it gets the job done.

girl in bar: I don't approve of the military.
me: why not?
girl: <shrug>I just don't think we need one.
me: I see.... Let me ask you something. If you saw someone running down the street right next to us being chased by someone who wanted to hurt or kill him, you would want someone to stop them right?
girl: of course.
me: well who would do it?
girl: the police would do it.
me: I see... so now, what if that person was being chased two streets away and even though you couldn't see or hear it you knew it was still happening. would you still want someone to stop it?
girl: yeah of course I would.
me: would the police take care of that one too?
girl: yep.
me: Well... let me ask you now.... how far away does it have to be before you just don't give a crap anymore?
girl: uhh... uhh.... i never thought about it that way...

Just thought I'd share one that worked for me.


There are many people who don't know a lot about our armed forces and what they do.  So what?  The notion that many service members on this forum seem to feel that they are entitled to some sort of deference because they wear the uniform is more annoying to me than a civilian who doesn't know anything about the mission in Afghanistan.  The fact is that, in today's world, Canada's trading relationships, proximity to the US(physically and culturally), and our reluctance to get unilaterally involved in military operations do more than our armed forces do to provide territorial security to Canada.  This is lost on the "you have the right to burn that flag and live and breathe because of people like me" crowd.  I do acknowledge the role of the military in past conflicts and pay tribute to those lost lives and contributions of those who served.  Canada and Canadians have historically answered the call at war time, but have not been known to sustain large armies between conflicts.  We seem to look for the peace dividend rather quickly.  That is the choice of our civilian leadership.  

I do think that a military must be maintained and properly funded.  We don't think of the military until we need it.  If in that time the forces have been ignored, they will not be prepared to do the job we ask of them.  We can see this now with lack of strategic airlift, proper helicopters, enough soldiers, and vehicles to do the job in Afghanistan.  We are scrambling to get these things in theatre and many of them may not arrive until after the mission has been ended.  This is not how things should be done.  It costs us more money and lives in the long run.

I do think the military is an honorable profession.  Whining that you are not honored enough is dishonorable.
To all the people that are saying I'm ignorant and condescending because of my statements.....

Why do we only have what, 10 people in our Military Prison...whereas the states has Hundreds?  I know there force outnumber's ours greatly but it just seems to me (an outsider) that they have more fun killing people for some reason...

It might be the fact they are raised with gun's in their hands as part of their constitution...I don't know....

Call me ignorant or prove me wrong....I would rather be proven wrong personally and learn...but...whatever suits you!
Piper, I don't believe in God, or anything to that sort....but to say "We've got bible-thumpers here" is being very very hypocritical when you are trying to point your finger and call me "anti-american" where in fact I am not and have many American friends, and I really don't care if you believe that or not, call BS all day!  I could care less, if you can't take my opinion's then I don't know what else I can say to you! :D
neilinkorea said:
This is lost on the "you have the right to burn that flag and live and breathe because of people like me" crowd. 

How so?

neilinkorea said:
I do think the military is an honorable profession.  Whining that you are not honored enough is dishonorable.

Who is whining?
ryananderson said:
To all the people that are saying I'm ignorant and condescending because of my statements.....

Because you are.

ryananderson said:
Why do we only have what, 10 people in our Military Prison...whereas the states has Hundreds? 

In order to answer this, you must first understand the history and culture of the United States. You must understand the recruiting demography of the United States military and you must understand the place their military has amongst their people.

You also answered your own question, because their military is MUCH, MUCH larger which coincides with offence rates, and refer to the point above. This question is NOT easily answerable.

ryananderson said:
I know there force outnumber's ours greatly but it just seems to me (an outsider) that they have more fun killing people for some reason...

It is THEIR not there, and outnumbers not outnumber's. Other then those two spelling and grammar corrections, I will say that your point is pretty ignorant.

ryananderson said:
It might be the fact they are raised with gun's in their hands as part of their constitution...I don't know....

That's right YOU DON'T KNOW. There are many who are raised with firearms in their possession. How many farmers do we have? How many hunters do we have here in Canada? Not to mention the Inuit who are armed almost all the time, do THEY enjoy killing people?! That is also ignorant.

ryananderson said:
Call me ignorant or prove me wrong....I would rather be proven wrong personally and learn...but...whatever suits you!

I can't prove you wrong on here. The reason for that is because you do not see. It's simple for me to say that the US military are honorable, and that their people are professionals just like us. They do NOT enjoy killing people and they're not all messed up because of their Constitution and their abilities to own or possess firearms. We have the same ability to do so, and many of us do own firearms.

Your arguments are flawed and are childish. We have explained to you but you are unwilling to listen or rad with an open mind. You claim to have American friends, yet you don't seem like you know them at all. Could this be because your friends are like you, and oppose something they do not understand? Could they be the same people who cries for the pull-out of the military, protest the military, but does not take action politically?

You are ignorant, and it seems to me you chose to remain so. If you truly want to understand then read. Read with an open mind and ask questions in a manner that is not judgmental or skeptical of what we have to say. Better yet, talk to your local reservists or reg force members. They're all over the place. Failing that, we are here.
Wow, other than just calling me ignorant you didn't really back up any of your points or even shed any light on any of my questions, except a few grammatical errors, good for you.

Thanks for trying to help me understand though, I do appreciate it! :D
And who said I opposed and protested the military?

You're just making things up now, come on. :D
MedTech said:

How so?  Anyone who believes that the only reason that we have free speech, freedom of assembly etc. is because of military personnel, probably doesn't  hold these others reasons for our relatively peaceful existence in very high regard.

Who is whining?

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it just might be a duck.
One more, simple point on trigger happy American's.

School shootings, how many in Canada, how many in America?

Ok.  Sorry for making you think so hard.  :D
ryananderson said:
they have more fun killing people for some reason...

Can you back up that statement?

ryananderson said:
One more, simple point on trigger happy American's.
School shootings, how many in Canada, how many in America?

And this has to do with the military how?
ryananderson said:
One more, simple point on trigger happy American's.

School shootings, how many in Canada, how many in America?

Canada : population 30 Million

USA : population 300 million

Strictly statisticaly speaking, they will have more incidents of just about everything than we will. I certainly hope you didnt give yourself a headache thinking of the stuff you put in your posts.
neilinkorea said:
How so?  Anyone who believes that the only reason that we have free speech, freedom of assembly etc. is because of military personnel, probably doesn't  hold these others reasons for our relatively peaceful existence in very high regard.

Ah, because you think without the military there would be a Canada. I believe that without the military, as our history have shown, there would very well not be a Canada as we know it today. But I also believe that the prosperity and the close geographical link between a military power such as the United States contributes to that. But let's not forget that our relatively peaceful existence came about through fighting wars, and who fought those wars? The soldiers did, and they did indeed bleed for your free speech and various other rights, which you so enjoy. Without them, there would be no Canada as YOU know it today. Pretty important wouldn't you say?

neilinkorea said:
If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it just might be a duck.

Good one. So if it looks like an ignorant civi and talks like an ignoratn civi, it just MIGHT be an ignorant civi?  ::) Give me a break.

I don't consider many of those who have expressed their opinions whining. I do however consider the opinions of those who have never served their country, who have never marched a mile in our soldiers boots, and so openly criticize their speech and beliefs to be a tad bit self-righteous don't you?

ryananderson said:
And who said I opposed and protested the military?

You're just making things up now, come on. :D

Come on, no more so then the useless crap that you've been putting up.

ryananderson said:
Wow, other than just calling me ignorant you didn't really back up any of your points or even shed any light on any of my questions, except a few grammatical errors, good for you.

Thank you. Good for you for speaking without proof or references, or spell check for that matter.

ryananderson said:
Thanks for trying to help me understand though, I do appreciate it! :D

Thank you for obviously attempting to understand, albeit a failure.
Lumber said:
What class was this for and at what school? (Just so I can get an idea of HER level of education)

A collegiate general elective class.
ryananderson said:
Why do we only have what, 10 people in our Military Prison...whereas the states has Hundreds?  I know there force outnumber's ours greatly but it just seems to me (an outsider) that they have more fun killing people for some reason...

So because they have more people in their military prison that means they have more fun killing? That doesn't sound ignorant to you? So all people in military prisons are killers? You generalise beyond ignorance.
ryananderson said:
One more, simple point on trigger happy American's.

School shootings, how many in Canada, how many in America?

Ok.  Sorry for making you think so hard.  :D

There was 7 school shootings in Canada, and 45 in the United States. (According to Wikipedia) So proportionally, there is more school shootings in Canada.

And Montréal have the record of the city with the most school shootings with 3. (École Polytechnique, Concordia University and Dawson College)

There is crackpots in every nation
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