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If You Hadn't Joined the CF, What Career Would You Have Chosen?

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Veterans son said:
Hello Everyone:

If you hadn't joined the CF, which career would you have chosen?

Again, your replies and comments are appreciated! :) ;D
The guy who puts the buttons ontop the baseball caps.......DFW2T
Disgruntled, bitter, hemorrhoidal civil servant- living from one fiscal year to another- working amongst professional idiots and sleazey beaucrats and quietly wishing my life away.

Right now I work in the horrid profession of computers. It is one of the main reasons WHY I'm joining up. What career would I have chosen if I haden't of joined the CF? Honestly, I can't think of any. Thats why I'm joining :D
X Royal said:
After dealing with poorly maintained kit all day wouldn't take some of the fun out of coming home to play with what you have there?

For me definitely quality control at a brewery.

Beers or hooha...tough call alright! ;D
Either a  Taxidermist, or an exotic bar dancer in Sri Lanka. LOL  ;D
but which one....hmm.....
What about exotic taxidermy in Sri Lanka? Best of both worlds...
Just a Sig Op said:
What about exotic taxidermy in Sri Lanka? Best of both worlds...

Thats great thinking. This is the forword thinking that we need in the armed forces, your gonna be a General one day son.  ;D
eod/combatdiver said:
Porn Star!!!!


Dammit! Ya Took Mine!  :threat:

in all seriousness though.. Police Officer... accually that IS what im trying to do with my life.. and if it doesnt work then I'll go Reg Force
Forest ecosystem technologist


A sophisticated sex machine sent back through time
lol mrosseker.

If you're not going to join the CF you would probably want to join the U.S forces.
M16 said:
lol mrosseker.

If you're not going to join the CF you would probably want to join the U.S forces.

I says pardon?
yeah...ummm....I'm with you Inch!  I'm so lost with that....

But, if I had never joined, I would be doing what I will be doing in about a year or so...being a municipal police officer.  I have another year and I graduate with my Criminology Diploma, and will one day go back and finish my degree!  I chose municipal over RCMP (original choice) because now that I'm in the reserves, I can't see myself leaving, so, I've chosen to have both!
  In theory, a special laser guided space ninja is an impossibility....aren't ninjas supposed to be undetectable until they strike???  With that said, shoulda ninja being laser guided........someone could easily hack into whomever is guiding the laser which guides the ninja......whatever....interesting occupation choice!
Gilligan said:
   In theory, a special laser guided space ninja is an impossibility....aren't ninjas supposed to be undetectable until they strike???   With that said, shoulda ninja being laser guided........someone could easily hack into whomever is guiding the laser which guides the ninja......whatever....interesting occupation choice!

lol, you know you're bored when...
  Well, unfortunately, some of those radio shifts can go on FOOOORRRRREEEEEEEEVVVVVVVEEERRRR, thus lending itself to discussions of many different kinds, such as ninjas....