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ICE Combat Jacket - Front Lower Pockets/Straps and rear velcro?


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I swear I saw this explained somewhere on this board but for the life of me can't seem to hit the "magic" key phrase in the search engine.

What were the pockets on the lower front of the ICE Combat jacket designed to hold?


- Each pocket has two smaller "pouches" inside that look like they would hold either a smoke grenade or a bottle of water perfectly (4 internal pouches in all).
- The pocket can be internally button snapped shut on one side only for some reason.
- They also have a pair of short black detachable straps (that again use the button snaps).

Also, would anyone know the purpose of the rear Velcro tab behind the collar?  It's too small for a regular nametape, Air Force reflector use?

Just curious.

If you open that Velcro flap, reach in, grab and pull, you'll come out with a hood.

The removable snap strap is to hold ear defenders. This feature was designed for techs on the flight line. I can only guess that the other snaps on either side are to allow choice of side to attach ear defenders to.

The interior pockets appear to be a holdover from the mag pockets in the old combat clothing. Whether they have any specific purpose other than segregating small items in the pocket I don't know
;D The Straps are for Armour guys to hang their empty Woods coffee mugs from when they need to upload their vehicles.   ;D

The small pockets are just to organize your pockets, used as mag holders or Cbt Bandage holder.......whatever is necessary....

If you look carefully, you will discover a zipper in the lower back and that the jacket can be turned inside out and bundled up like a pillow with a carrying strap.

You also have nice fleece lined Strathcona pockets to keep your paws toasty warm.
George Wallace said:
;D The Straps are for Armour guys to hang their empty Woods coffee mugs from when they need to upload their vehicles.  ;D

Hey I like it, Max-Flex!  :P

I'm still waiting for some joker to indicate the inside pockets are for iPods (or beer).....  ::)


I'm still waiting for some joker to indicate the inside pockets are for iPods (or beer).....

What's an iPod? ;)

Not beer, Bailey's dammit, that's a black hat on your nog, not green! ;D (You think we actually use that whitener in the IMP's for our coffee!?)

Gawd what are they teaching these people on SQ nowadays ! Beer...  Ipods.. bum me a smoke willya...

The lower pockets are for when you have been across the street from me and do not have enough time to eat your wings. Come on think about it, as a ranger you should know this already
Army Outfitters said:
The lower pockets are for when you have been across the street from me and do not have enough time to eat your wings. Come on think about it, as a ranger you should know this already

Well damn I should have guessed that myself, I was wondering where those "Hot Pack - Individual Flameless Ration Heaters" go.

Step 1: Stuff Pizza Pocket or leftover Buffalo Wings into pocket pouches
Step 2: Insert Hot Pack into main pocket
Step 3: Tear and wait for dinner

So they took the idea of the stove from the Lynx and put it into our Combat Jackets!  What a novel concept  ;D


Onto the Velcro tab, obviously not enough sleep, didn't notice that it is actually for the flap which closes the hood entry slit when not in use.
cplcaldwell said:

What's an iPod? ;)

Not beer, Bailey's dammit, that's a black hat on your nog, not green! ;D (You think we actually use that whitener in the IMP's for our coffee!?)

Gawd what are they teaching these people on SQ nowadays ! Beer...  Ipods.. bum me a smoke willya...


Ouch.... pure ouch.
So here's a question I throw out to you:  What's the CF policy on the pockets and how to "use" them?  I saw a young Trooper walking into the regiment the other day (me freshly posted in) with his hands in his ICE pockets and I took the time to correct him that he shouldn't be moving with them as such.  I said to him that standing on a range with hands in pockets might pass, but not walking in to work.  Sounds right, no? 

He informed me that at some point that discussion had come up with other soldiers but that it was a "grey" matter and they weren't too sure.  I told him around me, keep the hands out of the pockets cause if someone sees me ignoring it and decide that I SHOULD have done something, then I get my peepee slapped.

What say you on this matter oh wise and informed Army.ca members?

I am going to check the CF Dress Instructions shortly, but I told him I 'd come back with an answer..after vacation of course.

Here we go:

Behaviour. Personnel in uniform shall comport themselves in a manner which projects a positive military appearance. Behaviour such as chewing gum, slouching, placing hands in pockets, smoking or eating on the street and walking hand in hand, is forbidden. This instruction’s objective is to project an image of a disciplined and self-controlled force.

Military Presence. Personnel in uniform shall be well groomed, with footwear cleaned and shone, and uniform cleaned and properly pressed. In particular, buttons, fasteners and zippers shall be kept closed; pockets shall not be bulged; items such as glasses, glass cases, sun-glasses, pens, pencils, key rings or paper shall not be visibly extended nor protrude from pockets or be suspended from waist belts or pockets; nor shall commercial headsets from either a radio receiver or tape/CD player or a nonissued cellular phone be worn, except where required in the performance of a military duty. CF personnel wearing civilian clothes on military installations and in military groups or settings shall dress and comport themselves at all times as befits members of a disciplined, cohesive force.
LOL  :skull:

  I had the same problem with one of my young soldiers walk around with his hands in his pockets. I did the exact same thing and asked him if his hands we're cold? No he replied I then told him to get his F''king gloves on right now.

  I know its nice to have that fleece lined pocket, for those other types, in a Combat Arms Unit my SSM would have my ass hanging faster than I can say "yard arm" if I was too let that slide.

  Just my  :brickwall: :tank:
Bu thtta''s my point.. we are so "I never did it that way so you can't" these days that it seems silly sometime.  There are perfectly good pockets to keep your hands warm in the ICE but we insist on not using them??  I think the 265 should be revised to address the problem, hands in pockets while stationary okay, but not in movement maybe?  I am no RSM but I am sure there are some out there that could put there opinions in on the matter.
Then again, I'm not RSM anymore.
Being a log wog and an Flightline type. I can say we use the fleece pockets a lot. Expecially when you are doing some work in which we can't wear gloves because they are too bulky. So you do your work, warm up the hands and continue on. We don't have them in the pockets when walking around thoughThe new fad is have people who would rather tuck their whole hand up into thier sleeves.
THe best part of the whole jacket is at the rear there is a portion of the drawstringthat is acessable so you canpull the thing between your legs and attach it to the front button of the jacket. Very usefull when doing an ERO or a start. Nothing worse than having really cold wind come up your jacket and freeze you
mover1 said:
THe best part of the whole jacket is at the rear there is a portion of the drawstringthat is acessable so you canpull the thing between your legs and attach it to the front button of the jacket. Very usefull when doing an ERO or a start. Nothing worse than having really cold wind come up your jacket and freeze you

???  will have to look at that.  Didn't know
Walking....no way in hell.

Stationary in Garrison? Ask him where his gloves are and why they don't have them on.

In the field....let it go. Practicality rules in the field, as does comfort.

Now as soon as...say....your RSM comes into your OP / hide and is conducting a visit, well again...get the gloves on.

Another example of someone shirking the deportment issue:

We did a garbage sweep on Friday in PT strip just prior to being dismissed for block leave.

Wouldn't you know it but a few of the newbies decided to light up during the sweep.

Told them to put them out immediately. Got a few looks....which got sorted out after the sweep.

Glad I did the right thing and jumped on them for lighting up....the RSM was right around the corner with my CO.

Do you job and adhere to the rules and enforce discipline and deportment....remember you are setting the example for future leaders as well.

My 0.02 duram worth.

As for the drawstring elastic.. it comes in handy when you have the ICE on and are seated in any armoured vehicle.. I remember when the first guy at WTP (in Gagetown)figured it out while on the tanks.. made us so happy...
Just peeked.... son-of-a-gun!..... Ingenious..... who would have thought - advanced planning & Creativity?
geo said:
Just peeked.... son-of-a-gun!..... Ingenious..... who would have thought - advanced planning & Creativity?

Don't forget the "pillow" feature... mighty handy for us weekend BMQ types (of course, only for the ones that have figured it out...) and makes dashing out for fire drill that much quicker (just grab your pillow and run, unzip and don on the fly).

Now what other little gems are hidden in this thing?  ;)

Och .... the pillow thing is old stuff... good stuff but old stuff.