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There are 3 BMOQ running in st jean currently, one for french and two for english 30e and 31e. Apparently one of the english platoon is much higher standard than the other 2 platoons.
it ends up highly dropout or injury rate in the first 2 weeks from that platoon, whereas those who are being treated like VIP are happy and they are going to have a good career and future.
Tell the friend who's pumping you this information to nominate himself for a purple heart.  That course sounds HX Core!
ʞɔoɹɯɐɥs said:
Tell the friend who's pumping you this information to nominate himself for a purple heart.  That course sounds HX Core!


    Are you after Francophones? Anglos? Or OCdts in general? All courses will be slightly different due to instructor's personality, but the objectives and standards of the course are layed out, and I can't imagine 2 courses running at the same time being that different.

Est-ce que t'es un Franco? Parce-que ton anglais craint en esti!
I think he is trying to prove that there are bias and inconsistence existing within platoon or between platoons.  If you tell your friend to release and reapply but the prospect of your friend being able to come back and enrol into a easier platoon could be slim. .......


Posting people's names like that in reference to allegations that are neither here nor there will not be tolerate here.

Milnet.ca staff
covergreen said:
release and reapply

  And the award for worst idea of the century goes too...

Trivia question for Mods...has anyone else ever been banned after only one post?
Whoa. After finding and creeping the member list, I see that you are right, and am too afraid to even ask. (Plus I recognize that it's none of my business!)
