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I need your opinions.

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*Grunt said:
Just out've curiosity, I know reserves is tuesdays, and 2 weeks a month but is there any way to do more then that? Sorry in advance if this seems like a stupid question or if this has been asked before which i'm sure it has but i've not found the answer to. ::)

Reserves isn't necessarily on tuesdays, it all depends on the night your unit parades. For example, my unit parades on mondays. It's also 2 week-ends a month, not weeks. It is possible to do more then that, especially after you're trained, there's always Class B contracts (full-time job for a certain period of time, I've heard of them being up to year but don't quote me) or you can sometimes come in during the day for some extra cash and do whatever needs doing (I've heard cleaning weapons is always a popular activity  ;D). But if you're looking for more of a permanent full-time deal, regs is the way to go.
  You know I have been in the army for a while and I must point out a couple of things that coincide with some the previous comments on your dilemma.  One, being as you are 21 you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by joining the reg force, don't get me wrong the reserves have there own version of benefits, most of which will actually increase with the start of '05.  For example reservists will be able to collect pensions sometime in the near future, plse don't ask details however it is coming.
  Two, if you are going in then go in all the way.  If you do an initial 3 yr stint and if this isn't for you then get out.  No sweat really your 25 or 26 with lots of time to get back into the PS if you wish and your resume will be that much more comprehensive.  I know many pers who have retired early and picked up for other work based on trg and experience gained in military service.  Employers do see it as a bonus!
  Three, a question.  52K a year starting out?  The military has better pay today then it did in 1960 but that sounds high to start, even with spec pay.  Make sure to chk that out.
Gunnar said:
Dude, if I had to decide between the army and the uncivil service, I'd go Army.   Because the CS will use you as you are to do mundane, boring work that is all about office politics.   The army will take you out of yourself, test you to your limits, and make you a better, action-oriented person.

I sound like a recruiting poster.   ;-)

Dude, you do sound like a recuiting poster!

You should join the reserves . . . we had a grey haired fifty year old guy join my regiment a couple of years ago. People talked, and then they talked a h*ll of alot more when he competed in Mountain Man and did quite well!  Not saying you have to be a Mountain Man but you are certainly not too old at 36 to join the reserves!
Thanks for all the input, it's really appreciated!!

As for the $52K, I can't for the life of me remember where I got that, but it's actually like $48K.