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I need real help

Nice back-track FJ ...

When I first got the e-mail of your post at work today, I WAS going to track down your file and ensure that your MCC knew how you really felt about the service you were getting ...

Now that you've calmed down and written your mea culpa, I'll forget about it.

I KNOW the process can be frustrating.

I KNOW the process can be slow and confusing, BUT:

You must remain patient and always remember, we WANT to help you ... until we DON'T want to help you. We can't always control all the factors surrounding files. When we say we're not sure what's happening, it not because we don't care, it's because we're honest. And just because we don't know, doesn't mean we're not trying to find out.

I am POSITIVE your MCC didn't leave your file unsupervised. You probably just ran out of time in the process. Trades have been closing at a record rate this year (I had one guy who took an App in the morning, with the assurance that there were more than 30 positions still open, only to return that SAME day to find out they'd all been filled over the lunch-hour when the ProdO did his update)

The good news is, traditionally, Stewart isn't a trade that's in high demand (at least in MY experience in the last few years) ... the problem you ran into is that quite a few people 'settled' for Stewart when they found out RMS and Supply were closed and they didn't qualify for more technical trades. I see no reason that Stewart shouldn't be open in the spring (no promises, just a gut feeling)

Good luck, keep your temper in check, and remember that ANY online activity can be tracked and have affects on your career.

forgetjohnson said:
Got it, thanks guys
I will, and always knew I would, be patient. I vented. *Gosh* No big deal.
Easy guys...
Thanks for the good input and wish me luck.
I'm not usually like this but my career in the Navy means more to me than anything in world (Just like everyone else in the CF). Thought I could find some decent info and some decent people. Thanks to the people who didn't judge me. To the others, Find something better to do than to insult people online. I understand Im not the first to vent and rant online but still... easy... gosh... I (As others may) just got attacked! Not fun...
Take care guys
Any other advice, or words of wisdom, would be great ... keep posting...

Listen to Otis, good post's and great info, and you must read his post on" Tip's on contacting your Recruiter" I don't know how to post the link to it but it is in the Recruiting section. I read it and applied his advice and wow thing's started happening.

Excellent info in there, I was a little frustrated myself, but until I spent countless hours reading around these posts I figured there is no sense getting all worked up for nothing, it will just piss people off!!! and you don't want to piss people off who have your file in hand.

So be positive, patient and read lot's of posts! you might find your not the only person waiting.
Otis said:
The good news is, traditionally, Stewart Steward isn't a trade that's in high demand (at least in MY experience in the last few years) ... the problem you ran into is that quite a few people 'settled' for Stewart Steward when they found out RMS and Supply were closed and they didn't qualify for more technical trades. I see no reason that Stewart Steward shouldn't be open in the spring (no promises, just a gut feeling)


Only corrected as my former surname used to get misspelled all the time - the other way around.  >:(
Your so right! I just had a little freak out. I've come to a conclusion (Which I should have done a long time ago) that I will wait. My MCC tried to asked me if I would want a different trade that has positions open currently and I refused. I've been in that position last time I was in, why would I make that mistake again? Not happening therefor I notified him that I will wait. As long as it possibly takes to get that position. I'm confident in knowing that it is for me and I would be prefectly suited for the job (as Im sure many other people out there may feel the same way, Im aware of that ) And I will wait. However long it takes... Theres just that voice in the back of my head saying GOSH THIS SUCKS! but Its clear to me that I'd rather wait and get the position I WANT rather than suffer and hate another job that someone may be missing out on like me!
It didnt take me long to figure this out. I just had a freak'n spazz attack. I appreciate all the good advice and I hope to keep in touch and keep you guys posted on what happends. May be awhile guys but hopefully you'll all still be here haha!
Again, thanks everyone and feel free to msg me anytime or keep posted on this and I will definitely keep in touch!
Take care!
my BMQ starts September 13 at CFB Borden.  Im going for Steward and that was my one and only trade choice.  My CFAT score revealed some very interesting options, but they weren't for me.  I very much want to be a steward.  I also have heard the "last resort" type of thing with stewards, but there's at least one person out there who doesn't fit that description (me) LOL.

Anyway, if it helps, I was offered employment around the very first of May.  When they called me up after that "freeze until April" in late March or so, to schedule medical/interview, the recruiter said the available steward positions were in the 15-18 range (something in there, I forget exactly) and he wanted to get things underway quickly to ensure I could get a spot.

Well best of luck man, I hope things work out and maybe in the future our paths will cross!