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I hate Parade boots

between oxford and ankle boots...

To my opinion, boots are easier to polish.

My pick is ankle boots, I hate polishing them...By CO used to be furious when I came in with my boots...her speech was always the same...

"An officer don't wear the boots...they were the oxford...you have to respect tradition."

Always same answer from me...IF MY CADETS wear the boots, sir, I have to lead by example. I always got away with it. its kind of a ruining gag.

Vernon...what a nightmare...but...I do remember Borden cadet camp..was also horrible..come to thing of it...the only cadet camp I visited...or worked..that was not horrible...was Valcartier cadet camp.

I remember when I did JOLC in Borden in early June..all the pollen in the air was turning my black boot into some ugly green one...god that was fun.

mysteriousmind said:
My pick is ankle boots, I hate polishing them...By CO used to be furious when I came in with my boots...her speech was always the same...

"An officer don't wear the boots...they were the oxford...you have to respect tradition."

I would get the same speech. My boss actually thought that parade books were not permitted to be worn by officers. Until I showed him the dress regs, where it doesn't specifically forbid officers from wearing them. Then I got the tradition speech. I came around quickly though, as I do find the oxfords easier to polish.  :D My parade boots were just more comfy, and had a nicer shine after four years at RMC. But it didn't take long at all to bring my oxfords to the same standard.
I don't wear my oxford or my boots often as us CIC are usually wearing cadpat on training nights and civvies on other occasion...

and I had my oxford since 1998 so I could consider to have my oxford change to start with a new pair.

as for my boots...they will take them back over my dead body. :)

any way, I wont be wearing oxford as often from now on so..ill see...

hurray for the boots!!!!
Just for the record, my boots rock!!  ;D

Husbands are good for something after all.
I LOVE my parade boots. I dont mind oxfords, but I dont know, I think parade boots are that much more, bling! No, I can polish, and you CAN shave in both my oxfords and ankle boots  ;D
I'm looking for a pair of decently kept used, ankle boots. size 10 .

If anyone has an extra pair hanging around, contact me, we can haggle over a price.

Need em for my Trek uniform, sick of blousing my pants over the crappy combat boots I have.

BernDawg said:
It's all about TEAMWORK eh Vern?  ;D
:D Yeah, he gets fed and she looks good on parade. 
But them again, ArmyVern IS Army! 
I still get embarassed and a tinge of pride everytime some AF NCO compliments me on my boots.  I once told my DS in Kinsgton, that, coming from my trade, I can't-not look like a bag of poop.  It's not in me.
For the up and coming heres a tip from and old RCR for spit and polish keep the Sgt major happy parade boots. Place the shoe polish in the freezer overnight, get your self some ice cubes a sports sock, each layer of polish you apply run the ice cub sock over it to keep it cold. The secret is to keep the polish cold because once it warms up it softens and gives you a dull shine.

A tip. Stay away from generic show polish, find a good shoe store and buy some good quality KIWI show polish and a good shine rag, softer the better. Wash the shine rage before using it it will soften up the material even more.
When living in single quarters, P109 in Petawawa, we used to put our freshly spit shone boots outside on the window sill in the cold months. This froze the polish and a bit of a buffing with a good boot rag produced an amazing shine. Some of us, who obviously didn't have much of a life, used to take our parade boots to the local shoemaker who would insert toe caps and sew a piece of higher quality leather over the front part of the boot.

The boot I am referring to was the Canadian Army issue ankle boot which was pebbled leather, without a toe cap and a devil to polish until the pebbles were worn down by buffing.
Ahh.... old sweat, you're talking of the old tank boot that we were expected to "spoon" down?
Old Sweat said:
When living in single quarters, P109 in Petawawa, we used to put our freshly spit shone boots outside on the window sill in the cold months. This froze the polish and a bit of a buffing with a good boot rag produced an amazing shine. Some of us, who obviously didn't have much of a life, used to take our parade boots to the local shoemaker who would insert toe caps and sew a piece of higher quality leather over the front part of the boot.

The boot I am referring to was the Canadian Army issue ankle boot which was pebbled leather, without a toe cap and a devil to polish until the pebbles were worn down by buffing.

You fella's are really dating yourself. I was only issued one pair of those and that was in cadets, early 70's.

Indeed, but with two and a half soles, lots of buffing, a stiff toe cap inserted by the shoemaker and smooth leather sewn over the front, it bore little resemblence to the product that came from the QM stores. And did I mentioned pressed shoe laces layered with boot polish? Ah, the joys of the old army. Screw training, screw going to the range, screw operational readiness, just look good on parade.
Had a pair of those as well... but we did not sew the smooth leather onto the toe.
We had an old iron that we really ruined getting those darned pebbles down to a manageable size.
For those who never were issued the old pebbled boots, imagine the worst case of acne you ever saw multiplied by one hundred.
Gawd but we cursed when we were 1st issued them
Thank God those day's are behind!!

I only have to semi shine my sunday best these days, what a treat, because the only people looking at them is our minister LOL!! ;D